So that the bushes of tomatoes grow healthy, in each hole I rash one spoonful of powder.
“Planting tomatoes in holes is a delicate matter. If you know the main secret, the tomatoes will flood the harvest! says my neighbor and squints. “In order for the tomato bushes to grow healthy, I pour one spoonful of this powder into each hole. The result exceeds all expectations!
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what to throw in the hole. tomato planting for a generous harvest. Tomatoes don't tolerate mistakes!
Planting tomatoes in holes “Do you like sweet tomatoes?” I'm very! And they're at home instead of candy. Since my early childhood with my grandparents, I have spent a lot of time in beds. And, of course, on tomatoes probably most of all - tomatoes were our pride, as they say, to the envy of our neighbors.
I got them right now! And in growing technology, I haven't changed anything since I was a kid. Tomatoes are tasty, there are a lot of them and most importantly - they are environmentally friendly! - the neighbor Nikolai Petrovich began to share his wisdom with me.
To get impressive cropIt is necessary to provide them with proper feeding. And it is better to start from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. At the first stage of planting, tomatoes simply need phosphorus.
It is this element that affects the growth and development of bushes, accelerates the ripening of fruits and the formation of ovaries, and also feeds the root system.
Fertilizers phosphorous You can immediately lay out in the holes when planting tomato bushes. With the help of such feeding, seedlings will grow strong and healthy, besides, phosphorus will have a positive effect later on the fruits of tomatoes themselves - they will appear on the bush a lot, sugary and large.
By the way, overfeeding such tomatoes will not work. Plants will take as much as they need. Many take as phosphorus feeding purchased fertilizers, I advise to put in the holes any fish or fishmeal.
“In each hole, one spoonful of such feeding is enough!” the neighbor told me.
Also in a tucked hole with earth and humus, the neighbor advised to add pinchAnd then plant the tomatoes. “I am still watering with a light solution of potassium permanganate, this is the end of the landing.
In the process of growing, I loosen and once every 2 or even 3 weeks feed diluted mullet at the rate of one liter per 10 liters of water. Of course, I know how to apply modern methods, but I want that nostalgia of childhood, which remained in my memory together with my skilful gardeners, my grandmother and grandfather!
I also suggest you find out why it is useful to squeeze tomatoes and plant neighbors below them. This year I will be using the same technology again!
I wish every gardener crop delicious tomatoes! And what do you feed plants when planting tomatoes in holes?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what to throw in the hole. tomato planting for a generous harvest. Tomatoes don't tolerate mistakes!

Planting tomatoes in holes “Do you like sweet tomatoes?” I'm very! And they're at home instead of candy. Since my early childhood with my grandparents, I have spent a lot of time in beds. And, of course, on tomatoes probably most of all - tomatoes were our pride, as they say, to the envy of our neighbors.
I got them right now! And in growing technology, I haven't changed anything since I was a kid. Tomatoes are tasty, there are a lot of them and most importantly - they are environmentally friendly! - the neighbor Nikolai Petrovich began to share his wisdom with me.

To get impressive cropIt is necessary to provide them with proper feeding. And it is better to start from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. At the first stage of planting, tomatoes simply need phosphorus.
It is this element that affects the growth and development of bushes, accelerates the ripening of fruits and the formation of ovaries, and also feeds the root system.

Fertilizers phosphorous You can immediately lay out in the holes when planting tomato bushes. With the help of such feeding, seedlings will grow strong and healthy, besides, phosphorus will have a positive effect later on the fruits of tomatoes themselves - they will appear on the bush a lot, sugary and large.

By the way, overfeeding such tomatoes will not work. Plants will take as much as they need. Many take as phosphorus feeding purchased fertilizers, I advise to put in the holes any fish or fishmeal.
“In each hole, one spoonful of such feeding is enough!” the neighbor told me.

Also in a tucked hole with earth and humus, the neighbor advised to add pinchAnd then plant the tomatoes. “I am still watering with a light solution of potassium permanganate, this is the end of the landing.
In the process of growing, I loosen and once every 2 or even 3 weeks feed diluted mullet at the rate of one liter per 10 liters of water. Of course, I know how to apply modern methods, but I want that nostalgia of childhood, which remained in my memory together with my skilful gardeners, my grandmother and grandfather!

I also suggest you find out why it is useful to squeeze tomatoes and plant neighbors below them. This year I will be using the same technology again!

I wish every gardener crop delicious tomatoes! And what do you feed plants when planting tomatoes in holes?
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