Accurate Jewish quotes that tell you what to do so that your kindness does not wipe your feet
We all want to be kind. But why? Have you ever wondered why this desire arises? Part of the point is that we all enjoy being valued, respected and noticed. Everyone enjoys being loved and considered better than others. Since there is a morality in our society, one of the most important principles of a good person is to treat others kindly. But why don't they value the good?
I have always liked Jewish wisdom. It's because These people know how to combine good and practical. They know how to please the world, but not forget about themselves. The Jewish people have long understood that it is impossible to be kind if you are not joyful inside and your heart is not filled with happiness.
Sad, resentful people cannot be truly kind. In most cases, they are angry and want justice. When a person thinks that everyone around him is to blame for his failures, he definitely will not want to do someone good voluntarily and sincerely, without expecting anything in return.
The beauty of kindness is that it is multifaceted. Sometimes it even means not doing something wrong. For example, do not yell at your subordinate when you are in a bad mood or when he somehow messed up. Kindness is first and foremost patience. For example, be patient when a loved one is annoyed and tired. Try not to react immediately, but to put yourself in his place and understand. However, it takes effort, you need to spend a little energy.
It is sad that sometimes people misunderstand kindness. They think it should be cumbersome and visible. Yeah, maybe they're right. But only when a person wants to prove himself for the sake of gratitude and praise of others. Then he wants to make a big move. So everyone can see him.
Truly good people do not boast about their good. They can do it a little bit, but often. This is the middle ground. If you do a lot of high-profile actions, and even for the benefit of praise, you can quickly burn out and come to naught. The problem is that people who do this don’t get the pleasure of just making everyone around them a little happier.
Such a person necessarily needs feedback. Only then will he feel needed and important. Small acts of kindness are usually not noticeable. Only those who commit them are almost always happy and optimistic. This is because they take great pleasure in the action, not in the reaction to it. They enjoy doing something good. Their mood rises even if they feed the dog in the next yard. The mongrel immediately ran away for her business and did not even wave her tail in gratitude. It doesn’t matter because the world is better.
Being a good person is important not to forget about yourself. Kindness must not become sacrifice, or it will end quickly. Do not forget about yourself and your needs. Remember that it is not only the outside world that needs good deeds, understanding and love. You need it, too, and you can give it to yourself. Replenishing your resources, you give yourself a reserve of energy to give a part of it to the outside world.
Be kind to yourself and others, but do not let yourself sit on your head. Remember that kindness is often taken for granted by people. Good is neither appreciated nor noticed. Moreover, they begin to expect things from you that you don’t have to do.
I have always liked Jewish wisdom. It's because These people know how to combine good and practical. They know how to please the world, but not forget about themselves. The Jewish people have long understood that it is impossible to be kind if you are not joyful inside and your heart is not filled with happiness.

Sad, resentful people cannot be truly kind. In most cases, they are angry and want justice. When a person thinks that everyone around him is to blame for his failures, he definitely will not want to do someone good voluntarily and sincerely, without expecting anything in return.

The beauty of kindness is that it is multifaceted. Sometimes it even means not doing something wrong. For example, do not yell at your subordinate when you are in a bad mood or when he somehow messed up. Kindness is first and foremost patience. For example, be patient when a loved one is annoyed and tired. Try not to react immediately, but to put yourself in his place and understand. However, it takes effort, you need to spend a little energy.

It is sad that sometimes people misunderstand kindness. They think it should be cumbersome and visible. Yeah, maybe they're right. But only when a person wants to prove himself for the sake of gratitude and praise of others. Then he wants to make a big move. So everyone can see him.
Truly good people do not boast about their good. They can do it a little bit, but often. This is the middle ground. If you do a lot of high-profile actions, and even for the benefit of praise, you can quickly burn out and come to naught. The problem is that people who do this don’t get the pleasure of just making everyone around them a little happier.

Such a person necessarily needs feedback. Only then will he feel needed and important. Small acts of kindness are usually not noticeable. Only those who commit them are almost always happy and optimistic. This is because they take great pleasure in the action, not in the reaction to it. They enjoy doing something good. Their mood rises even if they feed the dog in the next yard. The mongrel immediately ran away for her business and did not even wave her tail in gratitude. It doesn’t matter because the world is better.

Being a good person is important not to forget about yourself. Kindness must not become sacrifice, or it will end quickly. Do not forget about yourself and your needs. Remember that it is not only the outside world that needs good deeds, understanding and love. You need it, too, and you can give it to yourself. Replenishing your resources, you give yourself a reserve of energy to give a part of it to the outside world.

Be kind to yourself and others, but do not let yourself sit on your head. Remember that kindness is often taken for granted by people. Good is neither appreciated nor noticed. Moreover, they begin to expect things from you that you don’t have to do.
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The employee of a private “smart” greenhouse said that urgently planted on seedlings in February, opened his business for the sale of seedlings