III Conference Holzer in the kindergarten
"Learn to read the Book of Nature and you will not be afraid to live." Sepp Holzer
May 6, 2016 from 10.00 to 15.00 Moscow ul.15 park 24A
III Conference Holzer in the kindergarten - the possibility of three years show the implementation of the planned Master, to hear thoughts and comments, ask questions, positive charge
. event format - paper, discussion, consultation and expert assessment reeks territory since 2011
. Subject news for all those involved in environmental, organic, prirodosoobraznosti methods of education and training in the cities.
Any actual land users, landscape designers, cottagers, farmers, ekoinitsiativam, settlements, the family estate - to everyone who establishes suburban life together with children.
program 10.00-10.05 Opening remarks Gritsay Y. - Director GBOU school №734 "School of self-determination"
10.05-10.20 Pedagogical aspects of environmental development of the territory Dow Durnavo DV - Deputy Director
. 10.20-10.30 Welcome from Environmental Committee of MHD tab pilot project "Each kindergarten-Botanical Garden».
10.30 -12.30 Z.Holtsera report on environmental pedagogy, agriculture and natural thinking.
12.30 -13.00 Coffee break and go into the territory of the kindergarten.
13.00-13.15 landing practice with Holzer at Cedars MHD program "Cedars-children".
13.15-14.45 Sepp Holzer - expert rounds, consultation on the development of the territory, discussion
. 14.45-15.00 End of the total picture, departure.
Since 2011, the kindergarten team implementing the project:
"Creation of educational and environmental conditions for sustainable development of children's and adult community. Developing and motor space in a natural landscape. »
Kindergarten is developing together with the School of Self-Determination in 1989. We have a program, educational technology. We have an effective community - children adult community
. We have a concept of sustainable development in the spirit of the times. We need promotion, financing, expansion and modernization of existing fields.
We build a positive future development of the script, do not run out of town, vossozdaёm, maintain, rekultiviruem. We focus on research, knowledge, observation, trying out himself and the world.
We want to return to teaching among the best of the culture yard, the yard of uneven community that we had - children 60-80h. We want children and adults were not afraid of life on earth, back to the nature of the other senses, in addition to fears that this "dirt, infection and pests."
800 bulbs planted primroses,
Fifteen fruit and coniferous trees and shrubs, including apricots, grapes frost, Actinidia.
Not strizhёm lawns and shrubs, only rejuvenate the old, do not remove the leaves, mulching with straw and wood chips, plant the seedlings and grow tomatoes on the ridge until late autumn.
Organized point RSO and 2014 share the waste into five fractions.
May 6, 2016 from 10.00 to 15.00 Moscow ul.15 park 24A
III Conference Holzer in the kindergarten - the possibility of three years show the implementation of the planned Master, to hear thoughts and comments, ask questions, positive charge
. event format - paper, discussion, consultation and expert assessment reeks territory since 2011
. Subject news for all those involved in environmental, organic, prirodosoobraznosti methods of education and training in the cities.
Any actual land users, landscape designers, cottagers, farmers, ekoinitsiativam, settlements, the family estate - to everyone who establishes suburban life together with children.

program 10.00-10.05 Opening remarks Gritsay Y. - Director GBOU school №734 "School of self-determination"
10.05-10.20 Pedagogical aspects of environmental development of the territory Dow Durnavo DV - Deputy Director
. 10.20-10.30 Welcome from Environmental Committee of MHD tab pilot project "Each kindergarten-Botanical Garden».
10.30 -12.30 Z.Holtsera report on environmental pedagogy, agriculture and natural thinking.
12.30 -13.00 Coffee break and go into the territory of the kindergarten.
13.00-13.15 landing practice with Holzer at Cedars MHD program "Cedars-children".
13.15-14.45 Sepp Holzer - expert rounds, consultation on the development of the territory, discussion
. 14.45-15.00 End of the total picture, departure.

Since 2011, the kindergarten team implementing the project:
"Creation of educational and environmental conditions for sustainable development of children's and adult community. Developing and motor space in a natural landscape. »
Kindergarten is developing together with the School of Self-Determination in 1989. We have a program, educational technology. We have an effective community - children adult community
. We have a concept of sustainable development in the spirit of the times. We need promotion, financing, expansion and modernization of existing fields.
We build a positive future development of the script, do not run out of town, vossozdaёm, maintain, rekultiviruem. We focus on research, knowledge, observation, trying out himself and the world.
We want to return to teaching among the best of the culture yard, the yard of uneven community that we had - children 60-80h. We want children and adults were not afraid of life on earth, back to the nature of the other senses, in addition to fears that this "dirt, infection and pests."
800 bulbs planted primroses,
Fifteen fruit and coniferous trees and shrubs, including apricots, grapes frost, Actinidia.
Not strizhёm lawns and shrubs, only rejuvenate the old, do not remove the leaves, mulching with straw and wood chips, plant the seedlings and grow tomatoes on the ridge until late autumn.
Organized point RSO and 2014 share the waste into five fractions.