Rotting on the way to the plate or you are what you eat

Immediately after the death of an animal, the protein substance in his body begin to coagulate. The process of self-destruction "enzymes". The process of violation of animal protein structures is very different from a similar process in the plant world - for example, by the slow decay of wood

Immediately after the death of the animal begins to form a decaying substance. Therefore, some time after the slaughter, but not immediately, the animals are placed in refrigerators at the "storage". They were then transported to the butcher shops and sold, after which the meat gets to the home buyer, and then stored in the refrigerator for as long as it is not of the food is prepared.
However, cooling down to -10 or -15 degrees only retards the decomposition process, but does not stop it completely. This means that the meat is stored in the refrigerator, it is still subject to slow degradation.
The question arises: where the buyer knows what stage of decomposition was the meat from which it is made dinner
? Often poisonous bacteria of putrefaction are not destroyed even during the cooking of meat, especially if it underdo, as often happens in a situation with chops and shish kebab. Thus not only the meat rot in our body, but goes there already rotting!
A few years ago in the British Rally: British inspector of public health after the outbreak of food poisoning, sources of which are slaughterhouses, warned housewives, that "take your hands raw meat, in terms of hygiene, is tantamount to pick up feces." They also conducted explanatory conversations in bars and restaurants, explaining that "the raw meat, which is in a state of putrefaction, can stain your hands and cook all the things with which it is in contact and cause infection by pathogenic infections».
How is it that the pick up decomposing raw meat is dangerous, and use it inside undercooked or overcooked intentionally - no
? In order to fully digest the meat, not overcooked leftovers out of the body, it takes about 5 days! This life of the product of digestion do not think, when it comes to food of plant origin! At this time, continuing rotting meat products causing various diseases are constantly in contact with the digestive organs. Not surprisingly, the commitment to a meat diet leads to poisoning and premature wear of the whole organism.
"Well, then I will buy only fresh meat immediately after butchering and immediately cook a delicious barbecue out of it!" - Parry you ... Wait - Now we will do this and that ...
Today, many scientists and naturalists who have studied the evolution of Darwin's theory, agree that the ancient people were vegetarians, carnivores and hunters Anna. They eat fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Throughout history our anatomy has not changed humanity. Swedish scientist von Linnaeus noted that "the internal and external structure of the human body as compared with other animals shows that fruit and succulent vegetables are the natural food of man».
Thus, scientific studies confirm the fact that the physiology, anatomy and instinctive human behavior adapted to a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals.
It briefly and clearly set out in the table (see attached photo to post 1)
Take for example an apple. Even green it makes your appetite, does not it? Why - it is not difficult to understand. When you see an apple in front of him, the brain receives information about the subject of the organs of vision (shape and color) and olfactory (smell). The brain instantly provides a reconciliation of the data from its database of food and detects maximum correspondence received feature set such a product as "apple».
Apple registered in the base of your brain data as "permitted" and "desirable" product. Having identified this object as an apple, the brain begins to perform soft reaction to this product, which is to awaken the appetite and salivation. Then you bite the apple. Its juice is instantly gets your language and tested with the tip of it sensitive to the level of acidity. Also, its juice into the stomach, where it is tested inner surface. As a result, the brain receives accurate and comprehensive information about the nature of the product, which he will have to digest in the stomach flows required for its complete set of cleavage enzymes.
Or take a peach. It causes your appetite? Of course. But the wolf you just can not force him to eat. Even if he would die of hunger near a pile of juicy ripe peaches, and he would never satisfy their own hunger. Wolf and die right in front of a bunch of peach. Why? Because peach is not his food. And his brain knows it. And his freedom of choice is valid only within the framework of the instincts (brain programs).
Now, remember, it looks like a live pig, remember? This meat ... No, let us say otherwise: it is - the meat in its original form this ... It is the appetite? How is it not? Go ahead! You're a predator! Kill him! Break the teeth! Bite ears and tail chewed off his snout ... Why do not you like this idea? Strange ...
A wolf would be from her ecstatic! Maybe your strange reaction to it being caused by the fact that your brain identifies his pyatochku and pink color as "pig." Opposite the column "pig" in his clearly written - "is not a staple food for us"
. Okay, then let's stuffing ... This is it -. Piglet, only after a "machining" In this form it is more pleasant to your eye?
It is thus he appears in front of you on the counter of a supermarket. Eat - we have already paid for it! Bon Appetit. What? You sick? Strange reaction to such a useful and valuable product ...
But the wolf on your place would not think long. It is unlikely that we would have dragged him from such delicacies.
But your reaction to the fact pattern: the brain is clearly identified by the red color on the structure of the muscle fibers, blood stains, veins, blood vessels, fat and connective tissue, bone fragments, that is - the meat. Opposite the meat in its database clearly written: "the use of food is not dopusitimo - enzymatic apparatus is absent." And so you do not try to poison your body with poison, the brain uses the programmed protective response from your stupidity - nausea, and in the event of your obstinacy -.
Vomiting Now imagine this pig in a barbecue? Ltd! That's where our business is clearly gone on the mend! This product is ready, you have plenty privelikim with pleasure! But what is this product? Maybe it's the meat?
Uh, no ... it's not meat! IT - barbecue. A barbecue - is meat cooked (changes) in a certain way with the use of:
-Handling high temperature (which changes its appearance and disrupts molecular structure, making it more accessible to a loose and chewing)
• Add spices and other chemical elements, such as salt, pepper, vinegar, mayonnaise, glutamic acid (changing its taste addictive brain through the food its taste euphoria centers)
That is, skewers, chops, burgers, sausage, grilled chicken, and so on - this is not the meat - this is a fundamentally different product
. In fact, at the sight of this product, the following occurs: at the first use of this product is the brain simply can not find it in its database and takes it with caution, setting the stage for a new cell for him. This cell is described by its appearance and smell, but on the contrary it is written, "I do not know what it really is - not found in nature, but they say that it is" kebab "... More salt, spices, seasonings, glutamate, and the remains of a pig hormone in the brain creates the effect of food euphoria. As a result, in front of the product, which is later and will not be digested, it is already pre-written: "I have no idea what it is and what to do next, but I'm in a rush»
. In fact, at the moment there is deception of the brain and its software, aimed at taking care of your body and preserving its vitality. You slip him the meat in a disguised form and thus make him take a product that is new to him, unfamiliar, and has an element of taste, depending.
You make your body take a product which he would not have received if he could identify it. But ultimately, you are cheating is not it - you are cheating yourself ... It's your body, and you live in it ...
If you get the idea - let's try again: remember how to look skewers ... mouth water flowed? It's very simple: you just cheated your brain. Your brain knows what it looks like meat and how it smells. And he knows that the meat is not to your body.
And this is not the meat for him - for him it barbecue. He knows that he can not digest it, but he does not care - he just wants it as ... wants your dose. Now only you can protect your own body ... The decision is yours.
If your decision - "I skewer the most extreme left" - then reap the fruits of his fraud