"75 years we have seen the life of a group of people. And learn about the happiness of the most important "

We are constantly being told that to become happy and healthy, it is necessary to rely on the work, diligence and achieving more. We have the impression that it is to this worthwhile endeavor, to live better.
What really makes us healthy and happy throughout our lives?
We spent a Harvard study that followed the people from adolescence until starosti.V for 75 years we have seen the lives of 724 men. The study involved two groups of young people: students of Harvard College and teenagers from the poorest areas of Boston.
At the beginning of the project, all the young men were interviewed and physical examinations. They grew up and became factory workers, lawyers, doctors and builders, and even one of the United States President. Some climbed up the social ladder, while others traveled in the opposite direction.
So, what have we learned from the tens of thousands of pages of information collected about their lives? This lesson is not about wealth, fame and hard work. < After the study it became abundantly clear that the happier and healthier we are doing a good relationship
We have received three major findings:.
The relationship with the people is very useful and loneliness kills. people who have a strong connection to family, friends, community, happier, healthier physically, and they live longer than men, deprived of the society of other of people. It's not the number of friends and not about whether you have a constant steam , as well as relationships with loved ones. < / Life in a state of conflict is harmful to our health. Sincere, warm relations -. It is a buffer that protects us from the blows of fate and transformation in the elderly A good relationship protect our brains The people who are in relationships where they can rely on each. on the other, longer retain a good memory. At the same time good relations does not mean full bright. Some of our 80-year-old couples squabble continued day and night. But as long as they feel they can count on the support of another, these arguments do not cause much harm to their memory.
In our 75-year study of the happiest participants were retired people who are actively doing colleague playmates. They devote more time to communicate, trying to inject novelty long relationship (for example, a night walk) and phoned relatives with whom a hundred years not talking
Mark Twain, looking back on his life, wrote. "Life is so short. No time for squabbles, apology, bile and call to account. There is only time to love, and it is only a moment. »
Author: Robert Uoldinger
Preview: New Regency Pictures
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