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What a magical significance have grass in our ancestors

In ancient times, people attached great importance to plants and herbs. Plants for the people were sacred and worshiped. Different people has developed a lot of myths, legends and stories devoted to grass, flowers and trees. Some plants and trees have become symbols, talismans and amulets. They are credited with the magical power that can be cleaned from the evil space around them and attract good.

In Siberia and in the North, for example, every shaman had his own "magical" tree. Life sorcerer was closely associated with the tree. If you were dying tree, died and shaman.

Each plant has an aura, which can be a different impact on people, places and things. The sages of ancient astrology has always been associated with the plants. It was believed that every species of plants belongs to a certain zodiacal constellation and planet-ruler and that each plant is an intermediary between the Sun (God) and Earth (humans) to help people absorb from the sun and the joy of getting rid of the dross. Later, scientists have confirmed that many plants have a greater impact and bioenergy can affect the person and their medical properties to heal various diseases.
From St. John's wort is not afraid of the devil. St. John's Wort is very strong plant. It is used as a protective agent for the removal of damage, infertility. It protects against any magic, if assembled correctly. Perhaps the use of just the opposite. Protects against evil spells.
The enemy of all sorcerers considered St. John's wort collected on Ivan Kupala. If the morning to weave a wreath with it and dance to it by the fire all night, then 365 days in a year people will be protected from damage. No devil or witch have no power over who bears a sprig of St. John's wort. Dried stalk, hung above the door or hidden under the threshold will not allow evil spirits to enter the house.
If the weave and wear a belt of St. John's wort, it will take over all the evil, and if you give up the belt on November 1 (All Saints Day) into the fire, all accumulated at the waist evil back to the one who sent down it.
Germany was common also the custom: the early morning of Midsummer men wove sashes of St. John's wort, and the night burned them at the stake. From this it came to a large and constant virility.

Rosehip gives well-being. The people there is a belief that if you surround the wild rose bushes, the house, there will always be peace and prosperity. If you are often defeated, it will help you rosehips.

Rose hips have a property - to process the negative energy into positive, so it has long been planted near the house windows. The scent of wild rose during flowering is very useful, it fills us with clean energy.
Even the scent of dried flowers blown by the fan can regain vigor and a healthy appearance, if you take the air bath daily for 15-30 minutes.

Air has protective properties. Bunches of fresh leaves under the pillow to protect the sleeper from astral attacks and nightmares. Hanging in the windows and above the doors to protect against magical intrusion.

The Greeks believed that aconite grew out of foam that fell from the mouth of Cerberus. Growing in the garden, protected territory. Tuber, worn in a pouch on his chest, to bring good luck.

Birch, patroness of women and girls, is considered the guardian of the hearth. The cleaning properties, so used to create magical brooms, as well as on birch reduce some diseases. Leaves collected in the full moon of May, has a great healing power.

Hawthorn protects against evil forces.

Elderberries have healing powers.

It was believed that the spirit of the times beech lies.

Verbena is used for predictions in love magic, magic rituals to increase well-being, it has a great healing power, protect. The use of very extensive. One of the main magic herbs.

Elm symbolizes knowledge.

Elecampane is used in healing, loving and protective magic.

Oak - a sacred tree, empowers. The Druids believed the tree of wisdom, or science.

Spruce - like oak, the sacred tree, the symbol of longevity and health

. Willow is used in dowsing, as well as protects from nightmares and Morokov. will protect from the evil eye and witchcraft.

Ivan da Marya - keeps the love and devotion

. Saxifrage - magical break-grass Slavic mythology

. Cedar gives fortitude and endurance.

Clover - a symbol of good luck and success

. Nettle is considered curative. It is used in love magic for flaps and privorotov.Snimaet spoilage, protect against an evil power and magic. When worn on itself gives courage, fearlessness attached.

Buckthorn in magic is used to remove spells and charms.

Overcoming-grass. Under this name in some parts of Russia know white and yellow water lilies, and they are called white and yellow lily. It is believed that the plant has magical properties and that it protects the house from evil spirits and helps to overcome everyday difficulties.

Lily, lily water (white). Root worn around the neck - to attract love

. Lipa - magic. In people, there was a belief that the linden tree protects against lightning. And a person who is under a lime tree in the rain, should not be afraid of any thunder or lightning. because until now there was no case that would be under the linden-someone killed.
Lipa - very bright, heart tree. It is believed that unites the linden family. A lime tea has even bewitches action prvda, it will act on their own husband or wife. They can not be used for personal gain, with dark thoughts destroy the family. Bad omen in Russia thought, if lime tree planted near the house, withered - from a family of well-being will go, the house will lose talisman

. Alder - one of the 13 sacred trees used in witchcraft. It is associated with the period of the vernal equinox - the equilibrium time and harmony

Hazel is used in dowsing. Walnut - a symbol of victory, it is often used to deal with any

. Aspen will not bring anything good, I have always had a bad name.

Sow thistle grows in the swamp, was the patron of evil spirits.

Fern used in healing, to restore Morokov to create talismans. Fern, worn on bare skin, protects against witchcraft and evil spirits. It keeps the house from lightning, and the field - from the hail. This supreme happiness mascot, gives good luck in all enterprises, play and love. It drives away nightmares, removes lightning, hail, devils and charms. Even a single stem, with a worn, brings happiness in the game.

Sagebrush. If during the trip to keep it in your hand - do not faint, and to not feel fatigue when walking - a decoction of wormwood wash feet, or put in the shoes. If you wear it in the shoe, the person becomes restless and quick on the go. Worn on himself, protects against lightning damage, evil spirits and epilepsy. It will be a prosperous journey, if you wear a mugwort and vervain together.

Primula - symbolizes the way

. Mallow is used in healing.

Agrimony - a plant with the capacity nasylat damage

. Rowan is used in protective magic. Berries protect against evil spirits, evil sorcery. The wood is used to create wands.

Son-grass used in the practice of the dream, for predictions.

Sage is used as a fumigation for cleaning. It used in mixtures for talismans for good luck, well-being. It can be used for guidance Morokov, creating illusions.

Celandine - grass victory

. Hop. If you make a pillow of hops flowers and put under the pillow - not insomnia

. Melissa. If you wear on yourself, you will be kind to all and rejuvenate.

It is believed that witchcraft can protect: barley, garlic, onion, rowan, birch, boxwood, elder

. Disclose psychic abilities: daisy and orchid.