10 when the film is not lost to the book

Directors are often inspired by the books and after who came enthusiastically want to make a screen version.
< Website picked up 10 cases, when the director did not give the original, if only because that the author himself participated in the process of creating the script.
Rogue Trader

The film is based on the memoirs of Nick Leeson "As I bankrupted" Barings ". Confessions of a rogue trader, ". Ewan McGregor played perfectly man blinded by the initial success and fabulous earnings, which made some serious mistakes and lost huge sums. His hero Nick figured out how to hide your failure, but the scam deeper draws him into the swamp of lies and black financial schemes, of which no longer escape with impunity.
Anywhere but Here
Anywhere But Here

The film went to the biographical book fairly well-known in the US novelist Mona Simpson. She is the sister of Steve Jobs, of which he had to 27 years had no idea. The book "Anywhere but Here" tells the story of a child and the biological parents of Jobs.
Under suspicion
Under Suspicion
The film is based on "brainwashing" - John Wainwright novel, British author of more than 80 crime stories. This painting tells about the intense intellectual duel between a successful lawyer and an experienced detective, who charged him with inhuman murder and rape. Shrewd detective realizes that learns the truth, if only look into the darkest corners of the soul of the suspect.
The Hurricane

The film is based on two books that tell about the life of boxer Rubin Carter, nicknamed "The Hurricane." Denzel Washington Hero was the main contender for the title in the middleweight title in June 1966. After the murder of three people in a bar in New Jersey, he was accused of this horrible crime and was sentenced to three life terms. All he wants - a fair trial
This Boy's Life
. This Boy's Life

The film is based on the book of Tobias Wolfe, professor of literature at the university, who described his childhood times 50-60th. He wrote about how fate brought his mother Caroline with Dwight, pleasant and polite man. She hoped that it will bring stability in their lives, and married him. But contrary to its expectations, the house settled stern and irascible man. New father turned out to be a despot and a tyrant, and their mom life turned into a nightmare.
Lone Survivor

The tape based on the book of Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson "Survivor" tells the story of Special Forces soldier in Afghanistan. His team is assigned to neutralize a known Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Once in the trap, the soldiers enter into an unequal bloody battle. The film starred the real war veterans and a true hero stories Marcus Luttrell (Marcus Luttrell).

The Book of Daniel Coyle's "Hard Ball: Season in the Projects" was the basis of a film about the small speculators, gambler and a drinker, who was forced to train the worst baseball team Chicago. However, associated with this dramatic and comedic events suddenly change everything for the better.

The film is based on a novel by Martin Sixsmith, "Philomena Lee lost child." The story tells about a young Irish Philomena, who gave birth to a son, a teenager. Her as "fallen" sent to "re-education" in a monastery, and gave the newborn up for adoption to American families. Philomena has undergone a variety of humiliations, and eventually she was able to escape from there. She lived a life of dignity, but all these years trying to find his son.
The Fan

The story tells about the baseball star Bobby Rayburn, who goes to the team San Francisco Giants. Now he is under scrutiny not only of reporters and television cameras, but also manic loving baseball Gil Reynard passionately cares for the Giants. And when the new team affairs at Bobby go from bad to worse, Jill decides to take drastic measures.
Honest Courtesan
Dangerous Beauty

Story taken from the eponymous book by Margaret Rosenthal, tells the story of Veronica Franco, the most famous courtesan in Italy. She was born in 1546 and died at the age of 45, became famous not only beauty, but also for its satire and poetry. Veronica fell in love with an aristocrat Marco, who was attracted to her, but is powerless before the conventions of society. His father believed that their marriage is not possible, because the girls did not have a dowry. The mother tried to convince Veronica daughter of the need to turn to the oldest profession, because it threatened the family poverty.
Materials: kinopoisk
Photos on the preview: Regency Enterprises
via www.newregency.com/