How to convert an old wardrobe into a vintage interior element

Old ones. Soviet walls It is a constant companion of many apartments. Often they get us from grandmothers or mothers, and it happens that they just remain from the former owner of the apartment.

To throw such a thing is very pathetic, although it does not fit in at all. style and interior. Many of these cabinets are very high quality, but their appearance leaves much to be desired.

Today we'll share with you. restoration Such rare furniture. Why throw away a good thing and spend money on a new closet when you can redo the old one?

Tips for Restoring Old Furniture
  1. Furniture
    The furniture should be functional. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to doorways. Repair poorly closed doors and buy a new beautiful accessories for handles.

    Broken holes can be restored with the help of putty or dowels. You have no idea how transformative they can be. old Soviet walls Even from such small updates!

  2. Cleaning.
    Before you start painting, you need to thoroughly clean the old furniture. This is especially true if the cabinet was not in the apartment before, but, for example, basement.

    For cleaning, you can use a regular sponge, soap and warm water. For hard-to-reach places, use toothbrush.

  3. Surface restoration
    Crumpled pieces of Soviet furniture must be put in order. Polish the surface. Use sandpaper and fix the cracks with putty.

    Don't forget to ground the surface before applying the putty. With this trick, the paint will be applied. flatter. After drying the putty, grind the furniture again.

  4. Decorating
    Decorative decoration of furniture is space for your imagination. You can paint, paint, varnish restored furniture or decouple.

    It all depends on your imagination! Below we will give the most interesting examples. restoration. Be inspired!

Ideas for decorating old furniture
  1. decoupage
    Decoupage is one of the most unusual ways of decor, which has become extremely popular in the last few years. With this technique, you can easily turn an inconspicuous nightstand into a real one. designer.

    It looks particularly good. paper-cutting on a light background.

  2. Lacquer
    This is the way you can. revive furniture that was made of expensive and high-quality wood. You should not paint such a beautiful surface. It will be much more effective to varnish it and admire wooden patterns.

    But fans of vintage style will definitely appreciate the decoration of old furniture drakelet. This varnish creates beautiful cracks that give the furniture originality and style.

  3. Painting.
    This is the easiest and most popular way to restore old furniture. We advise you to paint only furniture that is made of cheap wood, such as pine. If you paint. oak furnitureThis will reduce its value forever.

    It is recommended to use black oil paint or pastel. Furniture painted in such colors will perfectly fit into any interior.

The wall of Soviet times It can serve you for many more years after proper restoration and care.

You can find even more ideas for decoupling in our article. Decorating furniture in this way, you can give your house Venetian chic or find use for old newspaper clippings and beautiful napkins.

Furniture made of natural wood is not just a convenient and environmentally friendly tool for storing things. It has good energy and fits into any interior.

Your home should be the most comfortable place on earth. It should look like you always want to go back. We will give you some tips on how to make your home more comfortable.


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