Ho'oponopono - the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from the Hawaiian language word Ho'oponopono means "to correct the error," or "make the right».
Ho'oponopono helps remove, neutralize and delete destructive program to become one with the Divine consciousness, which is inherent in every human being, to merge with the flow of Abundance and get inspired.
Below is a great reminder for those who are already familiar with the method and wants to fast from time to time to restore the main points of Ho'oponopono.
It also would be a great entry for those who are just beginning to learn this wonderful technique.
1. It is impossible to understand and control everything around
It is impossible to know everything that is happening around you. Your body and brain regulate themselves now, without your participation. In the atmosphere there are numerous invisible signals that range is very wide - from radio waves to thought forms. You can not absorb all of these signals. Are you sure you participate in the creation of your own reality right now, but it happens unconsciously, without any awareness or control on your part. That is why you can think positively and still remain in need. Your conscious mind is not the creator.
2. You do not control all
Obviously, if you do not know everything that happens, and you can not control it.
This is only a trap of your ego, makes us think that the world is ruled by your orders. Because your ego is not able to see what is happening in the world at the moment, it is not very wise to let him decide what is best for you. You have the right to choose, but you can not control events. You can use your mind to choose what you prefer to experience (to survive), but you should be allowed to decide for you, these events will occur or not, they happen and when. The key here is the submission.
3. You are able to heal everyone you meet in life
Whatever pops into your life (no matter how), it is amenable to heal because what is in your actions. The bottom line is that if you can feel it, you can heal it. If you see a problem in someone else, and it bothers you, you can remove it (to heal itself). Or, as I once told Oprah Winfrey: "If you can see it, you got it." You can not have the slightest idea why this happened in your life or why were such circumstances, but must take it, because you do not know about anything. The more you heal what is found in your way, the clearer you become and the closer you are to the manifestation of what you would like, as you release energy, is now available for use in relation to other problems.
4. You are solely responsible for your entire life experience
Everything that happens in your life is not your fault, but you carry for these events full (100%) of responsibility. The concept of personal responsibility extends far beyond what you say, do and think. It includes what they say, do and think others in your life. Accepting full responsibility for the events in your life means that if your life was a man who has a problem, it will be your problem. This principle is closely related to the previous principle, which states that you are able to heal all who meet on your way. Thus, you have no right to blame anyone or anything that happens. You can only take responsibility, which means to accept what is happening, recognize its own and love it. The more you heal what is found in your path, the stronger becomes your connection to the source of life.
5. Your ticket to the lack of restrictions - is the repetition of the phrase "I love you»
The pass, which leads you into the world beyond comprehensible, from healing to the fulfillment of dreams, this simple phrase "I love you." The repetition of the phrase God cleans everything in you that allows you to experience the miracle of the moment - there are no restrictions. The idea is to love all around. Loving your weight, your problem child, neighbor or spouse, love them all. Love transforms the energy and releases it. The phrase "I love you" is the magic password to a sense of God.
6. Inspiration is more important than intention
Intention - this is intelligence toys, and inspiration - is an indication of God. At some point you start to listen and obey, instead of asking and waiting. Intention - this is an attempt to manage their lives, based on a limited vision of his ego
. Inspiration - is receiving messages from God and act according to that message. Intentions are activated and produce results, inspiration works and works wonders. What do you choose?
Crib on ho'oponopono
I am guided in their lives and in their relationships with people following principles.
1. The physical universe -. Is the embodiment of my thoughts
2. If my thoughts are harmful, they create an unwanted physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality, exuding LOVE.
4. I am fully (100%) responsible for creating my physical universe.
5. I am fully (100%), responsible for the transformation of malicious thoughts that create
malicious reality.
6. Nothing exists apart from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.