7 unique breathing practices for all occasions
Saturating - to wake
From the first moments after waking up, still in bed, bring yourself to an active state: tune in to the tip of the nose and, as if sniffing the air in search of frosty freshness, take a few breaths. Focus on the breath, with the knowledge that you breathe in the fresh pleasant energy. This saturating breath.
Observe how the energy flows through the respiratory tract, it flows into the lungs, fills and warms them.
After a few minutes you will feel a tingling sensation or tingling in the tip of the nose. Leaking inside the substance begins to fill the lungs, and then the skin with energy - it is felt as a light chill inside and outside the body
. The effect is simply amazing, as are filled with strength, vigor. Sleep in either eye! We are pleased to get up from the bed, the active energy charge.
If you have time, do exercises with focused breathing. As a result of repeated breathing exercises you will learn how to saturate the body with oxygen and energy. The muscles that are involved in breathing, become obedient, skeletal system - easier, blood - rich, the brain - active. Updated and rejuvenates the entire body. After exercise you like wings grow behind.
For example, when tilted back, breathe, when bending forward - exhale. At the same time, try to tune in to the flow of the inhaled substance through the spine.
For the body is very natural combination of movements with the breath, so to make them easy and pleasant. Movement may be different, but must be accompanied by their breath through the body.
In the same way, you can "exist a" head, arms, legs - learn with practice. Since the breath - is to attract energy in the zone, on which we focus, any fatigue instantly passes
. Toning, or "wave»
In the process, it is important to always maintain their vitality. It will help the conscious breathing «wave».
Please tune in to its natural breathing, and a few minutes watch how the inhale-exhale.
Then, while inhaling, as if open "gateways" in the body in the crotch area, abdomen, diaphragm, thorax.
Expanding their breaths as they pass from the bottom up, skip the "wave" of the inhaled substance.
On the exhale, tighten alternately perineum, lower abdomen, chest.
If there is a feeling that somewhere breathing is difficult, it is necessary to focus on this area and the longer "exist a" before the release of her feelings.
What gives? Constant energy, active attention, working capacity without unnecessary energy loss and so forth.
Breath "wave" increases blood flow and can provide invaluable assistance in cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease), vascular dystonia, in case of problems in the female and male genital area (there is a "wave" massage the pelvic organs).
In the event of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) "wave" blurs and heals lesions.
In critical situations, when an urgent need to focus and solve a number of problems, and you are sick or very tired, enough to breathe, "wave" or "cleansing breath", to put himself in working condition.
Cleansing -
for the city There is a way to feel comfortable even in the most severe crush on the subway at rush hour - with the help of "cleansing" breath
. The tip of the nose stick out as far as possible up, mentally tune in to a pleasant fragrance, such as rose or vanilla, and quietly inhale it into itself, while remaining indifferent to the surrounding odors.
Another option is the cleaning effect - it's breath with a sharp breath and exhale pushes on the lower abdomen. Of course, it is better to train at home. And then in any contaminated environment (particularly in the polluted atmosphere of big cities), always use cleansing breath, it will save you from respiratory diseases, asthma, cardiovascular and brain disorders.
From problems and clips
If necessary to urgently resolve any problems - professional, family, personal, in any conflict the first thing that a person experiences, - it is time breathing. We like to "pack" their problem, creating a power block. First, where a blocked breathing on the movement of blood abruptly interrupted, and then a wave beats for all bodies. From heart attacks, strokes, severe effects of stress ...
Invaluable way to prevent the dangerous consequences of a breath with mild delays inspiratory or expiratory, depending on the situation.
Perceived delays allow you to find in certain areas of their body spasms, ie breathing delays reveals the internal energy blocks "unpack" them. Liberated energy flowing again through your body, washes it revives, heals.
Relaxing - at night
It finished a hard day. Tomorrow will not be less saturated, so you need a good rest. Before going to bed, take a shower to wash away all the accumulated information. In bed, lie on your back, legs slightly apart, at a distance of 15-20 cm. Put your hands on your hips or along the body, as it is convenient.
Tune in to the soft breath of the entire skin surface. Try to escape the consciousness inside the body. Skin cells begin to breathe and, like a sponge, absorb from the environment essential life-giving substance.
At this point, you will feel relaxed, warmth, lightness in the body. If you notice tension in some areas that concentrate and "prodyshite" her.
Your sleep will be strong, healthy, and easy awakening.
Regenerating life
Breathing - this is the most effective remedy, and the most simple. It is important to only the start. But if you want to get maximum results and stable, breathing, pay a lot of time and attention.
Being able to regulate your breathing, you can gain control over all the processes occurring in the body.
Amid the energy of breath easily carried the load, and any problems are beginning to be addressed. The whole power of the breath swept out "dirty", "stagnant processes", "tense knots" left diseases, mental and physical trauma, and then going on filling new vitality. Breath revives, allows you to return the lost, to get the power and life force.
