Peel Svjatogor a good horse,
He grabbed her purse obemy hands,
Rose handbag higher tribes:
And the land of the tribe Svjatogor ugryaz,
And the wide face not tears and blood flowing.
Where Svjatogor ugryaz here and could not get up.
Here, and he was done for. Remember the epic tales about SVYATOGOR-hero who even think to raise the Earth? Archimedes, according to legend, too, I was ready to make the same feat and required a fulcrum for his lever. But Svjatogor was strong and without a lever. He sought only to hold on to something to make heroic hand. "How would I have found traction, so the whole earth would be raised!" The case presented: the hero found on the ground "Peremetnoe bag" which "does not skryanetsya not svorohnetsya not rise up».
If SVYATOGOR was known to the law of action and reaction, he realized he would say that his Herculean force applied to the ground, will cause an equal and therefore equally enormous force which could draw him into the ground.
Anyway, from the epic it shows that the People's observation has long noticed opposition exerted by the ground when it is based. People unknowingly used the law to counter millennia before Newton first announced it in his immortal book "Mathematical foundations of natural philosophy" (ie. E. Physics).
Actually it goes on education. Recently, many heard unflattering exclamations about our education system. But in fact we do define how to learn and what to do for our children. Just recently, I remembered the author of informative literature, books that I would like to give plemyashki. As he read them as a child.
Namely Yakov Perelman.
Yakov Perelman has not made any discoveries, invented nothing in the art. He had no academic titles and degrees. But he was devoted to science and for forty-three years, was carrying people to the joy of communicating science. While there it was he who introduced the concept of "science fiction", and suggested that one of the first translation of the time an hour back and forth.
And he was a friend and knew many scientists and writers of the time.
Yakov Perelman was born December 4, 1882 (November 22 Old Style) in the city of Bialystok, Grodno province (now the territory of the Republic of Belarus). His father worked as an accountant a cloth factory, and his mother taught in the elementary grades. Jacob was the second child in the family. The family rented a modest apartment and meager salaries father struggling to make ends meet. In September 1883 his father passed away, and all the burdens of child rearing lay on the shoulders of the mother. Although the plight, she did everything to give his sons a good education.
In 1890, Jacob went to study in the first grade of primary school, and August 18, 1895 entered the Bialystok Technical High School - the only secondary school of the city. Gifted by nature, hard-working, he was very lucky with the teachers, who wanted to give his students not only knowledge, but also instill in them the skills of independent thinking, the ability to conduct scientific research, do not give in to difficulties.
Activities Ya.I.Perelmana populyazatora as a science began during his school years. September 23, 1899, he published in the newspaper "Grodno province news" under the pseudonym "JP" essay "Concerning the expected rain of fire." The cause of this publication was widely distributed at the time the rumors about the coming end of the world. It was called, and the exact date - November 1 (old style). That day on Earth, according to the prophets, should fall star rain that will destroy every living thing. Perelman decided to try to explain the phenomenon and the upcoming expose allegations predictors. In the form of a relaxed conversation, combined with catchy calculations, successful comparisons, Jacob told readers about the Leonids meteor swarm that punctually gives the inhabitants of the earth to remember a colorful spectacle. The report stated that the "rain of fire" phenomenon is regular and there is no serious danger of earthlings do not carry.
Publish Article elated Jacob and it became harder relates to employment. July 3 Bialystok he graduated from a technical school, and in August of the same year was appointed to the Forest Institute in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that the Institute was preparing a forestry specialist, he also gave a great general and higher education. In addition to teaching special disciplines, a lot of time was devoted to higher mathematics and physics that has been especially close to the young Perelman.
Study seized Jacob. However, life was not easy for him. It was necessary to pay tuition, rent, eat. By the time aid from the mother no longer had to wait - she was often ill and could not help their sons (elder brother Osip also studied at the Institute of Forest). Then Jacob decided to try his luck in the field of journalism. The first essay written by him, "A Century of asteroids" was published in number 4 of the journal "Nature and People" for 1901. Perelman also signed his letters "JP", which was accompanied by many of his later publications.
