Called selfish egoist selfish others
It called selfish egoist selfish others, or How not to grow egoist
All our lives, all the actions, decisions and aspirations have the satisfaction of our desires. Nothing, and we never do without preceding desire ...
Selfishness - quality that has always been negative and demanding eradication
. Grow egoist considered full parental failure.
Egoist seems to us a such a callous man who does not care about other people's problems - neither trouble nor joy, narcissistic, fixated only on their own interests, detached from the lives of other, cool and insolent cavalier. Right Doctor description House from the same series.
From the biggest egoists representatives often look or sound of skin vectors. Especially expressively manifested in children. They live, trying to fill their desires directly, as they can, as you want, as it turns out, express themselves openly and fully.
Sound Selfishness
Audio child deep in thought, thoughtful, and removed that may look strange next to zritelnikom, sociable, active and emotional. Sound eager desire to be satisfied, so zvukovika search for meanings and responses to domestic issues - in the books, the Internet, thinking - becomes the most important thing. Including the important communication. While filling zritelnik own desires requires emotional contact, vivid experiences, live communication with other people.
Zvukovichok does not suffer and is not afraid to be alone, than a sincere misunderstanding of the visual parent. Moreover, often it even seeks for solitude. Indistinct mimicry, quiet monotone voice, short sentences without the emotional, often look in the direction of doing zvukovika eyes zritelnika callous, cold and arrogant.
Over time, learn how to implement sound properties at a higher level and complexly, in today's society, zvukovik at the same time gets to raising the cultural superstructure, which determines the rules of communication. However, even fully implemented zvukovik never be so sociable, open and emotional as extroverted zritelnik.
Without understanding the psychological nature of the child's sound, its visual mom can often say about him, they say, do not want him to other children, he thinks only of himself, can sit at the computer all day, nothing he was not interested, and the like. Shouts and insults to the sound of children are over-stress factors, as a result of the impact of a child is more immersed in himself and closed out in a less aggressive world for him.
Lamenting over the fact that she grows a selfish child, this mother by erroneous education grows precisely this egoist - self-centered, withdrawn, embittered by the whole world of a person who is unable to realize themselves in the society. That's when all that nature has given it birth, attributes and qualities that might benefit others through his creative activity, remain unfulfilled, turning into emptiness and painful state of mind.
Consumer selfishness
Egoist also often referred to as children with skin vector. Lively, active, restless child before the other begins to cheat, deceive, wrapping any situation to their advantage. In the first it has to be always the winner, always win. His wealth, he hides it in one well-known places, often under lock and key or in the cache. Share with someone or to give something of themselves to someone for baby skin is very problematic, but pick something to take without asking or even steal ... it is possible.
If you are playing with the children, in that game, which he invented, and so obviously it can win. In case of loss - very upset. Any failure perceive painful, and the victory is always important, even if it at any cost.
For a small dermatologist important benefit and the benefit, it is important superiority - social and material. He was easily bored with monotonous and time-consuming occupation, it requires novelty. Next to the obedient, honest, principled and consistent child with anal vector dermatologist looks sly weasel, pursuing their goals and concerned only its own interests.
Without systems thinking about this kid anal mom says that he did not like her, that he was not interested is more than five minutes. What he thinks only of himself, he does not want to learn, and just begging new toys, he can not sit still, and even in his sleep he twitches constantly, torn, twisted.
Many fathers, as a representative of another vector, the properties of which are fundamentally different from the properties of the skin of the child, do not understand its habits, desires and values. Moreover, many of the child's actions in this case are perceived critical, and some (fraud, for example) are represented egregious incidents that require immediate eradication.
Anal Daddy, not possessing knowledge of system-vector psychology, affected skin acts son, they even call it anger, as are contrary to his worldview. In an attempt to "fix" the child such fathers resorted to physical punishment, which is a dermatologist for over-stress and pushes him to "restore peace of mind" through the implementation of its specific role of breadwinner in the most primitive way - to steal. The vicious circle is closed. For theft followed by a new sentence, and so on.
Selfishness inside
Selfishness, concern only their own desires in fact common to all men. We are born with a certain set of psychological characteristics that require its implementation and that form our character, habits, inclinations, aspirations, values and dreams.
All our lives, all the actions, decisions and aspirations have the satisfaction of our desires. Nothing, and we never do without preceding desire. Even charity, grant aid, donations, volunteering, and the like, there is the visual content of the vector needs. This is the desire - to share with someone of his pain and suffering, to help, to share the love. First, there is a desire, then there is a way to implement it.
