So, what do you think, can kill you
Vaccines against deadly thoughts suschestvuetDavno not proved that the expectation of the disease can be just as dangerous as the disease itself. For example, followers of voodoo often resort to suggestion, if they need someone to hurt. Voodoo makes a person believe in the disease, as a result of his manifest different symptoms, in some cases, the victim herself literally kills itself. This phenomenon is known as the "nocebo effect" (Latin nocebo -. «I harmed»)
Scientists claim that hazardous to health beliefs can be transmitted from person to person and distributed through the media To experience the nocebo effect on themselves, not necessarily provoke a -nibud priest of voodoo - just scroll through a couple of newspapers or exchange gossip with colleagues. Scientists claim that the dangerous health beliefs can be transmitted from person to person and spread through the media. Remember - some time ago there was a rumor that cell phones detrimental effect on the brain, and although scientific proof that no one has not yet been granted, thousands of people around the world said that the mobile phone has become for them a source of headaches in the literal sense of the word. Once medics set up an experiment to identify the relationship between headache and mobile, with some participants complained of discomfort, even if instead of these phones are "influenced" dummies.
The placebo effect is so pronounced that it can not too good joke to turn into a real tragedy. A good example of the pernicious self-hypnosis famous German psychiatrist Erich von Menninger Lerhental cited the following story happened to his students in Vienna. Wanting to teach one of the employees of the university, the students dragged him into the prepared room, blindfolded and announced that now he was beheaded. Head accident put on a wooden deck, and then the jokers hit him in the neck with a cold wet towel. At the same time cruel lottery the victim died.
Nocebo able to influence not only human health, but also on the physiological indicators. The medical community is widely known case occurred in 2007, the year. The patient is being treated for depression, I decided to settle accounts with life and swallowed several dozen prescription pills to him. The man collapsed lifeless right in the corridor clinic, his blood pressure plummeted, and if not for emergency measures taken by the doctors came to the rescue in time, he would not be alive. The most amazing thing that a blood test found no hard drugs in the body of a failed suicide. "Evacuate" his doctors some time puzzled over the mysterious incident, and only a few hours later patient's physician explained that he took part in an experiment to study the placebo effect, and nearly died of "overdose" sweet "dummy".
Of course, it all looks a bit comical, but according to Fabrizio Benedetti, a neurophysiologist from the School of Medicine at the University of Turin, nocebo can really kill a person. Waiting for the fear of sickness most directly affect the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands of the brain, causing a powerful hormonal explosion. By and large, the body is still, the danger is real or it "created" brain - if the fear of the threat is strong enough, there is a risk of death
The body is still , a real danger of it or "created" brain - if the fear of the threat is strong enough, there is a risk of death strong > As mentioned earlier, the nocebo effect can be transmitted through gossip and rumors. The same Benedetti last year gave the following experiment. He suggested that the group of more than a hundred students hiking in the mountains, at a height of about 3 thousand meters, and a few days before traveling to one of them said that the thin mountain air can cause a migraine. "Dedicated" conveyed the news to his comrades and to hike the day about a quarter of the participants complained of a severe headache. Moreover - their analysis showed if boys and girls have just returned from a mountain hike, which breathed the air with a reduced oxygen content. "The" infected "by rumors changed the biochemistry of the brain," - says neuroscientist
. In other words, the nocebo effect can be distributed as a kind of epidemic and cover a fairly large groups of people. At the same time, people sometimes do not understand what caused the discomfort - according to some sources, the nocebo effect, and is transmitted at the level of the subconscious signals
. A few examples of mysterious mass illnesses, which can be explained, perhaps, only flashes of the nocebo effect. In July 1518, the year the French city of Strasbourg on the street noticed a woman who performed a strange dance that lasted several days. She is joined by other citizens and gradually "flash mob" has grown to nearly 400 members. By late summer, several dozen participants of the "dance marathon" died of a heart attack or exhaustion - this tragic episode went down in history as the "Dance plague." In 1962 a mysterious disease struck dozens of workers a US textile mills. Among the symptoms were nausea, numbness, dizziness, but none of the patients the doctors were unable to diagnose. The official version says that the culprit - mass hysteria. At the end of the XIX-th century, many users trendy gadget called "phone" complained that after telephone conversations they turned and headache.
Recently, complaints about eye problems in many countries of the world for viewing 3D-TV Generally, fear of technological progress often generates nocebo effect .
