How to stop often to wash your hair and forget about fat

Often we are faced with the problem of hair fat. My head shampoo and hair starts only faster zhirnet. Today we talk about the old recipe of my grandmother's head washing soda and vinegar, which helps to remove fat hair and wash them only once a week.
1. Soda. You can take as much soda as can fit in the palm, add water, and this gruel to wash the hair roots. You can prepare a mixture of long-acting. To do this in a bottle pour half a cup of baking soda and add 4 cups of warm water. Shake well and keep in a bathroom. One of the most popular recipes for hair washing soda is as follows: the above-described composition of the massage the scalp, rinse with warm water and rinse with natural vinegar. This so-called gypsy method. Vinegar should be - a quarter cup, if you have short hair, and half a cup, if you have long hair. Such washing hair get used immediately, but about a week after three or four hair adapt, and wash your hair you will not be more than once a week.
2. Soap. Buy soap in a shop of organic cosmetics, in pharmacy or for those who make home-made soap. Mix equal parts of this soap and water, but instead of water better to use a variety of herbal teas, they give a great smell. Add two teaspoons of tea tree oil, it helps get rid of dandruff, and even lice. Ingredients ready.
3. Aloe Vera. Very simple - delicately massage in aloe vera juice into the scalp. This method is also a fact that eliminates dandruff, prevents hair loss, increases blood flow, normalizes pH level.
5. Calendula The bank put the dried marigold flowers (you can prepare yourself, or you can buy in the pharmacy), pour the olive oil, that it covers flowers. Close and store in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking every day. Then strain the oil, add vitamin E (a natural preservative) and use as a regular shampoo. About the benefit of olive oil is known to many, but this adds to the marigold-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties. 6. Coconut oil is a great scent and care provided by your hair. Mix coconut oil with herbal tea, then massage into the scalp and rinse well, the hair will be shiny and silky.
Personal experience:
And now I tell you about their lives without shampoo. The experiment began this way: three times a week I washed her hair with a mixture of baking soda and water (1 tablespoon to 1 cup of water, increase the concentration of soda is not desirable.). Gently massaging the scalp with a mixture. The hair along the length did not touch. And after all the hair from root to tip washed with diluted apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp. Vinegar 1-2 cups of water).
First week: "Horrible, but I'll stay!»
At first, like many beauty-warn Blogersha hair adapted. And isolated even seems to have more fat than usual. That is where a fortnight hair was actually fatter. But the problem was solved ponytail, as well as hats and handkerchiefs.
Second week: "It is better, but there is still a lot of fat»
I was afraid that it would be an unpleasant smell from the hair. But it seems that this is nothing more than a delusion, at least, I did not feel any smell. Yes, and how it will be, I rinsed hair, soap, brushing clean comb.
Third week: "Class! The hair is not as easy, but it has much thicker and do not require daily washing »
Frankly, the most difficult - the first few days. I really wanted to take a fragrant foam and shampoo, but I held on, and then it became easier and better, somewhere on the 9th day. Sometimes I washed them every 3-4 days soda, sometimes simply rinsed with water, air conditioning several times with water, sometimes in the soda adds a few drops of tea tree oil or olive oil.
Week four: "What you need! Now there is a shine, healthy look, the touch - pure silk »
! The first change I noticed after three weeks of abstinence from this shampoo. Hair became very pleasant to the touch. Such heavy, smooth. More hair is noticeably thicker. Rather, it is the result of natural oils that now remain on the hair and are not washed off during washing. Of course, no dryness and no static electricity and split ends, and this is an obvious plus. Prior to that, the hair had a slight wave, now they are clearly heavier, and no undulation, therefore, probably, the method can be recommended to those who want to calm their unruly curly hair.
As soon as I use a hair dryer, the hair becomes much worse, so now I practice exclusively natural drying at room temperature. Perhaps a small disadvantage is that the hair is slightly darker, it is a fact, but it's also can be attributed to the results of the natural oils.