Garden of Eden
< Inessa Dolennik
Someone writes easily, someone wrote - I know - playing
. It's not about me. I'm all wrong and not what.
Every once in a blood I force down the legs on the road to paradise
And standing behind the fence, because the prohibited entrance to paradise.
There's fruit on the branches, suffused with unfading light,
But apples, pears and plums ... hang in there words!
And I get up on tiptoe to reach the branches,
And of the blue, my head is spinning.
And when the pull - going back to the way
And his eyes beseeching request to release the guards.
He sighs with a smile and whispered: "Go with God yourself»
. And am I the word carefully in hot handful.
And then the warm rays pours music Scherzo ...
And about the mysteries of the depths audible whisper omniscient waves ...
And the line is filled with meaning - so beating heart under
The little man, who is still in the world is not born.
I'll wait. I vzleleyu it. I'll always believe,
What is given life by this line simply is no accident.
... And again I go on a long journey through the closed door,
That fence of paradise for word to get up on his toes.
Someone writes easily, someone wrote - I know - playing
. It's not about me. I'm all wrong and not what.
Every once in a blood I force down the legs on the road to paradise
And standing behind the fence, because the prohibited entrance to paradise.
There's fruit on the branches, suffused with unfading light,
But apples, pears and plums ... hang in there words!
And I get up on tiptoe to reach the branches,
And of the blue, my head is spinning.
And when the pull - going back to the way
And his eyes beseeching request to release the guards.
He sighs with a smile and whispered: "Go with God yourself»
. And am I the word carefully in hot handful.
And then the warm rays pours music Scherzo ...
And about the mysteries of the depths audible whisper omniscient waves ...
And the line is filled with meaning - so beating heart under
The little man, who is still in the world is not born.
I'll wait. I vzleleyu it. I'll always believe,
What is given life by this line simply is no accident.
... And again I go on a long journey through the closed door,
That fence of paradise for word to get up on his toes.