Women's happiness - a good marriage?

married or work? It seems that one does not interfere ... in theory. But in practice, young married girls want much more than to pore over books and chew on, as they say, granite. After all, many women all the benefits accrue just from her husband. ? So why plugging away .. The site publishes articles that want to print and hang it on the wall in every university, next to the schedule
As a child, I thought that thing. - this exit successfully married. like how to learn, too, of course, necessary, but it's just to have something to do marry. We grew up, looked at the older girls. Some were beautiful, well trained, cared for them and loved children. They turned out pretty quickly jump to marry almost immediately after school, to close up the child, then the second. Decree of the decree, the allowance, then - any nominal position of nurses in the kindergarten, that child took. Where you can not work properly, purely celebrated in the statement. Husbands bring salaries, gave cars and fur coats. When hard unstick my eyes at six, because the four decided to difury and merznesh at the bus stop, I want to cry at the thought that someone took and gave the car.
The first work was easier and the money at least some bred. In a fur coat, of course, but thicker down jacket was missing. But get up you still have the same early hour, to sit in his kyubikle all day. And those who was quicker, keep watching the house talk shows, cut nails in the salon every week and get their coats and machines are not in credit, but just for the occasion.
However, I would not say that the choice of the working path was so much choice. No one came on a white horse with a proposal to hand, heart and salaries. < Do you want to have - go to work. Would you like to have more delicious -. Parallel to learn And even though you hear now and then echoes advice that "nobody needs tortured office rat" and "female vocation - to be beautiful and to please her husband" to pay for an apartment have to anyway now, without waiting for a successful marriage.
The first revelation was when a friend, one of the once "successful", she divorced her husband. Divorce was hard: except that the furniture is not sawed. Her husband went to build his new happiness in a very different family. Goat? How to say. It is also not a gift between us. And fifteen years of marriage has become more beautiful is not. But life - it is one, and he and she. He decided that he wanted to live it with another, more loved.
< Have you ever seen any women who go to work the first time? There are more than you think in forty years. First, they roam the friends who were very supportive during the divorce, clapping on the back and saying, "Well, you're something, Nadia, clever woman, not lost!" Then go for interviews for the position of managers of jewelry stores and luxury boutiques. Then go to the administrator in the neighboring fitness club, ostensibly for a couple of months, sit out this dark band. A month later, I realize that you need to struggle to keep up with all the no worse than the young girls to not expelled from there.
Other all means keep the marriage. Though they and clap on the shoulder as Nadek, they tend to soberly assess their chances. Presenting as shyly stretch girls half his age himself perfectly-clean resume, agree to any conditions to preserve the marriage. Close our eyes to the betrayal, beatings and humiliation. Babbling something about "their", "love" and "for the sake of children».
It happens that the husband has never been. Just like it so happened that the lover, the friend, the cushy part with friends, parents, the apartment turned out to pass and go to Bali, waving nerds and losers. And then suddenly ceased to be a flat one thousand dollars, aged parents, and dust-free processing take someone else.
That's all I wrote was not to somehow offend or humiliate women not working. Let them all be good husbands and love to get richer, the sun continues to shine in Bali, and the granny flats missing out on the best guest houses near the sea. < But, who are now crying over the synopsis and wants to send to hell all this study, career and a thesis, not in a hurry. will be back in your life a lot of times when you can send unloved husbands idiots-chiefs , hysterical neighbors and whole countries to their regimes. The road to this lies not through love and the bed, and not even a top talent. Just find something you like, and become in this case the most-presamym best specialist. It's long, it's difficult. You will frighten and deter those who would benefit you to be weak and dependent. But you will have the true-true.
And, in confidence, the work does not interfere with having a family and children, to be beautiful and loved.
via snob.ru/profile/26179/blog/105530