15 celebrities for whom kindness - not an empty phrase
Among the famous people, movie stars and show business, charity is not such a rarity. Celebrities have a little fame, money and popularity - many of them dream and truly make the world a better
Website want to talk about foreign and domestic stars, whose good works are not just PR-shares. and self-promotion, but a conscious and important activity.
Beroev Egor and Kseniya Alferova
The couple for several years engaged in helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. Three years ago, they opened their own charitable foundation, "I am!" Egor and Kseniya trying to make the lives of their charges more bright and colorful, for this they arrange various events, exhibitions and concerts. They are also trying to create for these children all the conditions for a healthy adaptation in adult life.
Orlando Bloom
The famous actor since 2009, is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). For several years, Bloom has visited a lot of countries in the framework of charitable projects. In particular he had been on a humanitarian mission in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.
Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun
Girlfriends and actress in 2006 jointly established the "Give Life" Foundation, which has since been helping children with severe oncological and hematological diseases. Today in Russia more and more children with such a terrible diagnosis have a chance of recovery and a happy life, in many respects this is due to the help of Khamatova Fund.
Keanu Reeves
This Hollywood actor for a long time famous for its - in the positive sense -ekstsentrichnostyu. Often Keanu gave almost the entire proceeds of the film fee to the needs of charitable organizations. Reeves knows firsthand about the severe diseases - his sister for 10 years struggled with cancer, so the actor does not spare funds to support cancer fund
Natalia Vodianova 87,123,800
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Beautiful Russian Natalia Vodianova became famous all over the world not only as superuspeshnaya model, but also as a philanthropist. Actress for many years actively involved in charitable activities. Younger sister Vodianova from birth suffers from severe autism, and Vodianova knows from experience that children with such diseases need special care and grooming. Natalia headed "Naked Heart" foundation holds an annual charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such activities go to help children in need
Oprah Winfrey
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The legendary American television host, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey for many years actively involved in charity work. In addition to the financial support of multiple funds, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and murder are a daily reality, girls are almost deprived of the opportunity to finish school. Through the efforts of Oprah several hundred graduates of this school have degrees from prestigious American universities.
Maria Mironova, Igor Wernick and Yevgeny Mironov
In 2008, the actors have jointly established a charitable fund "Artist", designed to help older artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to veterans of theater and cinema, the fund volunteers provide moral support: go to visit their wards, to give holiday gifts, impromptu concerts
Brad Pitt
A few years ago, the famous actor founded the charity fund «Make It Right» to help the residents of New Orleans affected by devastating Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years of Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 homes. To work on the project were invited the best architects and engineers. Actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and supervised the construction process at all stages.
Konstantin Habensky
Activities Charitable Foundation Keira Knightley is aimed at helping children with severe diseases of the brain. The motto of the fund sounds like "One life saved - it is a life saved." The actor has spared neither time nor money for charity. During the work of the Fund was able to save more than 150 children - in this case, of course, much of the credit personally Keira Knightley.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio is famous not only for its phenomenal role in the movie, but also for active environmental protection. In 2012, the actor became the ambassador of the United Nations in the world. Selecting DiCaprio at such a high position was not accidental - an actor in Hollywood is considered a major supporter of the "green" lifestyle. In 1998, Leo has created his own charitable foundation, whose main objective is to cultivate a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Each year, the actor spends a huge amount of their fees to the solution of environmental problems.
Angelina Jolie
It is difficult to name all the charity projects in which participated Angelina Jolie. She is an ambassador for the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees. For more than 15 years of charitable activity have time to visit with the humanitarian missions are many hot spots (including Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kosovo, Pakistan). Together with Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie in 2006 created the «Jolie / Pitt Foundation» charity fund, whose funds are used for financing programs of "Doctors without Borders".
Photos on preview: inkazan.ru
See also:
Brad Pitt has built homes for hundreds of families who have lost everything in the hurricane
6 Rich, who donated all his fortune to charity
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/6-bogachej-kotorye-pozhertvovali-vse-svoe-sostoyanie-na-blagotvoritelnost-1024810/
Website want to talk about foreign and domestic stars, whose good works are not just PR-shares. and self-promotion, but a conscious and important activity.
Beroev Egor and Kseniya Alferova