However, fees for articles and essays still not enough, and Perelman had to apply with a petition to the director of the institute of exemption from payment for the first half of the year 1902/03. Considering the brilliant successes of the student, his request was granted.
In May 1903, his mother died suddenly, and returned after a funeral in St. Petersburg, Yakov with even greater zeal accepted for study. Now he is characterized by brilliant successes and also an orphan, I began to receive a small allowance.
In 1908, Perelman defended his thesis on "Old Russian official sawmill. Its equipment and work, "passed the final exams, and January 22, 1909 received a diploma with honors. He was awarded the title "scientist forester class I".
But the profession forester Perelman never engaged. It attracted not wood jungle. While still a student he began to work in the journal "Nature and People", which published his popular science essays. By the time of graduation, Perelman is so absorbed in journalism, I could not imagine a different life for themselves.
In 1904, Perelman, continuing studies at the Forestry Institute, became the executive secretary of the journal "Nature and People." At first, the subject material they published was limited mainly astronomy. But gradually the range of interests of the author begins to expand, and there are essays on mathematics, physics, engineering. After graduation, Perelman began to work permanently in the journal, and not just himself wrote essays, but also prints the work of others. So, thanks to him, were published works of Tsiolkovsky "Without gravity" (1914) and "Beyond Earth" (1917), with whom he began corresponding in 1913. This correspondence, linking the two enthusiasts of space exploration, continued until his death Tsiolkovsky.
Due to the fact that Perelman is often published in the journal he used many aliases. Journalist and historian Gregory I. Mishkevich counted 11 aliases Jacob Isidorovich "YA.L- tion", "Ya.Les-term", "YA.L th", "JP", "Ya.Lesnoy" " P.Silvestrov "(from the Latin silvestrum - forest)," Tsifirkin "," P.Relman "," MBX-in "," th "and" Ya.Nedymov "(as opposed to the older brother of Osip, who published under the pseudonym "Osip Dimov").
In July 1913 he published the first part of the book Perelman's "Entertaining Physics". The book was a resounding success with readers. It caused interest among physicists. Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University Orest Danilovich Chwolson, met with Perelman, and knew that the book was not written scientist physicist and scientist forester, said Yakov Isidorovich "Foresters scientists we have plenty, but the people who know how to write well about the physics of how write to you, not at all. My you are strongly advised to: keep, be sure to keep writing these books and continue. " This covenant Perelman followed all his life, wrote many books in an entertaining form tells about the many branches of science and technology.
In the journal "Nature and People" Perelman worked for 17 years, type in the more than 500 essays, articles and notes. Thanks to him, was born a collection of short stories and novels "Adventure World", published as a free supplement to the magazine. The first issue of the collection was published in 1910 and went until 1928. It was published works of HG Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe and other foreign writers. We publish and domestic authors. The collection was very popular among readers.
Without interrupting their work in the journal in the years 1916- 1917, Perelman was in a "special meeting on fuel," which proposed to transfer the clock forward one hour to save fuel. The project was subsequently carried out and on the territory of Soviet Russia was introduced by the so-called standard time.
In 1915, in the privacy of Jacob Isidorovich an important event. While on vacation in the summer, he met a young doctor Davidovna Anna Kaminska. Soon after they were married. The couple rented an apartment on Plutalova street, house № 2. Since then Perelman pointed out that address in all his books.
Popularization of science involved many writers long before Perelman, but he was able to achieve in the case of such peaks. Very accurately described Jacob Isidorovich our great scientist, the founder of domestic rocket engines Valentin Petrovich Glushko, calling it "a singer of Mathematics, Physics, bard, poet, astronomy, space exploration herald." Perelman has developed its own methodology, which allows not only to acquaint the reader with amusing scientific facts, but also created a new kind of kind of textbook - available to millions of people, witty, but at the same time, and training.