So it turns out that we are all selfish. Only one this selfishness manifested sound detachment and self-absorption, in other visual compassion and empathy, the third -. Urethral gratuitous giving and so on
The biggest egoist becomes a brilliant scientist, working all his life on a unique invention, because it is interesting to him alone, and more than anything he does not care. And then it turns out that the invention can change the world for the better, make life easier for many people and help them. But he is only to satisfy his own desire, this scientist ... well, if he is not an egoist?
Another selfish, going on about their desires, is a lifetime on the couch, considering himself an unrecognized genius, scatter my bile, bitterness, and sociopathy. He, too selfish, but small, sofa-type, because his selfishness is enough only for complaints and claims, but not to the creative activity.
Errors education, pursuing the eradication of 'egoism' lead to the fact that the sound potential scientist, programmer, writer or composer turns into infantile gamers, vicious sociopath up to a moral degeneration. In the same conditions the skin child grows petty thief, a crook and a fraud, although it could become an outstanding lawyer, engineer or sportsman.
The selfish I go, let me teach
As a child, we manifest themselves openly to satisfy their own desires in the simplest way. However, his childhood - the period of development, both physical and psychological. Before the end of puberty, any property can be developed, and then starts a continuous process of implementation is already at a level to which the property had to evolve. Throughout his life, constantly, every day we implement our psychological properties, getting from this satisfaction. No implementation - no pleasure, and there is a negative - anger, hostility, anxiety, depression, and so on
. Implementing low looks like a primitive selfishness - egocentrism, narcissism, plyushkinizm, carping, and the like. A realization of a high level corresponding to the level of contemporary society looks like altruism - innovative ideas, engineering thought, charity, medicine, teaching, research activities, and more. One and the same desire can be realized at different levels and express themselves diametrically opposed.
Our selfish desires can be directed either inwards, in themselves, to acquire, use and bring a limited, weak and temporary satisfaction. And can have a focus on impact, outside, outside, for the benefit not only of himself but of the whole society, or even humanity - then they give a complete, powerful and long-lasting pleasure from their lives, work, creativity, relationships
Raising a child with a systematic approach, taking into account its innate psychological characteristics makes it possible to grow more egoist, that his desire was enough for all, the whole of society, for all mankind, not just to him alone.
Author: Diana Gadlevskaya
All our lives, all the actions, decisions and aspirations have the satisfaction of our desires. Nothing, and we never do without preceding desire ...
Selfishness - quality that has always been negative and demanding eradication
. Grow egoist considered full parental failure.
Egoist seems to us a such a callous man who does not care about other people's problems - neither trouble nor joy, narcissistic, fixated only on their own interests, detached from the lives of other, cool and insolent cavalier. Right Doctor description House from the same series.
From the biggest egoists representatives often look or sound of skin vectors. Especially expressively manifested in children. They live, trying to fill their desires directly, as they can, as you want, as it turns out, express themselves openly and fully.

Sound Selfishness
Audio child deep in thought, thoughtful, and removed that may look strange next to zritelnikom, sociable, active and emotional. Sound eager desire to be satisfied, so zvukovika search for meanings and responses to domestic issues - in the books, the Internet, thinking - becomes the most important thing. Including the important communication. While filling zritelnik own desires requires emotional contact, vivid experiences, live communication with other people.
Zvukovichok does not suffer and is not afraid to be alone, than a sincere misunderstanding of the visual parent. Moreover, often it even seeks for solitude. Indistinct mimicry, quiet monotone voice, short sentences without the emotional, often look in the direction of doing zvukovika eyes zritelnika callous, cold and arrogant.
Over time, learn how to implement sound properties at a higher level and complexly, in today's society, zvukovik at the same time gets to raising the cultural superstructure, which determines the rules of communication. However, even fully implemented zvukovik never be so sociable, open and emotional as extroverted zritelnik.
Without understanding the psychological nature of the child's sound, its visual mom can often say about him, they say, do not want him to other children, he thinks only of himself, can sit at the computer all day, nothing he was not interested, and the like. Shouts and insults to the sound of children are over-stress factors, as a result of the impact of a child is more immersed in himself and closed out in a less aggressive world for him.
Lamenting over the fact that she grows a selfish child, this mother by erroneous education grows precisely this egoist - self-centered, withdrawn, embittered by the whole world of a person who is unable to realize themselves in the society. That's when all that nature has given it birth, attributes and qualities that might benefit others through his creative activity, remain unfulfilled, turning into emptiness and painful state of mind.
