Secretly men feel awful if she succeeds
According to recent studies, successful career women, not only makes men feel uschemlёnnymi, even if there is no open rivalry between the partners. The stronger sex, being in such a position is less interested in the relationship begins and sees the joint future in darker colors.
"There is a common idea that the woman in the relationship only allowed to bask in the glory of his men, to provide the rear for their successful partner. The opposite situation is considered unnatural "- says co-author of the study Keith Ratliff at the University of Florida
. Together with researchers from the University of Virginia Shigeyro Oishi, Ratlif conducted a series of five experiments to determine the success of men and women affect the relationship in a pair. Scientists interested in and how explicit changes and hidden.
In cases when a woman is better to cope with the social and intellectual tasks, in men there was a hidden low self-esteem. Of course, these men were not recognized researchers in their experiences - negative feelings and low self-esteem showed special tests aimed at revealing hidden relationships to the situation and feelings towards her
. Women whose partners have succeeded, no negative emotions were not observed. It is interesting that the better men coped with the task, the more confident women were relatively prospects for its relations with him. In men, it was the other way around - the more successful is a woman, the more they seemed misty prospect of future relations
. "From the doubt of its business viability in men arises fear that a woman, in the end, it will throw" - and conclude Ratlif Oishi ...
Researchers believe that in matters of success (at least when it comes to women) for men, there is only black or white. Therefore, the success mates they perceive as a threat, as evidence of their own inadequacy.
source mixstuff.ru
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