Invasion catchers in the souls of men
What is hypnosis and why is it so affects our consciousness?
The Greek word hypnosis is sleep. However, hypnosis - it's not a dream, but a special intensification of cooperation right and left hemispheres of the brain, characterized by sharp focus of attention
. Trans - this particular characteristic psychophysical state, which is accompanied by hypnosis. In the test in such a state as that of a young child up to 6 years, does not work the analytical thinking, so he accepts uncritically the majority of incoming information and is easily suggestible.
Four basic instinct render a puppet: greed, ambition, curiosity, sexual instinct
. In their work they use consultants in supermarkets, which operate in the sale of emotions. Leaders of the network companies and network marketing pay each his agent from twenty to fifty percent of sales.
Naturally consultants will try to touch on all the strings of your basic instincts to turn off your rational mind and eventually you vparit expensive, and sometimes completely unnecessary and your products. Your only help in such situations, only time will always take a break at least two days before the purchase of any product or service, to dispel the hypnotic spell of agents, consultants.
It should be noted that until 1846 all surgical operations were carried out without anesthesia and anesthesia. Patients with hypnosis was introduced in the state of unconsciousness.
Hypnosis subject to any conscious beings who have vision. How does the mechanism of mass hypnosis? Let's see.
The brain is an ongoing energy revolution. Such brain rhythms as alpha and beta reflects the normal state of human waking and theta and delta rhythms - it figures sidatsii (suppression of consciousness) and anesthesia. The human brain is a bio-computer only accepts binary impulses of neurons: 1 impulse is, 0- no momentum, and all analog continuous information surrounding the real world is transformed into a matrix of binary codes in our brain.
At the same time according to neuroscientists, the human brain capabilities are very limited, it is able to simultaneously (in parallel) to solve only two problems, and only handle up to 9 words or images. Every half second our brains as memory PC resets and restarts to learn new information pulses. It was at this moment podzagruzki any professional intervention on the brain from impacts directly on human subconscious and allows installation on the immediate execution of the command.
In the 60 years of the twentieth century by the American psychotherapist Milton Erickson special system of psychological effects has been developed. Erickson hypnosis enters the person into a state of active trance without falling asleep. Man encode ordinary words, but make up one such combination that has a tremendous impact on the underlying personality structure. It is this hypnosis own gypsy street.
In the great Egyptian pyramid of Giza in 2005, scientists, archaeologists have discovered ancient writings. By giving they left the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and patron of the sciences on behalf of One (one of its ancient names Djehuty or Tehuti translated those-hand hu-spirit tee-one that confers a spirit).
They indicate that it is the word creates all things, the whole of surrounding life, and nothing exists until it is called a distinct voice. Does this mean that knowledge about hypnosis exist even in ancient civilizations.
The first mention of hypnosis was in ancient Egypt as an ancient tradition of the "resurrection of Isis", during which the priestesses boy immersed in deep hypnosis and inspired him, that he died, and then "revived" it. Secret knowledge possessed almost all the ancient peoples. A striking example is the Yakut shamans, whose cult and rituals known for their entry into a trance.
In Russia, in a grave due to the height of the civil war in 1920 suddenly expeditions to the tundra of the Kola Peninsula under the leadership of the Petrograd psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev Brain Institute to study old Sami shamans - Noida
. His ability to immerse the person in a trance, chanting special incantations, northern shamans called meryacheniem (translated as zombies). If suggestibility one person designated unit in the crowd it should be multiplied by the number of people. So get the mass hypnosis, and control the masses is already much easier than one person. Here is a vivid example of the phenomenon of Lenin, who listened with bated breath vast mass of ordinary workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors.
In 1971, John Grinton in the CIA carried out a secret mission in the department to recruit foreign agents, using advanced methods of psychological influence on people. Thus arose the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
It is easy to change the programming of the individual point of view and belief of the person, so often used by businessmen are now in the business negotiations. During NLP 7 seconds changes the brain configuration and can be inserted into their methods of influence to change the person's position in relation to something. In this technique, a person quickly copies the pose and movement encoded to first enter into his confidence, and then begin to influence him. Battle NLP actively using military intelligence agencies today.
In January 2012, a worldwide network of information leaked from the bowels of the Pentagon on the methods of psychic combat attacks on the enemy with the corresponding devices, for example, the impulse gun, emitting a special sound wave that leads men to the disorientation.
It can be adjusted to simulate consciousness and huge masses of people using psychotronic weapons. In 1989, the Soviet physicist Anatoly Okhatrin suggested that we are all surrounded by a field of special ultra-light particles - microleptons. By acting on these particles can be controlled by control of the object, even with photographs. It Okhatrin first invented psychotronic weapon (psy-weapons mental weapon), a weapon that is remote to the wave of mass hypnosis.
The ionosphere of the Earth resonates constantly, having a radiation source. It is the human brain works at these frequencies. Americans have long been working on a NASA project called "Blue Ray", which is based on our exposure of the ionosphere in order to modify and modulate its objectives under the consciousness of people.
But do not think that there is only a global psy-effect on people. Every day, each of us, viewing TV programs on TV, reading the news feeds over the Internet, listening to downloaded from the network audio undergoes imperceptible coding of consciousness and with the help of 25-th frame, and with the help of the imposition of noise-programmed music code or video, and other effects.
Then the man like a puppet obediently choose the supermarket advertised products, vote for a certain candidate in elections, absorbs harmful to themselves pastfud. A new type of psychotronic weapons in ten years will surpass in power the whole arsenal of weapons available today.
Author: Galina Kislyakova
The Greek word hypnosis is sleep. However, hypnosis - it's not a dream, but a special intensification of cooperation right and left hemispheres of the brain, characterized by sharp focus of attention
. Trans - this particular characteristic psychophysical state, which is accompanied by hypnosis. In the test in such a state as that of a young child up to 6 years, does not work the analytical thinking, so he accepts uncritically the majority of incoming information and is easily suggestible.

