Kaizen system for achieving the goals

The path of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Lao Tzu
It can be very difficult to achieve any major change, to change something in yourself or in the world. It is believed that one reason for the inability of major changes is the fear of change inherent in the majority of people on the level of instinct.
However, quite simple to do to meet the goal of one small step.
In the East (particularly in Japan), there is a method called Kaizen, whose essence lies in the fact that the goal should be to take small but regular steps. Principles Kaizen in Japan hold like ordinary people, as well as large corporations such as Toyota.
The meaning of Kaizen is to continually make small, but tangible improvements. This small improvement does not necessarily lead to insignificant results. The results, on the contrary, can be quite substantial.
For example, today many people want to lose weight a little bit. Usually, however, it is believed that it needs to begin to exercise regularly and eat less. Both require serious will power and lifestyle changes for most people often are not ready. However, anyone can start from some small, available to him, change. For example, do the exercises for 10 minutes a day at home watching television. Or speak only standing or walking about on the phone in the office.
For example, a study was conducted with the help of pedometers, during which found that lean people who never go to the gym more often just to move more during the day. They were walking, talking on the phone, parked his car next to the entrance and just more standing than those who present overweight. According to the study, the day this additional activity burns about 300 calories, which for the year could reach 14 kilos of difference.
Thus, if you want to change something, but it gives you hard, start with a small, but easily implementable steps for you, even if they will look frivolous or ridiculous. It is important that getting used to a new position, you can take the next step and so on.
Who are interested in methods of Kaizen in action recommend the book by Robert Maurer "Step by step towards the goal. Kaizen "method.