In the early to mid-nineteenth century a raw food diet has been quite popular in Russia. There are many raw foodists and communities vegetarians. With raw food diet doctors treat many diseases.
In the book, Professor MI Pevzner, one of the founders of the Soviet science of nutrition, "Fundamentals of educational supply" (Wiley, 1949), there is a long list of diseases in which the power assigned exclusively raw vegetable food.
This gout and uric acid diathesis, obesity and diabetes (diabetes), skin diseases, nervous heart disease and vascular system, especially the functional neuroses hyperthyroidism, migraine undefined character, neurasthenia due to psychogenic influences. This epilepsy, in which raw meal has a beneficial effect, as this food does not contain salt. This and some allergic diseases (here mode of abundant food recommended to appoint as a trial). Next are the liver and kidney disease, including chronic nephritis. Pevsner observes that in chronic azotemia effect is sometimes only after 10-12 days of supply exclusively fruit. "I've seen patients, he writes, -which all other event did not help, and the food some fruits for 10-15 days give a brilliant effect».
In this list, and the disease-chronic intestinal constipation and diarrhea, chronic catarrh of the intestines of undetermined origin, the special tropical disease - sprue, acute infectious diseases and chronic self-poisoning ... Rounding out the recommendation to use a raw food diet "during weaning from drinking»
. Yes, this diet is more effective than simply switching to vegetarianism, under which, as has long been noted, a craving for strong drinks "die a natural death» ...
So raw food is curative? It's true. But - not the whole truth! Raw plant foods, speaking quite frankly, this is not "medium", and those who turn to it as a "means" do first, still unconscious step towards naturism. As they say, their claw stuck, and then, later, they often come to understand that the natural food - not "means» & gt ;, and the only condition in which the body gets the possibility of self-limiting
. From the practice - one step closer to understanding that the philosophy of health, existent in society, is incorrect. We are, quite simply, been taught to think that our body and strives to be ill but die, and medicine all its resources saves us From disease and death. And if our medicine does not help, we look for another Tibetan, overseas, folk ... But the "inner doctor" his keep in handcuffs.
In fact, the human body defends itself quite well, and many so-called diseases that we treat different medicines are mainly adaptive reactions of the body (so thought and our major theorist of medicine IV Davydovskiy). These natural processes of healing, correcting certain problems in the body, medicine intervenes not always reasonable.
Our body - self-limiting system, but easier to self-healing takes place in compliance with the laws of nature. So, our task - especially to know how not to interfere with the body to heal itself, ie, how to live in accordance with the laws of nature. And the most commonly and flagrantly violated the laws of civilized humanity nature of food prescribed person.
At the same time the animals in nature eat what is characteristic of the organism, and only in raw form, and in case of complaints and refuse to eat at all, as if sensing that digest food, they are not yet able to. These two basic principles of naturopathy and costs. She, apparently destined to be the same "preventive medicine of the future", which for so long we were told "orthodox" doctors all over the globe.
If we look for the origins of the raw food diet, we come to yoga, but for medical science founder of the doctrine of the healing power of raw vegetable food was Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Benner AM. In his book "Fundamentals of the treatment on the basis of power of energy" (SPb. 1914) he wrote:
"... Cooking completely obscured the natural conditions. To him we owe an immense expansion of the field of animal food. If we are calling a person omnivorous, mean that the meat is need for it, then fall into error.
What meat is not necessary, it proves the nations leading a vegetarian lifestyle, as well as living among us vegans.
People eating only fruits, vegetables and refrain from any cooking on the fire, the so-called raw foodists, are impeccable health and full operability, therefore, nature has not put any meat or culinary arts prerequisites for our food.
In a civilized environment, raw foodists, in most cases, a vigorous and independent people, are exempt from the long suffering due to the influence of food and crude rejection of the common methods of power. Is good health and healing would be possible for them, if the meat and culinary arts are necessary and certainly favorable terms of human nutrition.? "