Do not be afraid to live!

Do you really think that you will live forever? And I am not talking about the immortality of the spirit, but of a very specific, current, real life.
"I have to think of all this can happen. Is there a future for our relations? »
"I can not tell you about their feelings, because they he (she) may not be needed».
"You know how difficult it is in this age to find someone, so I'm afraid to leave it».
"I can not show her that I need it, because it gets the idea that God knows».
"I can not confess his love, because she (it) decides that now everything is permitted».
And the mass, the mass of other fears.
All this can be. And fears are justified.
But as long as you do not say, do not do it - you do not know. < You'll never know for sure, as it could be. Are you for yourself is not always responsible, and try to predict the response of another.
People you really think that you will live for two hundred years? When are you going to tell all this to do? In the next life? So it will have other people.
You will not be forever thirty and forty-five will not, and will be held fifty-five.
It will be all. That moment when you could say. And when you could hear. And when you can feel. < It will be a time when you could live.
You left yourself only the thought of life. Thoughts on how you're scared. Thoughts about who and how something should be. Thinking about how things might get. I thought that nothing good happens.
But you do not give this good chance! As long as you do not make concrete steps for a good no chance in your life. Not one. At all. Absolutely. God helps those who help themselves.
But do a bit more than you're used to, a bit differently.
Accept your imperfections. Kill a desire to write a life on the clean copy without corrections and without errors! Life is not linear. Life is not exemplary.
She is beautiful, and the fact that things are mixed in it from dirt to unimaginable heights. It is full and intact.
You do not get out of her white robes. You do not have them. < Just you live. Love, feel, try and make mistakes
Author: Lily Ahremchik
via pticavpolete.com/ne-bojtes-git.html
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