The new CEO decided to make a show execution Over Employee

If you ever worked under the supervision of a leader who takes hasty decisions without further study of all the facts, you will enjoy this story.
The companies have updated staff and hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to get rid of all the hacks and slackers.
Once in the lobby, he noticed a guy who leaned against the wall and idly picking his teeth. In the room there were other employees, and the new director decided to make a demonstration firing.
He asked sternly Man:
"How much do you earn per week?»
Man surprised looking at the director and said, "I earn $ 400 a week, and that?»
CEO rigidly said. "Wait here»
He went into his office and returned a few minutes later with money in hand.
He handed the guy $ 1,600 he strictly said: "Here is your payment for 4 weeks. Now get out of here and never come back! »
Pleased with his deed, CEO looked around the hall and loudly asked:
"Can anybody tell me what is this doing here bungler?»
The voice from the depths of the room said:
"Of course, this was also the guy from the pizza delivery service, he simply waited for him to pay!»
: Marketium.ru
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