To tighten the abdomen, she spent the entire 15 minutes of their time in the day! But the result ...
Through static training of the body muscles, you can quickly get in shape! We offer you a light exercise, which almost do not need additional shells.
It takes only 15 minutes of time and desire! I do not like to train in the hall, I always feel awkward, being engaged in the company of strangers. House to perform everything a lot easier!
In order to encourage the continuation of regular exercise, reward yourself after each workout. Fruit smoothies, a pleasant trip to the store for the coveted purchase, a relaxing bath with foam ... It sounds strange, but you have to accustom himself not to take time off from work on own body!
Training body muscles Planck
Freeze in this position with a flat back for 60 seconds. Exercising, always follow the breath! Breathe calmly, deeply, try not to shoot down the rhythm of breath, even at high loads.
side bar
During the exercise, making sure that the elbow was well under shoulder, and scapula were reduced. Freeze in this position for 60 seconds on each side.
Raise the body with the supine position so that the right angle formed between the back and the floor. Hold this position for 60 seconds, to increase the load can slightly lift the legs up.
Planck at your fingertips
In carrying out this exercise, making sure that the back was perfectly flat. Hold on the tips of the fingers and toes for 30-60 seconds.
Static training on a horizontal bar
To perform this exercise you will need a remarkable horizontal bar! Bend your legs at a right angle and hold in this position for as long as you can.
Vertical push-ups
It is back to the wall at a distance of about 1 m. Put Your hands on the floor and kicking the wall. Climb up the wall until such time as the angle between the reaches 60 degrees the body and legs. Now you can begin to do push-ups! First, it would be difficult, but with time you okrepnesh and will perform this exercise with ease.
Squat on one leg
Sit down on one leg, the maximum possible amount of time, perform the exercise for both legs. If it is difficult, you can squat with support.
Squat with jump
Sit down in a lunge, then switch legs in the jump. Jump smoothly on bent knees, so you will avoid injuries.
Deep squats
Perform deep squats, as you pass under the somewhat low. Do 15 repetitions.
I know of no more effective muscle training than this! She is working all the muscles, strengthening the muscular corset. You will admire her figure after weeks of effective training! Show sovim close these exercises, it is an ideal system for practicing at home!
It takes only 15 minutes of time and desire! I do not like to train in the hall, I always feel awkward, being engaged in the company of strangers. House to perform everything a lot easier!
In order to encourage the continuation of regular exercise, reward yourself after each workout. Fruit smoothies, a pleasant trip to the store for the coveted purchase, a relaxing bath with foam ... It sounds strange, but you have to accustom himself not to take time off from work on own body!
Training body muscles Planck
Freeze in this position with a flat back for 60 seconds. Exercising, always follow the breath! Breathe calmly, deeply, try not to shoot down the rhythm of breath, even at high loads.

side bar
During the exercise, making sure that the elbow was well under shoulder, and scapula were reduced. Freeze in this position for 60 seconds on each side.

Raise the body with the supine position so that the right angle formed between the back and the floor. Hold this position for 60 seconds, to increase the load can slightly lift the legs up.

Planck at your fingertips
In carrying out this exercise, making sure that the back was perfectly flat. Hold on the tips of the fingers and toes for 30-60 seconds.

Static training on a horizontal bar
To perform this exercise you will need a remarkable horizontal bar! Bend your legs at a right angle and hold in this position for as long as you can.

Vertical push-ups
It is back to the wall at a distance of about 1 m. Put Your hands on the floor and kicking the wall. Climb up the wall until such time as the angle between the reaches 60 degrees the body and legs. Now you can begin to do push-ups! First, it would be difficult, but with time you okrepnesh and will perform this exercise with ease.

Squat on one leg
Sit down on one leg, the maximum possible amount of time, perform the exercise for both legs. If it is difficult, you can squat with support.

Squat with jump
Sit down in a lunge, then switch legs in the jump. Jump smoothly on bent knees, so you will avoid injuries.

Deep squats
Perform deep squats, as you pass under the somewhat low. Do 15 repetitions.

I know of no more effective muscle training than this! She is working all the muscles, strengthening the muscular corset. You will admire her figure after weeks of effective training! Show sovim close these exercises, it is an ideal system for practicing at home!
These 3 doses return the lost breast shape: in the complex even more effective!
If you catch it on a chicken egg, in any case, do not eat it!