We grow tomatoes ampelnye
Green bushes, studded with bright ornate fruit, brush and branches, falling down from the suspended wicker baskets, vases, mounted on poster or other elevations - such decoration is able to eclipse even luxurious blooming flowerbeds. And some extra effort and funds it from grower-grower does not require.
Choose a variety of tomato "bouquet»:
When selecting varieties to be guided in the first place to its description. Many manufacturers have in their assortment ampelnye class but the best way proven in the following gardeners.
Grade "Gardening Pearl" (from different manufacturers is found under the names "Zhemchuzhinka", "Arctic", and has foreign analogue Garden Pearl) - a very bushy, with small pink fruits of good taste. "Gardening Pearl" begins to bloom and bear fruit soon, so very popular. Hybrid "Citizen FV» distinguished by a particularly high yield and large fruit varieties for ampelnye (40 - 50 grams). The fruit, but good weight, and have a wonderful flavor. However, this hybrid is not inclined to the bushes, so its shaping care should be taken immediately after landing in the pot.
But the best, according to many owners of houses and plots, is a sort of "Talisman" - ultra-fast, open ground. Already in July, it is decorated with multicolored bushes heavy bunches of fruit weighing up to 20 grams. "Talisman" is still very beautiful to late frosts, if the time to remove the ripe tomatoes and its shelter for the night.
Also very good grade on the basis of wild tomato - Gold Rush Currant and Sweet Pea. They have long, up to 1 meter, hanging vines, which form a gorgeous voluminous bush, completely studded with hundreds of tiny. (1 - 2 grams) of red and yellow fruits
Since tomatoes hang-downing we became engaged recently, most of the varieties - of foreign origin. They can be easily ordered online.
Growing tomatoes ampelnye differs little from growing flowers in pots. For the bush should be chosen appropriate for the volume of container - an average of 4 to 9 liters. Since tomatoes require frequent watering, you should take care of the drainage layer and the holes in the container, so that the case does not "fill" the plant.
More efficient drainage layer placed in a bulk tray, from which tomato will consume moisture as needed.
The soil should form a fertile, friable, extremely permeable to air and moisture. After transplanting into containers of soil surface is best zamulchirovat humus or rotted grass. Feed the plants need as required and preferably organic fertilizers.
Choose a variety of tomato "bouquet»:
When selecting varieties to be guided in the first place to its description. Many manufacturers have in their assortment ampelnye class but the best way proven in the following gardeners.

Grade "Gardening Pearl" (from different manufacturers is found under the names "Zhemchuzhinka", "Arctic", and has foreign analogue Garden Pearl) - a very bushy, with small pink fruits of good taste. "Gardening Pearl" begins to bloom and bear fruit soon, so very popular. Hybrid "Citizen FV» distinguished by a particularly high yield and large fruit varieties for ampelnye (40 - 50 grams). The fruit, but good weight, and have a wonderful flavor. However, this hybrid is not inclined to the bushes, so its shaping care should be taken immediately after landing in the pot.
But the best, according to many owners of houses and plots, is a sort of "Talisman" - ultra-fast, open ground. Already in July, it is decorated with multicolored bushes heavy bunches of fruit weighing up to 20 grams. "Talisman" is still very beautiful to late frosts, if the time to remove the ripe tomatoes and its shelter for the night.
Also very good grade on the basis of wild tomato - Gold Rush Currant and Sweet Pea. They have long, up to 1 meter, hanging vines, which form a gorgeous voluminous bush, completely studded with hundreds of tiny. (1 - 2 grams) of red and yellow fruits
Since tomatoes hang-downing we became engaged recently, most of the varieties - of foreign origin. They can be easily ordered online.
Growing tomatoes ampelnye differs little from growing flowers in pots. For the bush should be chosen appropriate for the volume of container - an average of 4 to 9 liters. Since tomatoes require frequent watering, you should take care of the drainage layer and the holes in the container, so that the case does not "fill" the plant.
More efficient drainage layer placed in a bulk tray, from which tomato will consume moisture as needed.
The soil should form a fertile, friable, extremely permeable to air and moisture. After transplanting into containers of soil surface is best zamulchirovat humus or rotted grass. Feed the plants need as required and preferably organic fertilizers.