How to make a garden pond

The pond will decorate any area, regardless of their size. Water is a jewel in itself, it always attracts the eye. Water mirror gives the landscape depth and mystery.
There are many different types of water bodies, of which you can be sure to pick up something for your site. I must say that apart from the purely aesthetic impact, pond and carries a lot of useful functions. It regulates the microclimate of the garden and the groundwater level. If the area is water, plants suffer less from frosts.

A place for the reservoir
First of all, this place should be Sunny and protected from winds. Ideally, if the pond will be lighted at least 5 – 6 hours a day. Then all will be well water and coastal plants, and besides, the beauty of these plants and water will be especially stressed with sunlight. Under the trees the pond of suit is not necessary – first, they provide shade, and secondly, the problem – in sheets. Fallen leaves polluting the pond, and some of them also contain harmful to aquatic life substance. The roots of trees is also a serious problem. Only if your pond does not have a concrete base, they can gradually destroy its walls and bottom. For the reservoir it is better to choose a free, open phase, which is clearly visible from various directions, and indeed, such beauty, like water, it is better to place in the most "formal" area of the site. If you have a slope that is a rational way to make a pond in the lowest part of it and to equip there is a luxurious relaxation area.

The shape of the reservoir
The choice of form depends on the style of the site, and the size – any, on request. Of course, the most effective looks a large pond, plus the water will always be clean because at larger sizes achieved biological equilibrium. The smallest "big" pond – 10 sq. m. But if the area is not too large, will look great pond ranging from 3 to 5 sq. m. It will need from time to time to clean, but not more than two times per season. Often needs to be cleaned only very small vadimchik – less than 2 sq. m.

The depth of the reservoir
With regard to the depth, the pond is medium in size it should be at least 50 cm, and if you want to run fish – at least 80 cm. smaller reservoirs can have a smaller depth, but not less than 30 cm In winter the water from the pond to drain. To do this, the pond should have a depth of not less than 1.2 m Then it will nepromenjena.
Methods of pond
Pond or garden pond on the plot can be done in different ways.
Pond with a concrete base – the most reliable, although also the most expensive to implement. It never leaks, well withstand any load, and if the plot is on a slope, it is the only option, as it can withstand any motion of the ground. Besides, on a concrete base is easier to arrange terraces on coastal plants, and a concrete "bowl" is much easier to give any, the most fantastic shapes.

Concrete coast is also simpler from the inside, decorate with colorful pebbles, a variety of stones. In addition, at the request of a body of water sometimes can be used as a pool. To get him, first with a rope or flexible hose to "lay out" the shape of the pond on the ground, then dig a trench the desired depth. After that it is necessary to lay waterproofing, put a layer of concrete, then lay metal reinforcing mesh, pressing her into the concrete, and again cover with a layer of concrete with a thickness of about 5 cm similarly, you can make a reservoir with a base of brick, only here, instead of the first layer of concrete masonry the outline of the future pond.

The reservoir with a film basis – a quicker option, it is also very good, if the site doesn't have any special "problem" areas, and especially if the area of the reservoir is not large. Just don't try to use ordinary polyethylene film – it will start to flow next year. Get a special film for the pond, before calculating the right size. This is done as follows: the size of each of the sides of a rectangular piece of film is equal to the sum of the length of the reservoir on this side, double the water depth, and 60 cm for allowances on the edges of the pond. This formula for the reservoir elongated shape, both geometry and free. If the pond free form, its length and width respectively will be the maximum distance between the opposite points of the pond, conventionally, it need to be like to fit into the rectangle. For example, you have a pond 2 x 3 m and a depth of 1 m Means that one side of the piece of film will be: 2 + 2 x 1 + 0,6 = 4.6 m. the Second side: 3 + 2 x 1 + 0.6 = 5.6 m. In the end, you need a piece of film 4.6 x 5.6 m. If your pond is round, you will need a square piece of the film whose side is equal to the sum of the diameter of the reservoir, two depths of the reservoir, and 60 refer to "allowances".

Device technology film of the pond is simple. In the excavated pit walls and bottom covered with a layer of moist sand (approximately 3 cm) and then placed directly film. First, it fix very conditional – press individual stones. After that, the pond begins to fill with water from a hose, and the film itself will begin to fall, take the desired shape. When the whole pond is filled with water, then the edges of the film will lay pleats and trim, leaving about 20 cm of length. This remaining film will have to pin it to the ground with metal pins (can be bent by a strong wire) and then covered with soil and decorate beautiful stones. Better all the same stone edging of your pond to seal the cement mortar is the most reliable option. At the bottom of the resulting pond is filled with a layer of soil for planting, you can put pretty stones, driftwood.

The pond on the basis of the finished shape
Very easy to make a pond, if you have purchased ready stamped form. It is simply need to dig in the ground at the proper depth. The only thing that is a must – need to make sure that form stood up straight, so you will need a level. To strengthen forms in the pit on the edges of the poured sand. The edges of the pond make out exactly the same as in the case of using the film.
The pond will decorate any area, regardless of their size. Water is a jewel in itself, it always attracts the eye. Water mirror gives the landscape depth and mystery.

Design of pond plants
The main role in decoration of the reservoirs belongs, of course, plants. Best look water the plants "natural" look. No need to plant any exotic or difficult to care for plants. Of course, a preference for perennials and shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Beautiful, especially if the pond combined with an Alpine slide, look the planting of conifers. The pond can grow willow, but especially trees, as already mentioned, do not get carried away. You can plant a couple of bushes weigela, mock orange, elderberry.

On the shore it is best to plant hosts, Badal, astilba, daylilies, irises, sedges, Volzhanka, meadowsweet, rhubarb, betulinic swamp, ferns, anemone, lilies of the valley. Will look very well, mountaineer snake, Valerian, peppermint, globe-flower and cowslip, forget-me-nots. If the pond provides terraces on coastal plants, and there, at the depth of 20 cm, it would be good to plant cattail, Susak umbrella, sweet flag, arrowhead – all the native plants of our band, completely unpretentious, giving your water a really natural look. For ponds are also used by plants growing at depth, and floating on the surface of the water.
At a depth of 1 – 1.2 m grow water lilies (nymph), they are usually planted in baskets that are then lowered to the bottom of the pond. They actually are different, so when buying look carefully the recommendations for the required depth – usually they point to the container with the Nymphaeum. On the surface can swim duckweed, vodokras, telorez, however, duckweed is a malicious weed, its better not to use it. A lot of aquatic plants to plant is not necessary, in all important middle ground, and the focus to do better on the coast.

Remember that beautiful only clean the pond, so we'd better watch him. The most simple scheme care: clean the surface of the water as needed using the net, as well as 2-3 times per season lower pond (or use this water for irrigation), clean it and fill with fresh water. Good self-cleaning occurs during a strong storm rains, so if it is the weather, regular cleaning can be omitted.

Very nice look at a pond bridges, gazebos, recreation area, so it is possible combine it all. But in any case the pond needs to be at least a small place to sit down (in the style of your garden). And of course, here is the place for the most enchanting experiment with lighting.
Source: domashniy.ru/