As thought can change your life for the better
Thoughts are divided into construction, destructive and neutral.
Consciousness must be configured on the waves of creative creative thoughts, rejecting the thought of destruction: every thought about the illness to replace the idea of health, about the failure - good luck on the mountain - the joy of old age and indisposition - thoughts of cheerfulness and health. Thinking himself should be so, how I would like to see yourself in reality. Thought is the ultimate reality. The force can be brought to an extraordinary degree of tension.
The whole area of the reflex of thinking should be replaced conscious. All processes in the body can be subjected to the will and control them. The body is subject to it willingly, if realized the power of it. The body reacts to all mental processes, conscious and unconscious. And if re-rhythmic thought claims certain position, or order and firmly, the body should it fail. His body has no will but embedded in it its owner, the owner.
Often willed the currents come in different and even opposite, directions, neutralizing each other. If we let them in the same direction, their strength will increase enormously. Wishing health, it allows the person as nasty thoughts about his illness, that the consequences of thinking about health are destroyed completely.
Mastery of thought gives the hands the power that can be applied to the creation, at least own a healthy body. Let each involuntary negative thought immediately replaced by consciously thinking positive and creative. This requires control of the thoughts, feelings and suggestions coming from other people, because the latter is particularly harmful. They like people to talk about their weaknesses and to enjoy the process, creating a bright and strong images of diseases, strengthen and consolidate the number of listeners. MUST NOT chatter about diseases. Strong, vigorous and healthy - other thoughts are not allowed at all. For every ailment, in its very bud, immediately sent a strong-willed and the current order of all consciousness - to be ill the place of healthy
. Spirit and will overcome all, and there is no energy in the body of man, able to withstand the power of rhythm, solid orders will. You can breath, he was arrested, to enhance the inflow of prana and mental energy to a sick body. Let it be the usual process will fight against every ailment, before turning to the doctor and medicines. The powerful laboratory of the human body has all the means to restore health, if external factors that violate it eliminated, but even they can paralyze to some extent.
Disclosure strength of the human spirit-building should not depend on the limited thinking:
Obstruction of the first - this is not possible at all
. Barrier two: I can not be weak,
Barrier Three: others it may not
. Inert science is silent about it. And thousands of causes and reasons to find people to let go of their hands the power over their microcosm.
Consciousness must be configured on the waves of creative creative thoughts, rejecting the thought of destruction: every thought about the illness to replace the idea of health, about the failure - good luck on the mountain - the joy of old age and indisposition - thoughts of cheerfulness and health. Thinking himself should be so, how I would like to see yourself in reality. Thought is the ultimate reality. The force can be brought to an extraordinary degree of tension.
The whole area of the reflex of thinking should be replaced conscious. All processes in the body can be subjected to the will and control them. The body is subject to it willingly, if realized the power of it. The body reacts to all mental processes, conscious and unconscious. And if re-rhythmic thought claims certain position, or order and firmly, the body should it fail. His body has no will but embedded in it its owner, the owner.
Often willed the currents come in different and even opposite, directions, neutralizing each other. If we let them in the same direction, their strength will increase enormously. Wishing health, it allows the person as nasty thoughts about his illness, that the consequences of thinking about health are destroyed completely.
Mastery of thought gives the hands the power that can be applied to the creation, at least own a healthy body. Let each involuntary negative thought immediately replaced by consciously thinking positive and creative. This requires control of the thoughts, feelings and suggestions coming from other people, because the latter is particularly harmful. They like people to talk about their weaknesses and to enjoy the process, creating a bright and strong images of diseases, strengthen and consolidate the number of listeners. MUST NOT chatter about diseases. Strong, vigorous and healthy - other thoughts are not allowed at all. For every ailment, in its very bud, immediately sent a strong-willed and the current order of all consciousness - to be ill the place of healthy
. Spirit and will overcome all, and there is no energy in the body of man, able to withstand the power of rhythm, solid orders will. You can breath, he was arrested, to enhance the inflow of prana and mental energy to a sick body. Let it be the usual process will fight against every ailment, before turning to the doctor and medicines. The powerful laboratory of the human body has all the means to restore health, if external factors that violate it eliminated, but even they can paralyze to some extent.
Disclosure strength of the human spirit-building should not depend on the limited thinking:
Obstruction of the first - this is not possible at all
. Barrier two: I can not be weak,
Barrier Three: others it may not
. Inert science is silent about it. And thousands of causes and reasons to find people to let go of their hands the power over their microcosm.
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