The parable about a man searching for the perfect woman

Site is divided into a parable that illustrates the fine, as the pursuit of the ideal can poison our lives. There was one person, avoid marriage all her life. And when he was on his deathbed, dying at the age of ninety years, one of the relatives asked him:
- You never married, but never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, we can answer? If there is any secret to reveal it - after you leave this world. Nothing can harm you.
The old man replied:
- Yes, I have a secret. Not that I was against the marriage, but the I was always looking for the perfect woman. All the years, all of my time adult life I spent in the search, and so flew the whole life.
- But do on our vast planet inhabited by millions of people, half of them - women, you could not find one single perfect woman
? A tear rolled down the cheek of a dying old man. He replied:
- No one, I still found
. The questioner was perplexed.
- Then what happened that prevented you from being together
? And the old man said:
- She was looking for the perfect man ...
via storyfox.ru/post/pritcha-o-muzhchine-kotoryj-iskal-idealnuyu-zhenshhinu/