Coffee lovers constantly make these 4 mistakes without even knowing the consequences

Coffee is not just an invigorating drink, but a whole ritual, without which many do not imagine their morning. There are many varieties and methods of preparation, as well as a huge amount of conflicting information regarding the effect of coffee on our body. Some say it is useful, others say it is harmful. In fact, moderation plays a key role. In this article, we're going to say, How much coffee can you drink per day How to make a drink properly.

Recently, scientists agree that coffee still has a positive effect on our health. But only under one condition - reasonable, moderate use. But an excess of caffeine can harm the body.

If you want to avoid negative consequences, you should not drink more than four cups (400 ml) of coffee a day. In this case, of course, it is worth considering the strength of the drink. For example, 400 ml of Americano contains much more caffeine than the same amount of latte.

First of all.Excessive interest in invigorating elixir sleepy. Often you hear the phrase: “I can drink strong coffee at night and fall asleep without problems.” Yes, but sleep quality suffers. After all, no matter what – caffeine is a strong stimulant. Some are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine and others are less. But a late cup of coffee can cause you to wake up with a headache in the morning.

Second,Large doses of caffeine are heart-stresswhich can lead to disorders in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Be careful of those who are prone to high pressure.

Lovers of the first thing in the morning to recharge a coffee should also be careful. Scented drink Increases blood sugar levelsIt can also exacerbate problems with the digestive system. Drinking coffee right after a meal is not a good idea. The fact is that coffee can interfere with the digestive process and lead to intestinal imbalance. The best time for your favorite drink. one hour after breakfast.

By the way, psychologist Michael Breus, a sleep specialist, believes that coffee is better to drink. 90 minutes after waking up. The thing is, when we first woke up, in the body rises the level of cortisol - stress hormone. It helps us get out of the state of sleep, prepares us for active wakefulness. If you drink coffee immediately after waking up, you will not feel a special surge of strength - cortisol has already taken on this function. So what happens? After an hour and a half, you will reach for a second dose of coffee to still get the desired effect.

What is wrong with unfiltered coffee If during the preparation of the drink, the coffee grounds remain in hot water for too long, substances that are released Increase the level of bad cholesterol. To get only benefits, it is better to switch to filter coffee. The drink is called something else. "purover" or "drip". It turns out not so acidic and emphasizes the delicate taste of coffee.

In the case of filter coffee, water passes through ground coffee beans without pressure, but only under the influence of gravity. The process of brewing takes a little more time, but the result is worth it. Unlike espresso, a quality coffee filter pure and balanced in taste. The fact is that in more water dissolved coffee oils and particles for the required time for this process. External pressure is not applied. Therefore, filter coffee has a milder taste, and its acidity is much lower than that of espresso.

Instant Coffee: Drink or Not Drink? Dissoluble coffee is usually preferred by those who do not have the desire and time to brew natural coffee. However, the soluble product may contain chlorogenic acid, which negatively affects the work of the heart. It also contains more caffeine than grains. Therefore, frequent consumption of instant coffee is more likely to cause dependence. It is better not to spare time and money and buy good coffee beans to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from the drink.

We also recommend reading a useful article on how to store coffee correctly, so that it does not lose its flavor and aromatic qualities and brings only benefits.

Do you like coffee? Which cooking method do you prefer and how many cups a day do you usually drink? Tell me in the comments!


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