The couple bought an old wardrobe at a flea market. What they did to him, incredibly cool!
The young couple bought this cabinet at a flea market. Old, worn, smelly inside, he was absolutely no use to anyone ... It turned out that the purchase of penny - excellent material for creative
Icky cabinet excited the imagination of young people, and that's what came out of it! When the door opened a little cupboard, I held my breath ...
Remaking cabinet

Icky cabinet excited the imagination of young people, and that's what came out of it! When the door opened a little cupboard, I held my breath ...
Remaking cabinet
- The guys painted wardrobe and made decorative door with windows. Some people amaze me with their ingenuity, do not cease to admire it!
That looks like a converted cupboard closed. Like a visitor from the XIX century! Small windows and beckon in the tiny fairy-tale world ...
Mystery of the old cabinet revived peace: even illumination is provided here!
Consider this miracle is endless ... A lot of small details, graceful figures, unusual items!
Toy chef prepares food in the kitchen! Any child will be thrilled with such an entertaining thing. How many games you can think of!
Christmas Corner attracts the eye ... It is left to chance!
Young people decided to convert closet for a reason: so they went back to my childhood! After a few years of their baby will grow up and will admire the imagination of parents. Each of us sometimes wants to feel like a kid, revel in memories of childhood dream. Creating a magical world in the usual cabinet - the best therapy
Now I know what to do with an old bedside table! How I was inspired by this idea ... I do not have to wait more than a gift - it is necessary to create a miracle with their own hands! If you close it, show friends our article.
Replace breakfast this drink and forget about the fat on the abdomen. Term - a week to check the result!
She rubs the belly balm "asterisk" ... The reason you exactly surprise!