Little-known Russian warriors: 10 traditions

If you ask the average person in this country to name the Russian heroes, you will almost certainly be called Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. But further - a hitch. Thanks to popular culture, only these three have become widely izvestny.A between heroes in Russia was much more are just aware of them, not all. Website offers to rectify the situation and publishes a compilation of the legends of the little-known Russian Knights.
1. Svjatogor h3> One of the most ancient Russian epic hero epic. Svyatogor - hero giant so big and strong that even Mother - Cheese Earth could not sustain it. However, he Svyatogor, according to the epic, could not overcome the "thrust of the earth", concluded in his sack: trying to pick up the bag, he left his feet to the ground.
2. Mikula Selyaninovich h3> The legendary plowman-hero with whom you can not fight, because "all nations of Mikulov loves Mother - Land of Cheese." According to one of the epics, it asked Mikula Selyaninovich giant Svyatogora raise the fallen to the ground a bag. Svjatogor could not do. Then Mikula Selyaninovich lifted the bag with one hand and said that it is "the entire burden of the earth." Folklore says that Selyaninovich Mikula had two daughters Vasilissa and Nastasia. And they and their wives Stavr Dobrynya Nikitich, respectively.
3. Volga Svyatoslavich h3> Volga is among one of the most ancient heroes in Russian epics. Its distinguishing features are the ability to shape-shifting and the ability to understand the language of birds and beasts. According to legend, Volga - the son of the serpent and the Princess Martha Vseslavevny who conceived him miraculously, accidentally stepping on a snake. When he saw the light, the earth trembled, and a terrible fear gripped all living beings. An interesting episode meetings Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich describe epic. During the collection of taxes from the cities and Gurchevtsa Orehovtsa met Volga plowman Mikula Selyaninovich. Seeing Mikula mighty warrior, called Volga him to the squad for the collection of taxes. Departed, Mikula remembered that forgotten plow in the ground. Twice sent Volga vigilantes pulled the plow for the third time with a team he does not beat all. Mikula the one hand pulled the plow.
4. Suhman Odihmantevich h3> The hero of Kiev epic cycle. According to legend, Suhman Prince Vladimir is going to produce a white swan. During the trip, he sees continuity River struggles with the power of the Tatar, which paves her Kalinov bridges to go to Kiev. Suhman beating force Tatar, but during the battle gets injured, which closes the leaves. Suhman returned to Kiev without swans. Prince Vladimir did not believe him and tells him of boasting hone into the cellar, and Nikitich sent to find out the truth if Suhman said, and when it turns out that the truth, Vladimir wants to reward Suhmana; but it removes the leaves wounds and bleeding. From his blood flowed the river Suhman.
5. Danube I. h3> One of the most popular images of heroic epics in Russian. In contrast, the three main characters of the epic (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich), Danube Ivanovic - a tragic character.
According to legend, during the wedding of the Danube and Nastassja Korolevichna, which was also bogatyrkoy begin to brag about, the Danube - courage, and Nastasia - accuracy. They organize a duel and Nastassja shoots three silver ring lying on the head of the Danube. Unable to recognize the superiority of his wife, the Danube tells her to repeat the test in a dangerous reverse version: the ring is now on the head of Nastasia and shoots Danube.
Arrow hits the Danube Nastasya. She dies, and the Danube learns "flattened her belly," that she was pregnant with a wonderful baby, "according caper legs in silver on gold lokotochki ruchenki on little head of the stars Kosice frequent." Danube rushes on his sword and dies with his wife, from his blood originates Danube River.
6. Michael Potyk h3> One of the minor heroes. He is known only to the north-Russian epics as the handsome and zmeeborets. Legends about it, there are several. According to one of them, Michael met on the hunt Lebedev, who turned into a girl - Avdotya White Swan. They married, and made a vow that if someone dies before the survivors will be buried with the dead in the same grave.
When Avdotia died Potyka with her corpse was lowered into the grave, a horse in full armor. The grave was snakes, which kill the hero, and his wife raised the blood. In other epics, wife opoila Potyka and turned to stone, and she ran to the king Koshcheev. Comrades heroes - Ilya Alesha and others save Potyka and avenge him by killing Koshchey and quartered incorrect White Swan.
7. Wish Bludovich h3> Hercules in Russian epics, acting as a matchmaker role in the epic and groom. History Hotena and his bride - almost old Russian story of Romeo and Juliet. According to legend, Hotena mother, a widow, on a feast to woo his son to the beauty of the tea hours. But the girl's mother told her abusive refusal, which heard all the feasting. When the will found out about this, he went to the bride and she agreed to marry him. But the girl's mother was totally against.
Then the will and demanded a duel broke his nine brothers of the bride. Mother of the tea prince asks army to cope with bogatyrёm, but the will and wins it. After that, wanting to marry the girl, taking a rich dowry.
8. Nikita the Tanner h3> Formally not apply to the heroes, but a hero zmeebortsa. According to legend, the daughter of the prince of Kiev was carried out a serpent and held them captive. Having learned from the snake that he is afraid of the world only one person - Nikita the Tanner, she dove sends a letter to his father with a request to find that athlete and encourage him to fight with the dragon.
When the messengers Prince came into the hut Kozhumyaki employed its usual business, he searches through surprise 12 skins. On the first request the prince to fight with the dragon Nikita refuses. Then the prince sent him to the elders, who also could not convince Nikita. The third time, the prince sent to the athlete children and their weeping touched Nikita, he agrees. Wrapped hemp and coat resin to become invulnerable hero beating the serpent and frees the prince's daughter.
Further, according to the legend, snakes, defeated Nikita, begs him for mercy and offers to share his land equally. Nikita forges plow 300 pounds, harnesses in her snake and holds the furrow from Kiev to the Black Sea; then began to divide the sea snakes drowning.
9. Vasily Buslaev h3> The same is not formally hero, but a very strong character, which is the ideal of youthful daring and boundless. Since childhood, Basil was a daredevil, knew no restraint and did everything just the way they like. At one of the feasts beating Vasily bet that will fight at the head of his brigade on the Volkhov bridge with all the men of Novgorod. The battle begins, and the threat of Basil beat all opponents to a single close to implementation; Only the intervention of the mother of Basil saves Novgorod.
In the next epic, feeling the weight of their sins, Basil sent them to Jerusalem to pray for forgiveness. But the pilgrimage to the holy sites does not change the character of the hero: he defiantly breaks all the taboos and killed on the way back the most ridiculous way, trying to prove his prowess.
10. Duke S. h3> One of the most original heroes Kiev epos. According to legend, the Duke arrives in Kiev from "India's rich" because, apparently, called the Galicia-Volyn land. Upon arrival, Duke begins to boast the luxury of their city, their own wealth, their own clothes, which daily brings his horse from India, and is tasteless wine and cakes Prince of Kiev. Vladimir to check boasting Duke, Duke sends embassy mother. As a result, the Embassy acknowledges that if Kyiv and Chernihiv but buy paper inventory Dyukova wealth, it is not enough that paper.
via fishki.net/1808747-neizvestnye-russkie-bogatyri.html
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