The fate of the girl with the famous picture
Everyone knows this photograph. The picture is, to a large extent influenced by the ratio of Americans to the war in Indochina. The picture for which the Vietnamese photographer Nick Ut Associated Press (Hu? Nh Cong Ut) won the Pulitzer Prize and went into the history of photography. June 8, 1972 near the village of Trang Bang northwest of Saigon was a fight between the troops of the army of North Vietnam and South Vietnamese. Several civilians fleeing from the North Vietnamese, left the village and headed for the positions of government troops. South Vietnamese aircraft pilot mistook the villagers of enemy soldiers and threw them some bombs with napalm. Nick Ut captured the moment when a group of children immediately after the bomb attack runs on the road. In the center - nine years, Kim Phuc, burned by napalm, contorted with pain face.
But a photograph taken by Nick minute later, not as well known.
On it everyone who was on the other side of the famous picture - Saigon TV crew and American soldiers who tried to help the girl (her then taken to an American military hospital). This picture was never shown in the Soviet press as the official version says that the children in the famous photograph fleeing Americans staged a massacre in the village. In fact, things were a bit different.
Despite claims by doctors that burns that got girl, lethal, Kim Phuc survived by transferring 17 plastic surgeries. After the war, she lived in Vietnam, then studied in Cuba, where she met her future husband. In 1992, the couple managed to get political asylum in Canada, having escaped from the plane during a stopover on the island. Newfoundland.
Now Kim Phuc with his family lives in Ajax Ontario. In 1997 she was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations.
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