Do not rush to throw out the old Soviet furniture! Who would have thought that will masterpiece ...
If you have old Soviet furniture, you possess a real treasure! It can be changed beyond recognition, using imagination and the most simple materials. Just look what happened with these people with golden hands: second-hand home furnishings did not know ...
Seeing these updates, I remembered that I have an old cupboard in the garage. Be sure to reanimate him!
Remaking old furniture
Seeing these updates, I remembered that I have an old cupboard in the garage. Be sure to reanimate him!
Remaking old furniture
- The Soviet side will look very different if it repainted!
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Great idea for a wardrobe in the hall. Furniture of those times is very roomy!
Sideboard transformed into the fireplace! This idea fascinated me.
Of course, such a result she did not expect, repainting the wall! It looks perfectly, only the old glass points to the venerable age of furniture.
A simple way to make a wreck of a rack: all the little things in their places.
The second life of old furniture can be interesting previous one! It is necessary to give her another chance.
What a flight of fancy! Really stylish happened.
Conversion of Soviet furniture can be a great hobby!
The original chair that turned out this junk.
How exquisitely turned out! A bedside table and begged the trash ...
The old man did not know ... I never get tired of admire people who are able to create their own hands something amazing!
Color changes everything! I do not give up such an azure chest ...
Excellent solution - use a mirror to rework.
Convenient and very nice ottoman from the old tables!
I remember we had a folding table. What a pity that we have thrown out ...
Here is a remarkable mirror came from an old window frame. I want to show this wonderful transformation all familiar to owners of old furniture!
I hope these illustrative examples to convince you not to rush dispose of your old furniture for many years. What a fascinating and noble pursuit - to breathe new life into it
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How to effectively get rid of worms: no pills can not be compared with this tool!