10 tips for men on each morning
The beginning of each, a new day - it's another chance to get better. Site publishes a paper describing 10 morning ritual for men. They will look and feel better today - and completely change the quality of life-long perspektive.1. Start your day with kardioHoroshenko sweat on the morning training - a way to pump both body and mind. Besides the fact that exercise helps to build a more toned and attractive body, caused by the influx of endorphins give vivacity and good mood for a few hours, and the skin over time it will become clearer. Also, you will cope better with stress throughout the day. Despite the fact that will benefit any type of morning exercise, prefer cardio, because in the morning burns more fat and weight training leave for a later time.
2. Tightly zavtrakayteVosprinimayte your body as a machine: in order to work well, it needs fuel, and some types of fuel is preferred over others. Start your engine, start the day with breakfast, which you will add speed for long hours. Best hearty breakfast - a combination of easily digestible protein and carbohydrates of slow, so try things like oatmeal with fruit and yogurt or scrambled eggs with vegetables. If you do not have time, do a quick protein smoothie by mixing in a blender with milk or fruit juice and add a spoonful of protein powder.
3. Clean zubyMozhno argue about whether it is better to do-before breakfast or after it, but everyone agrees that brushing your teeth in the morning is absolutely essential for oral health, and for your smile.
4. Use cream vekKozha age, thin and sensitive - it is one of those places where you will see signs of aging earlier than most. The cream moisturizes and softens fine, dry skin of the eyelids and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Funds with retinol are especially good.
5. BreytesBolshinstvo women prefer freshly shaven men, so make sure to take the time to this important procedure. Even if you do not have to shave every day, every morning, find a moment to examine his face and assess the situation with vegetation. If you make it a habit, then you will never succeed so that you only to the middle of the day realize that you have missed a couple of very prominent place in the moment when shaved for the last time. The same concerns-hairs in the nose and ears, as well as the unibrow.
6. Take 100 otzhimaniyEtot Council may be old, but proven: adding 100 push-ups to your morning cardio training, you will get news that will drive women crazy. Moreover, in such a way to cheer up the core muscles, you will improve your posture at the rest of the day - and will look taller and more confident
7. Take lunch with soboyEto only takes a few minutes, but will save an incredible amount of extra-calories and unnecessary sodium, which you get when dining eatery or, even worse, buying lunch for the finished products. If you are one of those who strongly-nothing succeeds, try to take a lunch only twice a week - and you'll quickly notice that dropped a few kilos and returned cholesterol and pressure to a proper level
8.. Use a cleanser litsaChtoby instantly make the skin fresh, massage your face right into the heart using a high-quality product for cleaning the skin. Look for a tool that contains skrabiruyuschie particles, or 2 per cent solution of salicylic acid: the one and the other will help you clean the pores, that within a month will make your skin more fresh. To avoid the appearance of stains on the face and quickly give the skin vitality, wash in cold water.
9. Eat kofeinCherny coffee and green or black tea - just a storehouse of antioxidants that will help you look young. Researchers also suggest that regular use of these beverages in small amounts can reduce the risk of senile dementia, as well as certain forms of cancer. In addition, the coffee cup will give the same feeling of lifting, which is so needed in the morning.
10. Use your "firm" zapahEsli you regularly use the same scent, women will associate this scent with you. To smell great all day, using deodorant, cologne and even the soap of the same brand.
via insider.pro/ru/article/3616/
2. Tightly zavtrakayteVosprinimayte your body as a machine: in order to work well, it needs fuel, and some types of fuel is preferred over others. Start your engine, start the day with breakfast, which you will add speed for long hours. Best hearty breakfast - a combination of easily digestible protein and carbohydrates of slow, so try things like oatmeal with fruit and yogurt or scrambled eggs with vegetables. If you do not have time, do a quick protein smoothie by mixing in a blender with milk or fruit juice and add a spoonful of protein powder.

3. Clean zubyMozhno argue about whether it is better to do-before breakfast or after it, but everyone agrees that brushing your teeth in the morning is absolutely essential for oral health, and for your smile.
4. Use cream vekKozha age, thin and sensitive - it is one of those places where you will see signs of aging earlier than most. The cream moisturizes and softens fine, dry skin of the eyelids and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Funds with retinol are especially good.

5. BreytesBolshinstvo women prefer freshly shaven men, so make sure to take the time to this important procedure. Even if you do not have to shave every day, every morning, find a moment to examine his face and assess the situation with vegetation. If you make it a habit, then you will never succeed so that you only to the middle of the day realize that you have missed a couple of very prominent place in the moment when shaved for the last time. The same concerns-hairs in the nose and ears, as well as the unibrow.
6. Take 100 otzhimaniyEtot Council may be old, but proven: adding 100 push-ups to your morning cardio training, you will get news that will drive women crazy. Moreover, in such a way to cheer up the core muscles, you will improve your posture at the rest of the day - and will look taller and more confident

7. Take lunch with soboyEto only takes a few minutes, but will save an incredible amount of extra-calories and unnecessary sodium, which you get when dining eatery or, even worse, buying lunch for the finished products. If you are one of those who strongly-nothing succeeds, try to take a lunch only twice a week - and you'll quickly notice that dropped a few kilos and returned cholesterol and pressure to a proper level
8.. Use a cleanser litsaChtoby instantly make the skin fresh, massage your face right into the heart using a high-quality product for cleaning the skin. Look for a tool that contains skrabiruyuschie particles, or 2 per cent solution of salicylic acid: the one and the other will help you clean the pores, that within a month will make your skin more fresh. To avoid the appearance of stains on the face and quickly give the skin vitality, wash in cold water.
9. Eat kofeinCherny coffee and green or black tea - just a storehouse of antioxidants that will help you look young. Researchers also suggest that regular use of these beverages in small amounts can reduce the risk of senile dementia, as well as certain forms of cancer. In addition, the coffee cup will give the same feeling of lifting, which is so needed in the morning.

10. Use your "firm" zapahEsli you regularly use the same scent, women will associate this scent with you. To smell great all day, using deodorant, cologne and even the soap of the same brand.
via insider.pro/ru/article/3616/