Isaac Newton and vegetable diet

Isaac Newton: "After many years of constant illness vegetable diet gave me Finally, the relief, which I should not have hoped to receive from the drugs, and therefore, out of sympathy for the suffering, I was a strong desire to tell others about the beneficial results of the tested by me. On the other hand, I would like, as far as possible, to promote the destruction of the prejudices against which humanity is struggling, and which relate to matters that have a close relation to the health and happiness of people.
With regard to the well-known argument, if the tendency to meat and taste the pleasure that it brings, is the best proof of its suitability, many savage peoples with the same pleasure devour all sorts of unnatural disgusting food, so that taste, in itself, nothing prove, or rather, proves too much. »
Sir Isaac Newton (born Sir Isaac Newton, January 4, 1643 -. 31 March 1727) - English physicist, mathematician and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. Developed differential and integral calculus, the theory of colors, and many other mathematical and physical theories.