After the October Revolution and the closure of the magazine "Nature and we" Perelman engaged in scientific and pedagogical activity. In February 1918, he began working as inspector of the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR People's Commissariat - developed new training materials and courses on physics, mathematics, astronomy, at the same time teaching these subjects in various educational institutions. Then he conceived the idea on the basis of the first Soviet popular scientific magazine, as all pre-revolutionary editions that time ceased to exist. The idea was supported and the spring of 1919 was born the magazine "In the workshop of nature." This magazine Perelman edited until 1929. By the cooperation it had attracted many brilliant scientists: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Fersman, M.Yu.Piotrovsky, N.A.Rynin and many others.
Perelman worked in many other publications: from 1924 to 1929 he worked in the science department of the Leningrad "Red Gazette"; He was a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Science and technology", "Pedagogical Thought"; from 1925 to 1932 was a member of the board of the cooperative publishing house "Time"; from 1932 to 1936 he worked at the Leningrad department of the publishing house "Young Guard" as an author, consultant and scientific editor. And he continued to write and publish articles and essays. References Perelman has more than 1,000 articles and essays, he published in various publications. This is in addition to the 47 popular science, 40 scientific and educational books, 18 textbooks and teaching aids. Following the "Entertaining Physics" he wrote, "Entertaining arithmetic", "Entertaining Algebra", "Entertaining astronomy", "Entertaining geometry", "Entertaining Mechanics". Only in Russian "Entertaining Physics" was published nearly almost 30 times.
Not everyone knows that Yakov Perelman not only engaged in the promotion of ideas of Astronautics (he wrote and published the book "The world gave", "Interplanetary Travel," many essays and articles), and stood at its source. In 1931 - 1933 he was a member of the Presidium of LenGIRD - Leningrad group studying jet propulsion, and was in charge of her propaganda department. Moreover, he has been developing the first Soviet anti-hail rockets. Together with engineer A.N.Shternom drafted such a missile, and Perelman performed all the necessary calculations. During this period, he was fortunate to work with many of the pioneers of rocketry and astronautics. From 1932 to 1936, continued active correspondence Ya.I.Perelmana and Sergei Korolev, who was then working in the Moscow organization GIRD.
A significant milestone in the work of Perelman populyazatora how science was the discovery of 15 October 1935 in Leningrad House of entertaining science. This temple was the entertaining science in the 30 years a favorite destination of most of the Leningrad school, which informative and accessible way acquainted with many of the achievements of science and technology. Perelman gave this house all the time. Unfortunately, a large part of the exposition was lost during the war.
The outbreak of 22 June 1941 a war broke sharply peaceful way of life. Moved by patriotic feelings, Jacob Isidorovich read dozens of lectures for soldiers and sailors. He developed several themes concerning mainly the ability to navigate the terrain, which should come in handy during the hostilities. However, he continued, and literary activities.
But cold and hunger blockade Leningrad slowly saps the strength of an old man. January 18, 1942 on duty in the hospital died from exhaustion Davidovna Anna Kaminska, Perelman. Jacob Isidorovich survived her for two months. March 16 he also died of starvation in the besieged city.
But there were books, which are now read with the same interest as once. According to incomplete data, since 1913 the book Perelman only in Russian reprinted more than 300 times a circulation of almost 15 million copies. Moreover, his books were published in German, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Bulgarian, Finnish and other languages of the world.
Photo: Standing from left to right - VN Perelman, BN Yakovlev, JA Bashilov;
sit - AV Grigoriev, PA Radimov, EA Katzman, NP Khristenko. Moscow, AHRR, 1923
PS Sorry for my Russian) Part of the material was taken from the biography Ya.Perelmana itself the task of causing died Svjatogor Bogatyr from the book "Entertaining Physics". Photos from the expanses of the Internet.
