active longevity Secret: Vibrogimnastika academician Mikulina
Alexander Mikulin famous as aircraft, the creator of piston, turboprop and turbojet engines for aircraft. When academician there were problems with health, he put his ardor inventor in the development of original techniques, which allowed him to get rid of the disease and live a long life bright.
Exercise affects not only the large veins of the legs, but also on the capillaries, where, basically, formed and blockage. And just something and need - to knock heels
. So, in a standing position, lifting the heel off the floor by 2-3 cm and lower them dramatically. So you drive off the blood up the veins, NZ give it to stagnate. If Do this exercise several times (30 sharp subsidence to 5 times a day), to complain about the legs you do not have the disease.
In his book, "Active Aging" Mikulin writes:
"Complex morning exercise without reason called charging. Indeed, this charge cheerfulness, freshness, activity for the whole day ahead.
Even people trained, physically strong, engaged in intense mental work, after a few hours of beginning to feel the heaviness in the head. The brain gets tired.
I suggest a simple exercise that can perform even the people who are prohibited jogging and brisk walking.
If you go up on your toes so that the heels off the floor by only one centimeter (see Fig.), And slumped to the floor, then test the impact of concussion. At the same time there will be the same as when running and walking: with the valves in the veins of blood will receive an additional impetus for upward movement
. Such body tremors should be done slowly, not more than once per second. After thirty exercises (concussions) need to take a break from 5-10 seconds. In no case do not try to lift the heels centimeters above the floor. Exercise of this will not be effective and will only cause unnecessary fatigue of the feet.
Too frequent tremors, too useless. In mezhklapannyh spaces, veins do not have time to accumulate a sufficient portion of the blood, and it does not engulf the next wave of "floor" vein. Venous blood rushes to the heart. If it poured just before the half, the cork would not knock. Hydrodynamic impact will be too weak.
Each exercise should be done no more than sixty shocks. Follow them tightly, but not so dramatically that they are painfully echoed in my head. Concussions should be the same as what nature has provided while running. Therefore, no risk for the spine and discs vibrogimnastika is not. My experience training vibrogimnastikoy decades confirms this.
During the day, I recommend to repeat the exercise 3-5 times in one minute. I think that vibrogimnastikoy useful to deal with people standing and sedentary work.
Heaviness in the head, emerging from a rush of blood as a result of a long and intense mental work goes after vibrogimnastiki. This is because the inertial forces vigorously promote venous blood from the head to the heart.
Fatigue takes place after vibrogimnastikoy minute lesson during the ascent up the mountain. These minute exercises I recommend to do every 150- 200 m ascent. Especially effectively relieve fatigue such exercises during long trips on foot.
Vibrogimnastiku, in my opinion, can be safely attributed to the types of therapeutic exercises. Above we explained how and why the toxins are removed when doing vibrogimnastikoy. If you always do these exercises, the venous valves no longer "quiet backwaters».
Shaking of the body, stimulating a more vigorous blood pulsing in the veins, eliminating the accumulation of toxins and blood clots near the venous valves. Consequently, the shaking of the body - it is an effective aid in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of internal organs, a means for preventing thrombosis and even heart attack (mikrotromboflebita veins of the heart muscle)
. Concluding the story of vibrogimnastike and its impact on the human body, I want to give another kind of advice: first, doing vibrogimnastikoy, squeeze tighter jaw; Secondly, try to do the exercises in the middle of the room. It is better to perform them in the doorway, where the floor is more rigid so as not to cause complaints of neighbors living below you. "
Exercise affects not only the large veins of the legs, but also on the capillaries, where, basically, formed and blockage. And just something and need - to knock heels
. So, in a standing position, lifting the heel off the floor by 2-3 cm and lower them dramatically. So you drive off the blood up the veins, NZ give it to stagnate. If Do this exercise several times (30 sharp subsidence to 5 times a day), to complain about the legs you do not have the disease.

In his book, "Active Aging" Mikulin writes:
"Complex morning exercise without reason called charging. Indeed, this charge cheerfulness, freshness, activity for the whole day ahead.
Even people trained, physically strong, engaged in intense mental work, after a few hours of beginning to feel the heaviness in the head. The brain gets tired.
I suggest a simple exercise that can perform even the people who are prohibited jogging and brisk walking.

If you go up on your toes so that the heels off the floor by only one centimeter (see Fig.), And slumped to the floor, then test the impact of concussion. At the same time there will be the same as when running and walking: with the valves in the veins of blood will receive an additional impetus for upward movement
. Such body tremors should be done slowly, not more than once per second. After thirty exercises (concussions) need to take a break from 5-10 seconds. In no case do not try to lift the heels centimeters above the floor. Exercise of this will not be effective and will only cause unnecessary fatigue of the feet.
Too frequent tremors, too useless. In mezhklapannyh spaces, veins do not have time to accumulate a sufficient portion of the blood, and it does not engulf the next wave of "floor" vein. Venous blood rushes to the heart. If it poured just before the half, the cork would not knock. Hydrodynamic impact will be too weak.
Each exercise should be done no more than sixty shocks. Follow them tightly, but not so dramatically that they are painfully echoed in my head. Concussions should be the same as what nature has provided while running. Therefore, no risk for the spine and discs vibrogimnastika is not. My experience training vibrogimnastikoy decades confirms this.
During the day, I recommend to repeat the exercise 3-5 times in one minute. I think that vibrogimnastikoy useful to deal with people standing and sedentary work.
Heaviness in the head, emerging from a rush of blood as a result of a long and intense mental work goes after vibrogimnastiki. This is because the inertial forces vigorously promote venous blood from the head to the heart.
Fatigue takes place after vibrogimnastikoy minute lesson during the ascent up the mountain. These minute exercises I recommend to do every 150- 200 m ascent. Especially effectively relieve fatigue such exercises during long trips on foot.
Vibrogimnastiku, in my opinion, can be safely attributed to the types of therapeutic exercises. Above we explained how and why the toxins are removed when doing vibrogimnastikoy. If you always do these exercises, the venous valves no longer "quiet backwaters».
Shaking of the body, stimulating a more vigorous blood pulsing in the veins, eliminating the accumulation of toxins and blood clots near the venous valves. Consequently, the shaking of the body - it is an effective aid in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of internal organs, a means for preventing thrombosis and even heart attack (mikrotromboflebita veins of the heart muscle)
. Concluding the story of vibrogimnastike and its impact on the human body, I want to give another kind of advice: first, doing vibrogimnastikoy, squeeze tighter jaw; Secondly, try to do the exercises in the middle of the room. It is better to perform them in the doorway, where the floor is more rigid so as not to cause complaints of neighbors living below you. "