Do you ever wake up and stir Could Not? That's what it means.
It has it such that the middle of the night you wake up with you, feeling that you just can not move? Around the dark, but you can feel the presence of someone of another ... Do you panic arises, I want to cry, but it is impossible, perhaps even you mark any auditory or visual hallucinations ...
In this article we will try to convince you that, in such cases, you are not crazy. And faced with a phenomenon called "sleep paralysis". We will talk about it more, and you will understand that this should not be afraid. Although we know that to survive is quite scary, but watching others - even worse ...
So, sleep paralysis - an amazing phenomenon of human brain activity that regularly occurs in approximately 8% of our planet. It is characterized by the fact that the person for some time, loses the ability to contract muscles. B>
This condition can last from several seconds to several minutes. At this time, the person can not move or talk, but fully aware of what happens to him ...
The most common sleep paralysis begins to emerge in adolescence. It can be both inherited and acquired. The causes of sleep paralysis may be frequent lack of sleep, stress and change of daily routine. B>
There are several ways that can help to get out of this state. For example, we must try to cough or make a fist. B>
Sleep paralysis is a consequence of the fact that your brain is awake, but the body still remains in the sleepy ...
This condition is not dangerous to human health. It may affect only a dream. B>
What will happen can sleep paralysis during any phase of sleep ...
During sleep paralysis, some people clearly hear the whisper, or choking feeling, as if someone is sitting on their chest. B>
As you can see, do not be afraid of this state. You're not crazy and did not meet with the aliens. You just need to relax better and try to avoid stressful situations. If this material is to show you an entertaining, be sure to share it with their friends and acquaintances!
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In this article we will try to convince you that, in such cases, you are not crazy. And faced with a phenomenon called "sleep paralysis". We will talk about it more, and you will understand that this should not be afraid. Although we know that to survive is quite scary, but watching others - even worse ...
So, sleep paralysis - an amazing phenomenon of human brain activity that regularly occurs in approximately 8% of our planet. It is characterized by the fact that the person for some time, loses the ability to contract muscles. B>

This condition can last from several seconds to several minutes. At this time, the person can not move or talk, but fully aware of what happens to him ...

The most common sleep paralysis begins to emerge in adolescence. It can be both inherited and acquired. The causes of sleep paralysis may be frequent lack of sleep, stress and change of daily routine. B>

There are several ways that can help to get out of this state. For example, we must try to cough or make a fist. B>

Sleep paralysis is a consequence of the fact that your brain is awake, but the body still remains in the sleepy ...

This condition is not dangerous to human health. It may affect only a dream. B>

What will happen can sleep paralysis during any phase of sleep ...

During sleep paralysis, some people clearly hear the whisper, or choking feeling, as if someone is sitting on their chest. B>

As you can see, do not be afraid of this state. You're not crazy and did not meet with the aliens. You just need to relax better and try to avoid stressful situations. If this material is to show you an entertaining, be sure to share it with their friends and acquaintances!
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