Consumer selfishness
Egoist also often referred to as children with skin vector. Lively, active, restless child before the other begins to cheat, deceive, wrapping any situation to their advantage. In the first it has to be always the winner, always win. His wealth, he hides it in one well-known places, often under lock and key or in the cache. Share with someone or to give something of themselves to someone for baby skin is very problematic, but pick something to take without asking or even steal ... it is possible.
If you are playing with the children, in that game, which he invented, and so obviously it can win. In case of loss - very upset. Any failure perceive painful, and the victory is always important, even if it at any cost.
For a small dermatologist important benefit and the benefit, it is important superiority - social and material. He was easily bored with monotonous and time-consuming occupation, it requires novelty. Next to the obedient, honest, principled and consistent child with anal vector dermatologist looks sly weasel, pursuing their goals and concerned only its own interests.
Without systems thinking about this kid anal mom says that he did not like her, that he was not interested is more than five minutes. What he thinks only of himself, he does not want to learn, and just begging new toys, he can not sit still, and even in his sleep he twitches constantly, torn, twisted.
Many fathers, as a representative of another vector, the properties of which are fundamentally different from the properties of the skin of the child, do not understand its habits, desires and values. Moreover, many of the child's actions in this case are perceived critical, and some (fraud, for example) are represented egregious incidents that require immediate eradication.
Anal Daddy, not possessing knowledge of system-vector psychology, affected skin acts son, they even call it anger, as are contrary to his worldview. In an attempt to "fix" the child such fathers resorted to physical punishment, which is a dermatologist for over-stress and pushes him to "restore peace of mind" through the implementation of its specific role of breadwinner in the most primitive way - to steal. The vicious circle is closed. For theft followed by a new sentence, and so on.
Selfishness inside
Selfishness, concern only their own desires in fact common to all men. We are born with a certain set of psychological characteristics that require its implementation and that form our character, habits, inclinations, aspirations, values and dreams.
All our lives, all the actions, decisions and aspirations have the satisfaction of our desires. Nothing, and we never do without preceding desire. Even charity, grant aid, donations, volunteering, and the like, there is the visual content of the vector needs. This is the desire - to share with someone of his pain and suffering, to help, to share the love. First, there is a desire, then there is a way to implement it.
So it turns out that we are all selfish. Only one this selfishness manifested sound detachment and self-absorption, in other visual compassion and empathy, the third -. Urethral gratuitous giving and so on
The biggest egoist becomes a brilliant scientist, working all his life on a unique invention, because it is interesting to him alone, and more than anything he does not care. And then it turns out that the invention can change the world for the better, make life easier for many people and help them. But he is only to satisfy his own desire, this scientist ... well, if he is not an egoist?
Another selfish, going on about their desires, is a lifetime on the couch, considering himself an unrecognized genius, scatter my bile, bitterness, and sociopathy. He, too selfish, but small, sofa-type, because his selfishness is enough only for complaints and claims, but not to the creative activity.
Errors education, pursuing the eradication of 'egoism' lead to the fact that the sound potential scientist, programmer, writer or composer turns into infantile gamers, vicious sociopath up to a moral degeneration. In the same conditions the skin child grows petty thief, a crook and a fraud, although it could become an outstanding lawyer, engineer or sportsman.
The selfish I go, let me teach
As a child, we manifest themselves openly to satisfy their own desires in the simplest way. However, his childhood - the period of development, both physical and psychological. Before the end of puberty, any property can be developed, and then starts a continuous process of implementation is already at a level to which the property had to evolve. Throughout his life, constantly, every day we implement our psychological properties, getting from this satisfaction. No implementation - no pleasure, and there is a negative - anger, hostility, anxiety, depression, and so on
. Implementing low looks like a primitive selfishness - egocentrism, narcissism, plyushkinizm, carping, and the like. A realization of a high level corresponding to the level of contemporary society looks like altruism - innovative ideas, engineering thought, charity, medicine, teaching, research activities, and more. One and the same desire can be realized at different levels and express themselves diametrically opposed.
Our selfish desires can be directed either inwards, in themselves, to acquire, use and bring a limited, weak and temporary satisfaction. And can have a focus on impact, outside, outside, for the benefit not only of himself but of the whole society, or even humanity - then they give a complete, powerful and long-lasting pleasure from their lives, work, creativity, relationships
Raising a child with a systematic approach, taking into account its innate psychological characteristics makes it possible to grow more egoist, that his desire was enough for all, the whole of society, for all mankind, not just to him alone.
Author: Diana Gadlevskaya