Organic food: where to look and how to distinguish from counterfeiting?
The lecture with the same name conducted by specialists of the Ecological Union (http://ecounion.ru/) at the II exhibition-workshop "Food Formula XXI century» (http://www.pripravaspb.ru/formula-edy/). The two-day event, held April 9-10, in St. Petersburg, attended by industry professionals the power, representatives of food companies and citizens who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and quality of food.
What is eco and organic products? How to tell them apart from the fakes? Are they available? On these and many other questions, the representative of the Ecological Union Tyatte detail Anna said in his presentation. Present at the lecture learned that the most reliable way to buy now "eco" - is to choose products with eco-label. Viewers saw the look of the real eco-labeling in different countries, got acquainted with the icons, which are most often found in Russian stores, and received at the hands of "cribs" - booklets "eco-labeling. Buyer's guide. " With these tips, anyone can easily navigate in the selection of safe and environmentally friendly products in shops.
The lecture was not without a "practical work": as illustrative examples of the audience were shown products with the Russian eco-labeling "Leaf of Life" (vegetable oils Ecotau, fresh Ecocartofel potatoes), imported coffee and sweets to the European organic-labeled "Europlates".
The exhibition "Food Formula XXI Century" were pleased with the high level of organization, design, selection of participants Market and interesting program. Almost all the products presented at the event, meet the criteria for a healthy diet, and, in addition, has a non-standard and new for many visitors.
It takes several competitions with games and gifts, including competition for food bloggers to Internet users, to visitors of the exhibition; useful workshops for children and adults. In the next year it is expected a repetition of events and Ecological Union wants organizers to hold it at the same good level.