Four basic instinct render a puppet: greed, ambition, curiosity, sexual instinct
. In their work they use consultants in supermarkets, which operate in the sale of emotions. Leaders of the network companies and network marketing pay each his agent from twenty to fifty percent of sales.
Naturally consultants will try to touch on all the strings of your basic instincts to turn off your rational mind and eventually you vparit expensive, and sometimes completely unnecessary and your products. Your only help in such situations, only time will always take a break at least two days before the purchase of any product or service, to dispel the hypnotic spell of agents, consultants.
It should be noted that until 1846 all surgical operations were carried out without anesthesia and anesthesia. Patients with hypnosis was introduced in the state of unconsciousness.
Hypnosis subject to any conscious beings who have vision. How does the mechanism of mass hypnosis? Let's see.
The brain is an ongoing energy revolution. Such brain rhythms as alpha and beta reflects the normal state of human waking and theta and delta rhythms - it figures sidatsii (suppression of consciousness) and anesthesia. The human brain is a bio-computer only accepts binary impulses of neurons: 1 impulse is, 0- no momentum, and all analog continuous information surrounding the real world is transformed into a matrix of binary codes in our brain.
At the same time according to neuroscientists, the human brain capabilities are very limited, it is able to simultaneously (in parallel) to solve only two problems, and only handle up to 9 words or images. Every half second our brains as memory PC resets and restarts to learn new information pulses. It was at this moment podzagruzki any professional intervention on the brain from impacts directly on human subconscious and allows installation on the immediate execution of the command.
In the 60 years of the twentieth century by the American psychotherapist Milton Erickson special system of psychological effects has been developed. Erickson hypnosis enters the person into a state of active trance without falling asleep. Man encode ordinary words, but make up one such combination that has a tremendous impact on the underlying personality structure. It is this hypnosis own gypsy street.
In the great Egyptian pyramid of Giza in 2005, scientists, archaeologists have discovered ancient writings. By giving they left the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and patron of the sciences on behalf of One (one of its ancient names Djehuty or Tehuti translated those-hand hu-spirit tee-one that confers a spirit).
They indicate that it is the word creates all things, the whole of surrounding life, and nothing exists until it is called a distinct voice. Does this mean that knowledge about hypnosis exist even in ancient civilizations.
The first mention of hypnosis was in ancient Egypt as an ancient tradition of the "resurrection of Isis", during which the priestesses boy immersed in deep hypnosis and inspired him, that he died, and then "revived" it. Secret knowledge possessed almost all the ancient peoples. A striking example is the Yakut shamans, whose cult and rituals known for their entry into a trance.

In Russia, in a grave due to the height of the civil war in 1920 suddenly expeditions to the tundra of the Kola Peninsula under the leadership of the Petrograd psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev Brain Institute to study old Sami shamans - Noida
. His ability to immerse the person in a trance, chanting special incantations, northern shamans called meryacheniem (translated as zombies). If suggestibility one person designated unit in the crowd it should be multiplied by the number of people. So get the mass hypnosis, and control the masses is already much easier than one person. Here is a vivid example of the phenomenon of Lenin, who listened with bated breath vast mass of ordinary workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors.
In 1971, John Grinton in the CIA carried out a secret mission in the department to recruit foreign agents, using advanced methods of psychological influence on people. Thus arose the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
It is easy to change the programming of the individual point of view and belief of the person, so often used by businessmen are now in the business negotiations. During NLP 7 seconds changes the brain configuration and can be inserted into their methods of influence to change the person's position in relation to something. In this technique, a person quickly copies the pose and movement encoded to first enter into his confidence, and then begin to influence him. Battle NLP actively using military intelligence agencies today.
In January 2012, a worldwide network of information leaked from the bowels of the Pentagon on the methods of psychic combat attacks on the enemy with the corresponding devices, for example, the impulse gun, emitting a special sound wave that leads men to the disorientation.
It can be adjusted to simulate consciousness and huge masses of people using psychotronic weapons. In 1989, the Soviet physicist Anatoly Okhatrin suggested that we are all surrounded by a field of special ultra-light particles - microleptons. By acting on these particles can be controlled by control of the object, even with photographs. It Okhatrin first invented psychotronic weapon (psy-weapons mental weapon), a weapon that is remote to the wave of mass hypnosis.

The ionosphere of the Earth resonates constantly, having a radiation source. It is the human brain works at these frequencies. Americans have long been working on a NASA project called "Blue Ray", which is based on our exposure of the ionosphere in order to modify and modulate its objectives under the consciousness of people.
But do not think that there is only a global psy-effect on people. Every day, each of us, viewing TV programs on TV, reading the news feeds over the Internet, listening to downloaded from the network audio undergoes imperceptible coding of consciousness and with the help of 25-th frame, and with the help of the imposition of noise-programmed music code or video, and other effects.
Then the man like a puppet obediently choose the supermarket advertised products, vote for a certain candidate in elections, absorbs harmful to themselves pastfud. A new type of psychotronic weapons in ten years will surpass in power the whole arsenal of weapons available today.
Author: Galina Kislyakova
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