Source: allforchildren.ru
He grabbed her purse obemy hands,
Rose handbag higher tribes:
And the land of the tribe Svjatogor ugryaz,
And the wide face not tears and blood flowing.
Where Svjatogor ugryaz here and could not get up.
Here, and he was done for. Remember the epic tales about SVYATOGOR-hero who even think to raise the Earth? Archimedes, according to legend, too, I was ready to make the same feat and required a fulcrum for his lever. But Svjatogor was strong and without a lever. He sought only to hold on to something to make heroic hand. "How would I have found traction, so the whole earth would be raised!" The case presented: the hero found on the ground "Peremetnoe bag" which "does not skryanetsya not svorohnetsya not rise up».
If SVYATOGOR was known to the law of action and reaction, he realized he would say that his Herculean force applied to the ground, will cause an equal and therefore equally enormous force which could draw him into the ground.
Anyway, from the epic it shows that the People's observation has long noticed opposition exerted by the ground when it is based. People unknowingly used the law to counter millennia before Newton first announced it in his immortal book "Mathematical foundations of natural philosophy" (ie. E. Physics).

Actually it goes on education. Recently, many heard unflattering exclamations about our education system. But in fact we do define how to learn and what to do for our children. Just recently, I remembered the author of informative literature, books that I would like to give plemyashki. As he read them as a child.
Namely Yakov Perelman.
Yakov Perelman has not made any discoveries, invented nothing in the art. He had no academic titles and degrees. But he was devoted to science and for forty-three years, was carrying people to the joy of communicating science. While there it was he who introduced the concept of "science fiction", and suggested that one of the first translation of the time an hour back and forth.
And he was a friend and knew many scientists and writers of the time.

Yakov Perelman was born December 4, 1882 (November 22 Old Style) in the city of Bialystok, Grodno province (now the territory of the Republic of Belarus). His father worked as an accountant a cloth factory, and his mother taught in the elementary grades. Jacob was the second child in the family. The family rented a modest apartment and meager salaries father struggling to make ends meet. In September 1883 his father passed away, and all the burdens of child rearing lay on the shoulders of the mother. Although the plight, she did everything to give his sons a good education.
In 1890, Jacob went to study in the first grade of primary school, and August 18, 1895 entered the Bialystok Technical High School - the only secondary school of the city. Gifted by nature, hard-working, he was very lucky with the teachers, who wanted to give his students not only knowledge, but also instill in them the skills of independent thinking, the ability to conduct scientific research, do not give in to difficulties.
Activities Ya.I.Perelmana populyazatora as a science began during his school years. September 23, 1899, he published in the newspaper "Grodno province news" under the pseudonym "JP" essay "Concerning the expected rain of fire." The cause of this publication was widely distributed at the time the rumors about the coming end of the world. It was called, and the exact date - November 1 (old style). That day on Earth, according to the prophets, should fall star rain that will destroy every living thing. Perelman decided to try to explain the phenomenon and the upcoming expose allegations predictors. In the form of a relaxed conversation, combined with catchy calculations, successful comparisons, Jacob told readers about the Leonids meteor swarm that punctually gives the inhabitants of the earth to remember a colorful spectacle. The report stated that the "rain of fire" phenomenon is regular and there is no serious danger of earthlings do not carry.
Publish Article elated Jacob and it became harder relates to employment. July 3 Bialystok he graduated from a technical school, and in August of the same year was appointed to the Forest Institute in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that the Institute was preparing a forestry specialist, he also gave a great general and higher education. In addition to teaching special disciplines, a lot of time was devoted to higher mathematics and physics that has been especially close to the young Perelman.
Study seized Jacob. However, life was not easy for him. It was necessary to pay tuition, rent, eat. By the time aid from the mother no longer had to wait - she was often ill and could not help their sons (elder brother Osip also studied at the Institute of Forest). Then Jacob decided to try his luck in the field of journalism. The first essay written by him, "A Century of asteroids" was published in number 4 of the journal "Nature and People" for 1901. Perelman also signed his letters "JP", which was accompanied by many of his later publications.
