15 Random fun facts about which you are unlikely to guess
In which country is the top model can not be carried away by diets? Where some boys brought up as a girl? What bird collect cigarette cigarette butts? And if you can get an orgasm from antidepressants and yawning?
The phenomenon of returning soldiers
"Phenomenon returned soldier" called surge after birth boys large and protracted military conflict. This effect was confirmed by a statistically large sample of participants in the two world wars, even though the scientific explanation for this phenomenon is still there.
Storm on Mars
The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars is about 600 Pa, and it is 160 times less than the earth pressure. It is so low that the strongest storm on Mars is only capable to spoil the hair. By Andy Weir admitted that this was his biggest inaccuracy in the product, according to which, and made a film
The people of Samoa is the "third sex»
The state itself part of the boys from early childhood raised as girls. Such people believe the third floor and is called «Fa'afafine» ( «Fa'afafine"). The boys are clothed in a dress and take care of all women's work, since they are entirely committed to the big Samoan family and child-rearing. Almost always they are made in a love relationship with the male sex, but not with women or other Fa'afafine, and this situation is so familiar to the Samoan culture, it is not considered something abnormal or strange.
Francophone comics
The largest center of French-speaking comic book is not France, and Belgium. It became home to Belgium Smurfs, Tintin comics, as well as the lucky Luke.
Austrian accent
Arnold Schwarzenegger personally would duplicate the role of the Terminator for the German-speaking audience. However, distributors felt his Austrian accent is very soft and inadequate character of severity. In the end, Arnie and could not announce itself.
Wind power Ufimtseva
In Kursk, we built the world's first wind power stations with inertial battery. It was built in 1931 under the leadership of the inventor AG Ufimtseva. Wind power plant was built at the expense of the inventor.
Cigarette in nests
Urban birds have found practical application of cigarette butts. Exploring urban sparrows and lentils, ecologists from Mexico found that in the nests with a higher content of cellulose acetates, one of the components of cigarettes, less parasitic mites.
Champagne finish
< br> At the Bahrain Grand Prix in Formula 1 race winners on the podium is not poured by champagne and non-alcoholic frothy drink. This is due to the traditional ban on the use of alcohol in Islamic countries.
age of the plant to 30,000 years
Scientists from Russia were able to grow a plant species Silene narrow-leaved one found in the permafrost of seeds. Age seeds evaluated in 30,000 years. First, experts were cultured shoots, which are then able to give birth.
Kyakhta - a city on the border with Mongolia
Kyakhta City is located in Russia and is the only city in the world, which has been awarded the highest award of another state. The city was awarded the Order of the Mongolian Sukhbaatar.
Can I get an orgasm from pills and yawning? B>
Antidepressant clomipramine has a very strange side effect. About 5% of people taking it experienced an orgasm during yawning.
Which country's top models can not be carried away by diets? B>
Israel was the first country where the law restricted the work too skinny top model. The purpose of the law - the protection of young girls from forming misconceptions about the shape standards, and related eating disorders. According to the decision, to the podium should be excluded models with a body mass index of 18, 5 or less.
milk intolerance in adults
Lactose can eat a little more than half the world's inhabitants. Nearly one hundred percent of lactose intolerance is observed among residents of southern Africa, and Southeast Asia. American Indians also could not drink milk in adulthood.
Can I get a patent on a normal tire? B>
In July 2001, a lawyer from Avstrlii John Kao received a patent for an innovative wheel with the words "round device that is used for transportation of goods." This patent, he wanted to draw public attention to the failure of the Australian patent law.
Can I steal a bridge? B>
In Macedonia, in February 2007, two people caught for stealing two bridges the penalty of 200 000 kilograms in the rivers Crna Reka and Rajec river.
: Fishki.net
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The phenomenon of returning soldiers
"Phenomenon returned soldier" called surge after birth boys large and protracted military conflict. This effect was confirmed by a statistically large sample of participants in the two world wars, even though the scientific explanation for this phenomenon is still there.
Storm on Mars
The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars is about 600 Pa, and it is 160 times less than the earth pressure. It is so low that the strongest storm on Mars is only capable to spoil the hair. By Andy Weir admitted that this was his biggest inaccuracy in the product, according to which, and made a film
The people of Samoa is the "third sex»
The state itself part of the boys from early childhood raised as girls. Such people believe the third floor and is called «Fa'afafine» ( «Fa'afafine"). The boys are clothed in a dress and take care of all women's work, since they are entirely committed to the big Samoan family and child-rearing. Almost always they are made in a love relationship with the male sex, but not with women or other Fa'afafine, and this situation is so familiar to the Samoan culture, it is not considered something abnormal or strange.
Francophone comics
The largest center of French-speaking comic book is not France, and Belgium. It became home to Belgium Smurfs, Tintin comics, as well as the lucky Luke.
Austrian accent
Arnold Schwarzenegger personally would duplicate the role of the Terminator for the German-speaking audience. However, distributors felt his Austrian accent is very soft and inadequate character of severity. In the end, Arnie and could not announce itself.
Wind power Ufimtseva
In Kursk, we built the world's first wind power stations with inertial battery. It was built in 1931 under the leadership of the inventor AG Ufimtseva. Wind power plant was built at the expense of the inventor.
Cigarette in nests
Urban birds have found practical application of cigarette butts. Exploring urban sparrows and lentils, ecologists from Mexico found that in the nests with a higher content of cellulose acetates, one of the components of cigarettes, less parasitic mites.
Champagne finish
< br> At the Bahrain Grand Prix in Formula 1 race winners on the podium is not poured by champagne and non-alcoholic frothy drink. This is due to the traditional ban on the use of alcohol in Islamic countries.
age of the plant to 30,000 years
Scientists from Russia were able to grow a plant species Silene narrow-leaved one found in the permafrost of seeds. Age seeds evaluated in 30,000 years. First, experts were cultured shoots, which are then able to give birth.
Kyakhta - a city on the border with Mongolia
Kyakhta City is located in Russia and is the only city in the world, which has been awarded the highest award of another state. The city was awarded the Order of the Mongolian Sukhbaatar.
Can I get an orgasm from pills and yawning? B>
Antidepressant clomipramine has a very strange side effect. About 5% of people taking it experienced an orgasm during yawning.
Which country's top models can not be carried away by diets? B>
Israel was the first country where the law restricted the work too skinny top model. The purpose of the law - the protection of young girls from forming misconceptions about the shape standards, and related eating disorders. According to the decision, to the podium should be excluded models with a body mass index of 18, 5 or less.
milk intolerance in adults
Lactose can eat a little more than half the world's inhabitants. Nearly one hundred percent of lactose intolerance is observed among residents of southern Africa, and Southeast Asia. American Indians also could not drink milk in adulthood.
Can I get a patent on a normal tire? B>
In July 2001, a lawyer from Avstrlii John Kao received a patent for an innovative wheel with the words "round device that is used for transportation of goods." This patent, he wanted to draw public attention to the failure of the Australian patent law.
Can I steal a bridge? B>
In Macedonia, in February 2007, two people caught for stealing two bridges the penalty of 200 000 kilograms in the rivers Crna Reka and Rajec river.
: Fishki.net
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