How to stop the epidemic of deadly rumors and beliefs? One of the measures can be increased control over the activities of unscrupulous media that disseminate information that could trigger nocebo flash. In addition, it is important to strongly increase the level of education of the people, explain to them that their trust can be a threat to their health. "We must make it clear to patients that this inner fear, and must be fought with him" - says Dimos Mitsikostas. He admits that for all the achievements of modern medical science can not ignore the connection between thinking and physical health. "For thousands of years people will use medicine to treat them. Of course, a desire to get well enough to beat the disease, but without it you can not do "- adds the doctor
. via www.bbc.com/future/story/20150210-can-you-think-yourself-to-death

Scientists claim that hazardous to health beliefs can be transmitted from person to person and distributed through the media To experience the nocebo effect on themselves, not necessarily provoke a -nibud priest of voodoo - just scroll through a couple of newspapers or exchange gossip with colleagues. Scientists claim that the dangerous health beliefs can be transmitted from person to person and spread through the media. Remember - some time ago there was a rumor that cell phones detrimental effect on the brain, and although scientific proof that no one has not yet been granted, thousands of people around the world said that the mobile phone has become for them a source of headaches in the literal sense of the word. Once medics set up an experiment to identify the relationship between headache and mobile, with some participants complained of discomfort, even if instead of these phones are "influenced" dummies.
The placebo effect is so pronounced that it can not too good joke to turn into a real tragedy. A good example of the pernicious self-hypnosis famous German psychiatrist Erich von Menninger Lerhental cited the following story happened to his students in Vienna. Wanting to teach one of the employees of the university, the students dragged him into the prepared room, blindfolded and announced that now he was beheaded. Head accident put on a wooden deck, and then the jokers hit him in the neck with a cold wet towel. At the same time cruel lottery the victim died.
Nocebo able to influence not only human health, but also on the physiological indicators. The medical community is widely known case occurred in 2007, the year. The patient is being treated for depression, I decided to settle accounts with life and swallowed several dozen prescription pills to him. The man collapsed lifeless right in the corridor clinic, his blood pressure plummeted, and if not for emergency measures taken by the doctors came to the rescue in time, he would not be alive. The most amazing thing that a blood test found no hard drugs in the body of a failed suicide. "Evacuate" his doctors some time puzzled over the mysterious incident, and only a few hours later patient's physician explained that he took part in an experiment to study the placebo effect, and nearly died of "overdose" sweet "dummy".
Of course, it all looks a bit comical, but according to Fabrizio Benedetti, a neurophysiologist from the School of Medicine at the University of Turin, nocebo can really kill a person. Waiting for the fear of sickness most directly affect the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands of the brain, causing a powerful hormonal explosion. By and large, the body is still, the danger is real or it "created" brain - if the fear of the threat is strong enough, there is a risk of death

The body is still , a real danger of it or "created" brain - if the fear of the threat is strong enough, there is a risk of death strong > As mentioned earlier, the nocebo effect can be transmitted through gossip and rumors. The same Benedetti last year gave the following experiment. He suggested that the group of more than a hundred students hiking in the mountains, at a height of about 3 thousand meters, and a few days before traveling to one of them said that the thin mountain air can cause a migraine. "Dedicated" conveyed the news to his comrades and to hike the day about a quarter of the participants complained of a severe headache. Moreover - their analysis showed if boys and girls have just returned from a mountain hike, which breathed the air with a reduced oxygen content. "The" infected "by rumors changed the biochemistry of the brain," - says neuroscientist
. In other words, the nocebo effect can be distributed as a kind of epidemic and cover a fairly large groups of people. At the same time, people sometimes do not understand what caused the discomfort - according to some sources, the nocebo effect, and is transmitted at the level of the subconscious signals
. A few examples of mysterious mass illnesses, which can be explained, perhaps, only flashes of the nocebo effect. In July 1518, the year the French city of Strasbourg on the street noticed a woman who performed a strange dance that lasted several days. She is joined by other citizens and gradually "flash mob" has grown to nearly 400 members. By late summer, several dozen participants of the "dance marathon" died of a heart attack or exhaustion - this tragic episode went down in history as the "Dance plague." In 1962 a mysterious disease struck dozens of workers a US textile mills. Among the symptoms were nausea, numbness, dizziness, but none of the patients the doctors were unable to diagnose. The official version says that the culprit - mass hysteria. At the end of the XIX-th century, many users trendy gadget called "phone" complained that after telephone conversations they turned and headache.
Recently, complaints about eye problems in many countries of the world for viewing 3D-TV Generally, fear of technological progress often generates nocebo effect .
How to stop the epidemic of deadly rumors and beliefs? One of the measures can be increased control over the activities of unscrupulous media that disseminate information that could trigger nocebo flash. In addition, it is important to strongly increase the level of education of the people, explain to them that their trust can be a threat to their health. "We must make it clear to patients that this inner fear, and must be fought with him" - says Dimos Mitsikostas. He admits that for all the achievements of modern medical science can not ignore the connection between thinking and physical health. "For thousands of years people will use medicine to treat them. Of course, a desire to get well enough to beat the disease, but without it you can not do "- adds the doctor
. via www.bbc.com/future/story/20150210-can-you-think-yourself-to-death
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