Transplanting tomatoes— 8 useful videos
Come may, and summer residents actively planted vegetable crops. Today we talk about tomatoes.
On our website published two excellent articles: how to determine the timing for planting seedlings and how to plant seedlings in open ground.
And in this review there is an interesting video about how to plant the seedlings in the field and greenhouse, what fertilizer to use when planting tomatoes as hardened seedlings.
1. Let's start with hardening seedlings About how useful hardening of seedlings, and how to spend it, I will tell this short video:
2. Planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse in the first video describes in detail how to prepare the tomato seedlings and planted it in the greenhouse, so you do not think about watering all summer
The program "Good advice" — Sergey Rumyantsev, head of the organic farming club talks about the landing of tall varieties of tomatoes in a greenhouse, about their garter and mulching.
And in this story presents another version of the landing of the tall tomatoes in the greenhouse – in the sulcus.
If your seedling has grown and is strongly stretched, it can be useful to watch the following video on how to plant in the greenhouse such plants:
3. Planting tomatoes in the open ground a fragment of the program "Successful season" Sergei Platinovym. From this video you will learn about the features of planting tomatoes in the open ground; about when to apply fertilizers; proper crop rotation of vegetable crops and processing tomatoes when late blight
And in this small report, the cottager, author of the blog talks about his experience and proven methods of transplanting in the open ground
About planting overgrown seedlings in open ground will tell you the following video:
Source: www.7dach.ru

On our website published two excellent articles: how to determine the timing for planting seedlings and how to plant seedlings in open ground.
And in this review there is an interesting video about how to plant the seedlings in the field and greenhouse, what fertilizer to use when planting tomatoes as hardened seedlings.
1. Let's start with hardening seedlings About how useful hardening of seedlings, and how to spend it, I will tell this short video:
2. Planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse in the first video describes in detail how to prepare the tomato seedlings and planted it in the greenhouse, so you do not think about watering all summer
The program "Good advice" — Sergey Rumyantsev, head of the organic farming club talks about the landing of tall varieties of tomatoes in a greenhouse, about their garter and mulching.
And in this story presents another version of the landing of the tall tomatoes in the greenhouse – in the sulcus.
If your seedling has grown and is strongly stretched, it can be useful to watch the following video on how to plant in the greenhouse such plants:
3. Planting tomatoes in the open ground a fragment of the program "Successful season" Sergei Platinovym. From this video you will learn about the features of planting tomatoes in the open ground; about when to apply fertilizers; proper crop rotation of vegetable crops and processing tomatoes when late blight
And in this small report, the cottager, author of the blog talks about his experience and proven methods of transplanting in the open ground
About planting overgrown seedlings in open ground will tell you the following video:
Source: www.7dach.ru