However, fees for articles and essays still not enough, and Perelman had to apply with a petition to the director of the institute of exemption from payment for the first half of the year 1902/03. Considering the brilliant successes of the student, his request was granted.
In May 1903, his mother died suddenly, and returned after a funeral in St. Petersburg, Yakov with even greater zeal accepted for study. Now he is characterized by brilliant successes and also an orphan, I began to receive a small allowance.
In 1908, Perelman defended his thesis on "Old Russian official sawmill. Its equipment and work, "passed the final exams, and January 22, 1909 received a diploma with honors. He was awarded the title "scientist forester class I".
But the profession forester Perelman never engaged. It attracted not wood jungle. While still a student he began to work in the journal "Nature and People", which published his popular science essays. By the time of graduation, Perelman is so absorbed in journalism, I could not imagine a different life for themselves.
In 1904, Perelman, continuing studies at the Forestry Institute, became the executive secretary of the journal "Nature and People." At first, the subject material they published was limited mainly astronomy. But gradually the range of interests of the author begins to expand, and there are essays on mathematics, physics, engineering. After graduation, Perelman began to work permanently in the journal, and not just himself wrote essays, but also prints the work of others. So, thanks to him, were published works of Tsiolkovsky "Without gravity" (1914) and "Beyond Earth" (1917), with whom he began corresponding in 1913. This correspondence, linking the two enthusiasts of space exploration, continued until his death Tsiolkovsky.
Due to the fact that Perelman is often published in the journal he used many aliases. Journalist and historian Gregory I. Mishkevich counted 11 aliases Jacob Isidorovich "YA.L- tion", "Ya.Les-term", "YA.L th", "JP", "Ya.Lesnoy" " P.Silvestrov "(from the Latin silvestrum - forest)," Tsifirkin "," P.Relman "," MBX-in "," th "and" Ya.Nedymov "(as opposed to the older brother of Osip, who published under the pseudonym "Osip Dimov").
In July 1913 he published the first part of the book Perelman's "Entertaining Physics". The book was a resounding success with readers. It caused interest among physicists. Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University Orest Danilovich Chwolson, met with Perelman, and knew that the book was not written scientist physicist and scientist forester, said Yakov Isidorovich "Foresters scientists we have plenty, but the people who know how to write well about the physics of how write to you, not at all. My you are strongly advised to: keep, be sure to keep writing these books and continue. " This covenant Perelman followed all his life, wrote many books in an entertaining form tells about the many branches of science and technology.
In the journal "Nature and People" Perelman worked for 17 years, type in the more than 500 essays, articles and notes. Thanks to him, was born a collection of short stories and novels "Adventure World", published as a free supplement to the magazine. The first issue of the collection was published in 1910 and went until 1928. It was published works of HG Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe and other foreign writers. We publish and domestic authors. The collection was very popular among readers.
Without interrupting their work in the journal in the years 1916- 1917, Perelman was in a "special meeting on fuel," which proposed to transfer the clock forward one hour to save fuel. The project was subsequently carried out and on the territory of Soviet Russia was introduced by the so-called standard time.
In 1915, in the privacy of Jacob Isidorovich an important event. While on vacation in the summer, he met a young doctor Davidovna Anna Kaminska. Soon after they were married. The couple rented an apartment on Plutalova street, house № 2. Since then Perelman pointed out that address in all his books.

Popularization of science involved many writers long before Perelman, but he was able to achieve in the case of such peaks. Very accurately described Jacob Isidorovich our great scientist, the founder of domestic rocket engines Valentin Petrovich Glushko, calling it "a singer of Mathematics, Physics, bard, poet, astronomy, space exploration herald." Perelman has developed its own methodology, which allows not only to acquaint the reader with amusing scientific facts, but also created a new kind of kind of textbook - available to millions of people, witty, but at the same time, and training.
