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Everything we learned in school and college was wrong?

Shabetnik Vasily Dmitrievich, Academician, author of the sensational book "Fractal physics":

Scientists and governments of all countries remain in a state of serenity. Through unjust systems of education and seditious suggestion, blind confidence has been created in artificially created false theories. The harmonious world looks completely different, because almost all the ideas of modern physics have been wrong. This is the greatest tragedy of mankind, for science and society are dominated not by laws, but by artificial inventions. Therefore, we are not experiencing a crisis, but a great tragedy caused by false ideas about the universe imposed on humanity.

Severe winter flooding in the Kuban, up to three meters of snow per day in Primorye, severe frosts in eastern Turkey and minus 25 in Damascus, frozen channels of Venice. Lack of ice on Lake Baikal in the middle of winter. The abundance and power of catastrophic manifestations of the elements suggest the approaching end of the world, that our ideas about the world do not correspond to reality.

What is the inner structure of the planet under our feet?
There are only theories and hypotheses that are often not supported by practice. Russian physicist Vasily Shabetnik in his monograph “Fractal Physics” tried to answer many questions about the surrounding world.

Reference. Shabetnik Vasily Dmitrievich was born in 1940 in Belarus. He has 3 diplomas of higher education, including the Physics Department of MSU. For space exploration he was awarded gold medals of Tsiolkovsky and Keldysh. Member of the Russian Academy of Space. He has more than 70 printed works, inventions and discoveries. He worked in physical centres in the UK for about 6 years. Vasily Dmitrievich, what is happening on our planet, where are such natural disasters that were not predicted by science?

The Russians made nuclear explosions on Novaya Zemlya and split the ocean floor, the lithosphere in the Arctic. Our Earth is blown up, it is very fragile, the thickness of the shell is about 80 kilometers, there is a world map of cracks and faults made from satellites. This is an impressive and terrifying sight!

Gas plasma goes through the faults, it heats the bottom of the oceans. In the summer of 2000, the Russian scientific expedition Arctic 2000 was formed, it used icebreakers. But it turned out that the ice of the North Pole is no longer there, and scientists returned to Murmansk on ordinary ships, because it became expensive to keep an unnecessary icebreaker. These facts indicate that the Arctic Ocean is rapidly warming. Nuclear tests in Kazakhstan destroyed the Aral Sea. There are new faults in the Earth's crust, they are very clearly visible from satellites.

American, British and French nuclear tests have led to catastrophic consequences in the Pacific basin. It is because of hundreds and thousands of nuclear explosions that a huge number of new splits have appeared. Since 1960, the water temperature in the Pacific Ocean has risen by 4-6 degrees, it is dying animal life. According to American scientists, over the past forty years, the average temperature on the planet has increased by 2.7 degrees. In order for a global flood to occur, the temperature in the oceans must rise by 3.3 degrees, at this rate it must happen by 2030. The water level in the ocean has risen, and, accordingly, the rivers have nowhere to drain. The Gulf Stream has already drowned in the warm waters of the ocean and ceases to exist. This is just the beginning, and soon everything will float, and the Pacific Ocean will merge with the Atlantic, there will be neither Western Europe nor part of Russia.

If the oceans rise a meter, the water will flood New York. Japan will sink, Australia and New Zealand. It will flood the lowlands of Siberia, China and Southeast Asia. At this rate of warming, by 2012 our Earth should flip and change poles. The Earth was already changing poles, and the pole was in the Himalayas. This is accurate scientific information. On the territory of Yakutia relatively recently there were blooming tropical forests. The corpses of mammoths survived after 11,000 years because there was an instantaneous temperature pulse of minus 150 degrees.

This is why humanity can freeze as a result of the rapid change of the poles. No less harmful are the disturbances of the ozone layer caused by the launch of space rockets and nuclear explosions. Its destruction led to a change in the parameters of the Earth’s orbit, which led to a time shift and a partial loss of the atmosphere, which over the past twenty years has decreased by 20 mm of its pressure.

What is the ozone hole? In one place there is instantaneously a high voltage potential and in another low voltage potential. And where the potential is low, it rains constantly. And where there is no ozone layer, there are no clouds, anticyclone holds, charge arises and temperature rises. And this is the picture all over the globe. Spain had a drought last summer, and the United States had fires, and there were catastrophic floods in Australia. The entire balance of the Earth is disturbed, which is confirmed by the data of the geophysical satellite system.

Q. In your monograph, do you refute even Archimedes’ law, completely revising the basic postulates of modern physics?

In comprehending the disparate branches of physics, we cannot imagine a single picture of the universe, for, like three hundred years ago, no one managed to imagine gravity and electricity as two different forms of the same essence. Modern physicists hide their mistakes and their inconsistency behind the technological success of creating an atomic bomb.