From the first moments after waking up, still in bed, bring yourself to an active state: tune in to the tip of the nose and, as if sniffing the air in search of frosty freshness, take a few breaths. Focus on the breath, with the knowledge that you breathe in the fresh pleasant energy. This saturating breath.
Observe how the energy flows through the respiratory tract, it flows into the lungs, fills and warms them.
After a few minutes you will feel a tingling sensation or tingling in the tip of the nose. Leaking inside the substance begins to fill the lungs, and then the skin with energy - it is felt as a light chill inside and outside the body
. The effect is simply amazing, as are filled with strength, vigor. Sleep in either eye! We are pleased to get up from the bed, the active energy charge.

If you have time, do exercises with focused breathing. As a result of repeated breathing exercises you will learn how to saturate the body with oxygen and energy. The muscles that are involved in breathing, become obedient, skeletal system - easier, blood - rich, the brain - active. Updated and rejuvenates the entire body. After exercise you like wings grow behind.
For example, when tilted back, breathe, when bending forward - exhale. At the same time, try to tune in to the flow of the inhaled substance through the spine.
For the body is very natural combination of movements with the breath, so to make them easy and pleasant. Movement may be different, but must be accompanied by their breath through the body.
In the same way, you can "exist a" head, arms, legs - learn with practice. Since the breath - is to attract energy in the zone, on which we focus, any fatigue instantly passes
. Toning, or "wave»
In the process, it is important to always maintain their vitality. It will help the conscious breathing «wave».
Please tune in to its natural breathing, and a few minutes watch how the inhale-exhale.
Then, while inhaling, as if open "gateways" in the body in the crotch area, abdomen, diaphragm, thorax.
Expanding their breaths as they pass from the bottom up, skip the "wave" of the inhaled substance.
On the exhale, tighten alternately perineum, lower abdomen, chest.
If there is a feeling that somewhere breathing is difficult, it is necessary to focus on this area and the longer "exist a" before the release of her feelings.
What gives? Constant energy, active attention, working capacity without unnecessary energy loss and so forth.
Breath "wave" increases blood flow and can provide invaluable assistance in cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease), vascular dystonia, in case of problems in the female and male genital area (there is a "wave" massage the pelvic organs).
In the event of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) "wave" blurs and heals lesions.
In critical situations, when an urgent need to focus and solve a number of problems, and you are sick or very tired, enough to breathe, "wave" or "cleansing breath", to put himself in working condition.
Cleansing -
for the city There is a way to feel comfortable even in the most severe crush on the subway at rush hour - with the help of "cleansing" breath
. The tip of the nose stick out as far as possible up, mentally tune in to a pleasant fragrance, such as rose or vanilla, and quietly inhale it into itself, while remaining indifferent to the surrounding odors.
Another option is the cleaning effect - it's breath with a sharp breath and exhale pushes on the lower abdomen. Of course, it is better to train at home. And then in any contaminated environment (particularly in the polluted atmosphere of big cities), always use cleansing breath, it will save you from respiratory diseases, asthma, cardiovascular and brain disorders.
From problems and clips
If necessary to urgently resolve any problems - professional, family, personal, in any conflict the first thing that a person experiences, - it is time breathing. We like to "pack" their problem, creating a power block. First, where a blocked breathing on the movement of blood abruptly interrupted, and then a wave beats for all bodies. From heart attacks, strokes, severe effects of stress ...
Invaluable way to prevent the dangerous consequences of a breath with mild delays inspiratory or expiratory, depending on the situation.
Perceived delays allow you to find in certain areas of their body spasms, ie breathing delays reveals the internal energy blocks "unpack" them. Liberated energy flowing again through your body, washes it revives, heals.
Relaxing - at night
It finished a hard day. Tomorrow will not be less saturated, so you need a good rest. Before going to bed, take a shower to wash away all the accumulated information. In bed, lie on your back, legs slightly apart, at a distance of 15-20 cm. Put your hands on your hips or along the body, as it is convenient.
Tune in to the soft breath of the entire skin surface. Try to escape the consciousness inside the body. Skin cells begin to breathe and, like a sponge, absorb from the environment essential life-giving substance.
At this point, you will feel relaxed, warmth, lightness in the body. If you notice tension in some areas that concentrate and "prodyshite" her.
Your sleep will be strong, healthy, and easy awakening.

Regenerating life
Breathing - this is the most effective remedy, and the most simple. It is important to only the start. But if you want to get maximum results and stable, breathing, pay a lot of time and attention.
Being able to regulate your breathing, you can gain control over all the processes occurring in the body.
Amid the energy of breath easily carried the load, and any problems are beginning to be addressed. The whole power of the breath swept out "dirty", "stagnant processes", "tense knots" left diseases, mental and physical trauma, and then going on filling new vitality. Breath revives, allows you to return the lost, to get the power and life force.
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