Her 12-year-old son mocked classmate - Mom's Reaction to arouse the Internet!

Englishwoman Terry Evans 30 years. She brings 12-year-old son, Jacob, in which doted. The boy is a good student and attends music school. But the recent act of his extremely frustrated Terry.

A month ago, my mother learned that her son was hurting a classmate, who recently moved to his school. In addition to verbal abuse, the boy resorts to action: he deliberately stepped on his leg the girl with such force that one looked up at the brand-new shoes sole

! Having learned about the antics of his son, Terry was outraged to the limit. Explanatory work at home mom how to propesochila son on his page in Facebook.

«Act son made me a feeling of anger and disgust! I want to tell Jacob that he can say goodbye to your birthday present, since the money will go to that little girl to buy new shoes. And if my son again allow himself to such tricks, I'll take him personally to the parents of the girl. Let them punish him, they themselves want. I will not tolerate a bully in his house! "- Terry wrote


This message has caused a flurry of emotions in social networks users. Total this post brought together over 55,000 likes!

A couple of days Many outraged as sharp actions of Terry Evans. After all, the boy only made a small mistake, but such a sharp reaction in social networks can inflict serious psychological trauma! On this mother gave detailed explanations.

«Of course, I first held a serious conversation with her son. And to show him how wrong he was, I suggested that Jacob put this post in Facebook. This is clearly demonstrated his public reaction. For boys classmates found this funny trick and supported Jacob. And I had to show that most people believe his actions wrong.

My son quickly realized his guilt. The same evening he brought the girl my sincere apologies. And now I am sure that in the future he will never offend the weak.

When the number exceeds a thousand likes, I edited the post, removing from it the reference to Jacob's account. It was important to me that he felt that he was not the king of its class, and an ordinary child. »

That's pretty tough, but effective Terry put his son on the spot. What do you think, whether it was the appropriate punishment for Jacob, or it was better not to wash dirty linen in public?


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