Excerpts from the article about Shabentnik Vasily Dmitrievich:

In the book of the academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics for the first time presented a new doctrine of nature, man, consciousness.

The new science acts as a doctrine about the world as a whole, about the essence of the world, while traditional physics studies its individual aspects. Today, as a century ago, modern physics continues to manipulate the diversity of fundamental interactions. Scientists and governments of all countries remain in a state of serenity. Through unjust systems of education and seditious suggestion, blind confidence has been created in artificially created false theories.

The harmonious world looks completely different, because almost all the ideas of modern physics have been wrong. This is the greatest tragedy of mankind, for science and society are dominated not by laws, but by artificial inventions. Therefore, we are not experiencing a crisis, but a great tragedy caused by false ideas about the universe imposed on humanity.

This book is the result of thirty years of scientific work by the author. The new doctrine of the world as a whole is the only example of combining natural science and spiritual trends in modern science. It shows humanity how to get out of the lower stage of its development, which is far from the general worldview, and build a society corresponding to the spiritual development of man and adequate to the system of the Universal Mind. The essence of the new doctrine was described earlier by the author in English and Russian in the book “Fractal Physics”. Introduction to the New Physics, published in two editions in Kaunas in 1994, as well as Fractal Physics, is presented by the journal Physical Thought of Russia in 1994-2000. Electromagnetic concept of the new doctrine of the universe was published in the journal "Physical education in universities", No. 3, T.4, 1998, pp. 67-72. The new teaching is also presented in the collection of scientific works “Mathematics”. Computer. Education”, pp. 7, part 1. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2000, pp. 79-88.

Virtually all concepts of modern physics, with the exception of Planck’s discovery, were far from the truth. Coulomb’s fundamental law, which denies the interaction of masses, and Mendeleev’s periodic law, which excludes random properties of matter, were ignored by modern physics, Vernadsky’s truly scientific worldview was silenced. In modern physics, relativists and chaotists won. The origins of European science and culture, especially Russian, originate in ancient Greece, where the notion of the universe as beauty and order reigned. The concept of “cosmos” in Greek means order, harmony, arrangement. Therefore, the philosophers of ancient Greece considered the universe as an ordered harmonic system. Space was opposed to disorder and chaos. This view held in science for a long time, until the Middle Ages. What happened?

Of course, Vernadsky was right when he wrote that the decline of the sciences in individual states was caused not by external conditions, but by the weakening and suppression of the will, the desire for scientific research and, in general, the enslavement of the individual. He saw that the scientific worldview is the creation and expression of the human spirit. Vernadsky wrote [3]: We speak in science of the strict logic of facts, of the accuracy of scientific knowledge, of the verification of any scientific position by experience or observation, of the scientific ascertainment of a fact or phenomenon, of the definition of error. Scientific truth is established not by logical proof, not rationalistically, but by experience and observation in nature, in reality. After all, few people realize that the world around us is really different and different from school and university ideas.

Science itself became simple protocols of experiments because of its ability to accurately represent phenomena and processes of the order of 1%, and therefore could not put forward laws extending to as yet unexplored areas, such as the physics of man and consciousness. For a general understanding of the problem of current education, let us present the true picture of the universe. Fractal physics is the only way to solve this problem.

A striking lag in the study of the human mind during the last thousand years can be attributed to the fact that the organ of thinking – the brain has long been in the field of view of medicine, which was and is the art of healing, because it did not have a fundamental basis of knowledge. This is also due to the fact that the current physics has erred in determining the foundation of the universe and did not see the nature of simple and unified, which led to the attenuation of knowledge and the creation of an unobservable, virtual world.

Man is a cosmic phenomenon. Without this, it is impossible to understand cephalysis - an increase in the brain. It is completely inexplicable from the standpoint of Marxism, which adopted Darwinism and explained the origin of man as the result of the evolution of living beings only by selecting the fittest from among the randomly appeared varieties. We know that modern man appeared on Earth about 50,000 years ago, so he could not have descended from an ape. In addition, the birth of the Scottish sheep Dolly, “immaculately conceived” by electrical influence and grown from a cage taken from an adult sheep, which is an exact copy of it, confirms the conclusion that man has cosmic origin. However, our brain is practically not used. He performs purely mechanical actions, which animals are capable of with good training. Brain blockage is due to the fact that a person is more interested in pressing problems - food, reproduction and group interests, and serving the truth does not interest him.

Modern science does not even consider the concept of truth. He who knows the truth is free and does no evil. Ignorance is slavery and knowledge is freedom. published

Source: nptm.ru/emc_13.htm