Tabata Training - a stunning effect in just four minutes a day

In sports practice it has been developed by a variety of methods of aerobic and anaerobic capacity. One of them is extremely simple and powerful, is called the Tabata protocol (Eng. Tabata Protocol) or Tabata interval training.
The main advantages of Tabata - simple exercises and little time-consuming to perform. The entire exercise, including warm-up and cool down, takes less than 15 minutes.
History Tabata protocol
Blame method belongs to a Japanese scientist and sports doctor Izumi Tabata. Together with a team of like-minded people from the Tokyo National Institute of Fitness and Sports in 1996. Dr. Tabata conducted a study to ascertain the impact of short intense interval training to burn fat and improve endurance. The results, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & amp; Exercise, demonstrated the effectiveness of such exercises.
Testing was conducted with the participation of professional athletes. Within six weeks of training as described in Tabata 28% increase in anaerobic capacity was noted and the level of the IPC (VO2max) increased by an average of 14% compared with the control group, practicing the usual hour cardio.
In addition, Tabata training proved an excellent tool for burning fat. It turned out that the standard 45-minute cardio burns more calories, but the loss of subcutaneous fat directly at those who practiced Tabata were 9 times more.
What is Tabata protocol and how to perform
Tabata - interval training for a total of four minutes. It consists of eight intensive exercise cycles, alternating a short rest. To begin training to be a thorough warm-up, to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the load at peak capacity, and then must perform 8 sets as follows:
The phase of the sprint - 20 seconds
. relaxation phase - 10 seconds
. In each of the active phase of the exercises are performed as fast as possible. rest phase lasts exactly 10 seconds, during which time you need to relax as much as possible, and then immediately proceed to the next 20-second Seto heavy load. Final Tabata workout time is 4 minutes, after which it is recommended to carry out short cool down and some stretching exercises.
a technique called Tabata-accounts are used to track progress. Be sure to record the number of repetitions in each active phase. For example 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-5 summing them get 61 - this is the number of points. Personal account is determined by the last digit: in our example 5. The growth of these indicators would indicate an increase in anaerobic capacity of an organism
. What exercises to choose for training Tabata
Tabata protocol is simple, but for maximum effect exercise must meet the following requirements:
use as many muscles of the body can be particularly large;
be technically simple;
force the muscles to work in the anaerobic mode;
The purpose exercise - the body force to recruit as many fibers in each muscle. At the same time for 20 seconds, the active phase of the first operating mechanisms of ATP energy, and by the end of the phase connected glycolytic. Burning sensation in the muscles in the sprint phase - the best indicator that you're doing it right
. Suit exercises, the maximum specter large muscles: push-ups, squats with weights, jumping from a crouch, bicycle, abdominal exercises and twisting, swing weights, pull-forward or reverse grip
. Precautions
Tabata - training of very high intensity, and therefore absolutely contraindicated in the recovery period, newcomers and people suffering from cardio-vascular diseases. If your running experience less than a year, if you can not relatively easy to overcome a distance of 5-10 km, if you have obese II and higher degrees, the Tabata Protocol will bring more harm than good. In this case it is reasonable first dial the required physical form, and after embarking on intense interval training.
Start better with simple exercises and minimum weights. A prerequisite is a preliminary warm-up. Approach to any training with no warm up your muscles - a direct path to injury or overload. After all eight sets do not just stop there - give your muscles cool down, walk 5-6 minutes at a calm pace, a few simple stretching exercises
. training frequency is determined individually depending on the overall fitness of the athlete. In the initial stages enough 1-2 times a week, and then may be increased to 3-4 times a week. To avoid overtraining follow the general condition and the dynamics Tabata account.
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