12 evidence that nothing happens in our body just

Our body - an amazing thing: even the "extra", it would seem, organs or strange and useless at first glance, the reaction in the past carried out important functions
Why do we laugh?

Sometimes we laugh even when there is not anything funny. It is as old as the world code that means. "Everything is fine" Scientists suggest that laughter evolved from common ancestors still humans and apes, and was at first just a natural reaction to something nice. Later, the laughter turned into a signal that there is no danger, all the basic needs are met and you can relax.
Why is your friend so fussy eating habits?

Perhaps he is the owner of a gene that helped our species survive. Most likely, in the language of your other harmful located much more taste buds than the average person. In ancient times it was a priceless ability to: recognize poisonous food then it could only bitter taste
Why are we afraid of being tickled.?

Tickling teaches us to protect their most vulnerable point (usually around the neck and under the ribs). These places are not only the most sensitive but also the most open to attack. Primates have learned to tickle their young, so they are used to close the points and thus got a better chance to protect themselves and survive.
Why do we suffer from allergies?

This residual protection from deadly diseases. According to recent studies, the point is a hyperactive immune system. To survive, the body of our ancestors in response to the different pathogens began to produce antibodies. It survived until the present day.
Why do we blush?

Blush are only able people. And this ability was also necessary for survival. This is a non-verbal signal that we've done something wrong and agree. Scientists believe that such a signal has helped our ancestors avoid unnecessary conflicts "offended" tribesman with big muscles have seen that we have all learned to fight and do not necessarily
Why are we annoying rattle polish glass.?

For our brain is a danger signal. Scientists have pointed out the frequency of annoying rattle corresponds to the frequency at which the macaques cry if they want to warn families of the dangers. There is a theory that our ancestors had the same "security" system.
Why human babies are helpless?

Especially compared to most other types of newborns. All because of our huge brain: babies are so large skull that they have to leave the cozy maternal stomach before they are fully prepared for independent survival in this world. Otherwise, head just will not pass through the birth canal.
Why frown fingers in the water?

It is necessary to enhance wet grip. Laboratory studies suggest that shriveled fingers discharged excess moisture as protectors for car tires.
Why do people have on the body is almost no hair, unlike other primates?
It is believed that all of the parasites. Thick wool "coat" - the ideal environment for them. But because people have invented clothes, thick hair to protect it from the cold gradually became unnecessary. Over time, hairless skin became associated with good health and attractiveness.
Why can choke on food?

Only people can suppress. And that, unfortunately, the payment for our ability to speak articulately. The vocal cords are located at the base of the larynx; narrow glottis allows us to give a wide range of sounds. But just below the larynx is the esophagus, and a little higher - nasopharynx, and a large piece of food can get stuck in the narrow opening of the glottis, and the air inlet port.
Why do we need an appendix?

Our ancestors ate a lot of coarse plant food. The appendix is a continuation of the cecum - body, which is very important for all herbivores: it is involved in the digestion of plant cellulose. Now we do not eat as much unprocessed plant foods, and cecum and the appendix has lost its former importance. However, the appendix still produces good bacteria, intestinal required for normal operation. People with the removal of the appendix, for example, difficult to restore the intestinal microflora after infection with any infection, but modern medicine can compensate for it with medication.
Why winter we can be so sad?

Perhaps many of the familiar so-called winter melancholy, when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and sit quietly so the whole winter. It also got us from our ancestors, who it could be related to procreation. Warm summer was a period of activity and abundant food, as well as a favorable period for conception. In winter, people were less active, and for women it was easier to bear a child.
According to the materials: cracked, wikipedia
Translation: Website
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