After the October Revolution and the closure of the magazine "Nature and we" Perelman engaged in scientific and pedagogical activity. In February 1918, he began working as inspector of the Unified Labor School of the RSFSR People's Commissariat - developed new training materials and courses on physics, mathematics, astronomy, at the same time teaching these subjects in various educational institutions. Then he conceived the idea on the basis of the first Soviet popular scientific magazine, as all pre-revolutionary editions that time ceased to exist. The idea was supported and the spring of 1919 was born the magazine "In the workshop of nature." This magazine Perelman edited until 1929. By the cooperation it had attracted many brilliant scientists: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Fersman, M.Yu.Piotrovsky, N.A.Rynin and many others.
Perelman worked in many other publications: from 1924 to 1929 he worked in the science department of the Leningrad "Red Gazette"; He was a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Science and technology", "Pedagogical Thought"; from 1925 to 1932 was a member of the board of the cooperative publishing house "Time"; from 1932 to 1936 he worked at the Leningrad department of the publishing house "Young Guard" as an author, consultant and scientific editor. And he continued to write and publish articles and essays. References Perelman has more than 1,000 articles and essays, he published in various publications. This is in addition to the 47 popular science, 40 scientific and educational books, 18 textbooks and teaching aids. Following the "Entertaining Physics" he wrote, "Entertaining arithmetic", "Entertaining Algebra", "Entertaining astronomy", "Entertaining geometry", "Entertaining Mechanics". Only in Russian "Entertaining Physics" was published nearly almost 30 times.
Not everyone knows that Yakov Perelman not only engaged in the promotion of ideas of Astronautics (he wrote and published the book "The world gave", "Interplanetary Travel," many essays and articles), and stood at its source. In 1931 - 1933 he was a member of the Presidium of LenGIRD - Leningrad group studying jet propulsion, and was in charge of her propaganda department. Moreover, he has been developing the first Soviet anti-hail rockets. Together with engineer A.N.Shternom drafted such a missile, and Perelman performed all the necessary calculations. During this period, he was fortunate to work with many of the pioneers of rocketry and astronautics. From 1932 to 1936, continued active correspondence Ya.I.Perelmana and Sergei Korolev, who was then working in the Moscow organization GIRD.
A significant milestone in the work of Perelman populyazatora how science was the discovery of 15 October 1935 in Leningrad House of entertaining science. This temple was the entertaining science in the 30 years a favorite destination of most of the Leningrad school, which informative and accessible way acquainted with many of the achievements of science and technology. Perelman gave this house all the time. Unfortunately, a large part of the exposition was lost during the war.
The outbreak of 22 June 1941 a war broke sharply peaceful way of life. Moved by patriotic feelings, Jacob Isidorovich read dozens of lectures for soldiers and sailors. He developed several themes concerning mainly the ability to navigate the terrain, which should come in handy during the hostilities. However, he continued, and literary activities.
But cold and hunger blockade Leningrad slowly saps the strength of an old man. January 18, 1942 on duty in the hospital died from exhaustion Davidovna Anna Kaminska, Perelman. Jacob Isidorovich survived her for two months. March 16 he also died of starvation in the besieged city.
But there were books, which are now read with the same interest as once. According to incomplete data, since 1913 the book Perelman only in Russian reprinted more than 300 times a circulation of almost 15 million copies. Moreover, his books were published in German, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Czech, Bulgarian, Finnish and other languages of the world.

Photo: Standing from left to right - VN Perelman, BN Yakovlev, JA Bashilov;
sit - AV Grigoriev, PA Radimov, EA Katzman, NP Khristenko. Moscow, AHRR, 1923

PS Sorry for my Russian) Part of the material was taken from the biography Ya.Perelmana itself the task of causing died Svjatogor Bogatyr from the book "Entertaining Physics". Photos from the expanses of the Internet.
Source: allforchildren.ru