Garden on the windowsill

Happy owners of estates, suburban areas and gardens in full enjoy the fresh herbs and the first radishes with their own beds. The rest remains to buy parsley and salad in urban markets.
Meanwhile, independent studies using the domestic market tester put the greens on the third place on the content of nitrates after Chinese zucchini and avocado (the first - sausage and meat). And the greens, we really, really need, with daily. This vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B9, B10), and valuable micronutrients and plant protein and chlorophyll, and omega-3 (!). And all this in unique combinations of essential and in fact benefits.
In the absence of home / garden and opportunities to acquire environmentally friendly green residents of cities has its own two outs on the trail of health: seek time on a regular trip wild plants (which by mid-summer already izrastayut in rigid and malovitaminnuyu tops) or to grow "green fodder" on the window sills and loggias .
Big harvest in a city apartment, of course, do not have to wait, but the process itself is very interesting, besides, what could be nicer than to collect their own harvest with a home window?
The easiest way in such an environment to grow parsley, coriander, fennel, onions (preferably long), watercress, Chinese cabbage, spinach, basil, mustard, lemon balm, sorrel and spinach. Growing and caring for these plants can be trusted even to children.
Advanced gardeners also long and successful home grown tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, lemons, pineapples and even mushrooms! If not to turn his apartment into a sort of plantations, such a "kitchen garden" is a very nice fit in your interior, becoming an oasis of spiritual joy and an example to emulate friendly.
Some general rules for the success of this enterprise:
As the ground for home vegetable garden is better to buy ready-made substrate (better bio-humus). Garden Plot may contain harmful larvae and spores of weeds.
Pots and containers are best placed on the south side of the house (cucumbers - to the east). However, in the midday heat is better pritenyat plants (obscure glass of white paper or light fabric). In winter necessarily need artificial lighting.
Water for irrigation is necessary at least to defend during the day, and ideally use mineralized.
Containers and pots must be equipped with drainage holes to avoid water stagnation occurred. Watering regularly - as dry land, in the heat - an additional spraying (except tomatoes)
. When choosing seeds to grow vegetables, it is better to give preference to small-fruited, high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Derived many varieties specifically for growing on the windowsill - such clumps are compact and highly decorative
. As a fertilizer, as a rule, it is sufficient bio-humus (earth, recycled earthworms) and infusion wood ash (0, 5, Art ash to 3 liters of water.) - Is phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other useful plants microelements. At the same time the ash helps to avoid the appearance of indoor gnats.
If possible, you can sometimes fertilize the ground flour of seaweed or fish emulsion (fish production waste by-product), if this is not contrary to your vegan principles, of course.
Planting seeds and water the plants need to be sure in a good mood, and harvest with love and gratitude. Often it is even more important than careful maintenance and follow the lunar calendar.
Fresh and bright look in urban apartments bushes with hot pepper - some kind of fruit it continuously. In Europe, the pots with the peppers are very popular as Christmas gifts. Also from the bitter peppers can be done "beads" to decorate the kitchen interior. The soil in which grow peppers, it is important to regularly loosen.
And, of course, on the window sill need to cultivate sunflower seeds. Clearly, not to sunflowers - sufficiently until the first leaves of the two, and it is only 4-5 days! Cultivating these very juicy, tasty and (c syroednyh categories) is quite hearty. Seeds before planting to soak for a few hours.
Incidentally, in the summer and fall, many vegetable crops can be just digging in the garden area and replant in flower pots.
In general, entering into creative taste, you can find a lot of plants that will help transform the usual, typical environment of city apartments, enrich the air in their freshness and oxygen come in handy at some point, as food or condiments, and most importantly - will give the soul warmth , joy, and a fraction of the sunlight even in the bad weather day.