The couple for several years engaged in helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. Three years ago, they opened their own charitable foundation, "I am!" Egor and Kseniya trying to make the lives of their charges more bright and colorful, for this they arrange various events, exhibitions and concerts. They are also trying to create for these children all the conditions for a healthy adaptation in adult life.
Orlando Bloom

The famous actor since 2009, is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). For several years, Bloom has visited a lot of countries in the framework of charitable projects. In particular he had been on a humanitarian mission in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.
Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

Girlfriends and actress in 2006 jointly established the "Give Life" Foundation, which has since been helping children with severe oncological and hematological diseases. Today in Russia more and more children with such a terrible diagnosis have a chance of recovery and a happy life, in many respects this is due to the help of Khamatova Fund.
Keanu Reeves

This Hollywood actor for a long time famous for its - in the positive sense -ekstsentrichnostyu. Often Keanu gave almost the entire proceeds of the film fee to the needs of charitable organizations. Reeves knows firsthand about the severe diseases - his sister for 10 years struggled with cancer, so the actor does not spare funds to support cancer fund
Natalia Vodianova 87,123,800
<. br>
Beautiful Russian Natalia Vodianova became famous all over the world not only as superuspeshnaya model, but also as a philanthropist. Actress for many years actively involved in charitable activities. Younger sister Vodianova from birth suffers from severe autism, and Vodianova knows from experience that children with such diseases need special care and grooming. Natalia headed "Naked Heart" foundation holds an annual charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such activities go to help children in need
Oprah Winfrey

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The legendary American television host, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey for many years actively involved in charity work. In addition to the financial support of multiple funds, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and murder are a daily reality, girls are almost deprived of the opportunity to finish school. Through the efforts of Oprah several hundred graduates of this school have degrees from prestigious American universities.
Maria Mironova, Igor Wernick and Yevgeny Mironov

In 2008, the actors have jointly established a charitable fund "Artist", designed to help older artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to veterans of theater and cinema, the fund volunteers provide moral support: go to visit their wards, to give holiday gifts, impromptu concerts
Brad Pitt

A few years ago, the famous actor founded the charity fund «Make It Right» to help the residents of New Orleans affected by devastating Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years of Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 homes. To work on the project were invited the best architects and engineers. Actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and supervised the construction process at all stages.
Konstantin Habensky

Activities Charitable Foundation Keira Knightley is aimed at helping children with severe diseases of the brain. The motto of the fund sounds like "One life saved - it is a life saved." The actor has spared neither time nor money for charity. During the work of the Fund was able to save more than 150 children - in this case, of course, much of the credit personally Keira Knightley.
Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is famous not only for its phenomenal role in the movie, but also for active environmental protection. In 2012, the actor became the ambassador of the United Nations in the world. Selecting DiCaprio at such a high position was not accidental - an actor in Hollywood is considered a major supporter of the "green" lifestyle. In 1998, Leo has created his own charitable foundation, whose main objective is to cultivate a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Each year, the actor spends a huge amount of their fees to the solution of environmental problems.
Angelina Jolie

It is difficult to name all the charity projects in which participated Angelina Jolie. She is an ambassador for the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees. For more than 15 years of charitable activity have time to visit with the humanitarian missions are many hot spots (including Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kosovo, Pakistan). Together with Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie in 2006 created the «Jolie / Pitt Foundation» charity fund, whose funds are used for financing programs of "Doctors without Borders".
Photos on preview: inkazan.ru
See also:
Brad Pitt has built homes for hundreds of families who have lost everything in the hurricane
6 Rich, who donated all his fortune to charity
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/6-bogachej-kotorye-pozhertvovali-vse-svoe-sostoyanie-na-blagotvoritelnost-1024810/