Middle of the night woke Mama Dog. Enter the room to her son, she was stunned ...
Family Natall from the American city of Glendale at first glance no different from the rest. The couple love each other, and the soul is not fer in their 7-year-old son Luke. They always look happy and cheerful. Nevertheless, over the entire family constantly hangs invisible threat ...
Baby Luke ill since childhood type 1 diabetes. Parents have every few hours to control the level of sugar in the blood of the boy. After all, if this figure will go beyond the norm, the boy could die!
While mom and dad very responsible attitude to the health of his son, and regularly do the necessary tests, but one could only prevent the tragedy of their home dog named Jedi!
One night, when the whole family was fast asleep, the Jedi felt that the boy going on that something was wrong. The dog instantly rushed to the parents' room and woke them.
Jedi were all on edge and everyone in their appearance as if called adults to follow him to the nursery.
When he came into the room to Luke, mom and dad saw that his son sleeping peacefully. Outwardly, nothing showed his bad state of health. But concerned parents decided just in case, check the level of sugar in the blood of the boy.
«When I saw the reading device, then nearly fell into a swoon. He showed all 57 divisions, while sugar levels should not fall below 70 "- Dorrie Natall recalls the events of that night
The boy immediately made an injection of insulin, and his condition returned to normal. But if the Jedi did not wake up in time to the parents, the baby could never wake up ...
So faithful dog was able to save the life of his little master! If you are impressed by this incredible story, be sure to share it with your friends.
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Baby Luke ill since childhood type 1 diabetes. Parents have every few hours to control the level of sugar in the blood of the boy. After all, if this figure will go beyond the norm, the boy could die!

While mom and dad very responsible attitude to the health of his son, and regularly do the necessary tests, but one could only prevent the tragedy of their home dog named Jedi!

One night, when the whole family was fast asleep, the Jedi felt that the boy going on that something was wrong. The dog instantly rushed to the parents' room and woke them.

Jedi were all on edge and everyone in their appearance as if called adults to follow him to the nursery.

When he came into the room to Luke, mom and dad saw that his son sleeping peacefully. Outwardly, nothing showed his bad state of health. But concerned parents decided just in case, check the level of sugar in the blood of the boy.

«When I saw the reading device, then nearly fell into a swoon. He showed all 57 divisions, while sugar levels should not fall below 70 "- Dorrie Natall recalls the events of that night

The boy immediately made an injection of insulin, and his condition returned to normal. But if the Jedi did not wake up in time to the parents, the baby could never wake up ...

So faithful dog was able to save the life of his little master! If you are impressed by this incredible story, be sure to share it with your friends.
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