What stylish things can be thrown away

Some women still naively believe that men don’t care much about what they’re wearing, how they’re made up, or what’s going on on their heads. However, the inattentive modern man is as rare as the Javanese rhino. The stronger sex understands trends no worse than women, so a man on shopping is your faithful assistant and a tipper who will talk away from an unsuccessful purchase, tell you which sandals will decorate your legs, and which dress is better to refuse.

"Site" He'll tell you what. fashionable Men don't like it at all. These 8 things that are in the wardrobe of every modern woman, the stronger sex does not tolerate. It's time to listen!

Stylish women's clothing
  1. Legis
    Leguins are appropriate in the gym or on a run, with men turning a blind eye even to nightmarish prints and bright colors. In other life situations, the mixture of tights and leggings causes the stronger sex a quiet horror. Remember, legins deprive a woman of any mystery, but if your figure is far from perfect, then such an outfit will show off all the imperfections, folds and extra centimeters. Anyway, no benefit!

  2. High-waisted shorts
    We, ladies, just adore shorts with inflated waist, considering them a kind of wand-rescue: they supposedly narrow the waist and make the legs longer. In fact, if the waist is not all right, the stomach can not hide, and futile attempts to hide the shortcomings immediately catch the eye. And seemingly feet from the ears, and naked, but men will not be particularly delighted with such an outfit. Much better a gentle dress or a romantic skirt.

  3. Gladiator sandals
    Do women really think that men like laces that fit into their calves and make even the slenderest legs look like two sticks of salami? And also design, and for a lot of money. Well, no, the stronger sex prefers to see the female legs in elegant shoes, but not in sandals-gladiators.

  4. Choker
    Choker is a decoration for a teenage girl, but not for an adult woman. Big girls wear elegant necklaces, chains, beads, headscarves, anything but chokers!

  5. Giant glasses
    Big points, which is not the first season is a real trend, do not like men. A woman in such glasses seems too mysterious, as if hiding some shortcomings. In addition, such an accessory distracts attention from the face, from the makeup you worked on for an hour, and from earrings for which you paid half your salary. What can we say about the fact that the eyes are the mirror of the soul?

  6. Too revealing a dress
    The more body open, the more attractive you are. And the figure allows? Too much frank dresses men do not tolerate! Firstly, such an outfit makes a woman unarmed under the lustful glances of other men, and secondly, a vulgar dress deprives the beautiful sex of any mystery. Men like to have a place for fantasy. Don't expose your chest and legs. It is better to open one thing, and leave the rest of the feminine charms closed. Trust me, he won't stand!

  7. Oversize jacket
    Another trendy thing that men do not like. Still, after all, the ladies manage to buy such jackets in men's stores, depriving the stronger sex of the opportunity to get their size out of the new collection. And, by the way, such a thing on the fragile shoulders of women looks rude and inappropriate.

  8. romper
    Don’t be surprised, but even men know what these pretty girls’ overalls are called. And if you still think you're an icon of sexuality in that outfit, you're wrong. A man is happy to rip you off, but only because he thinks he's the ridiculous night girl you've been keeping since 9th grade. And his naked legs don't interest him, not even his neckline. The only thing a man is scratching his head about is how you manage to handle such an outfit in the ladies' room.

Of course, do not take this article as a guide to cleaning the wardrobe. But it is still worth listening to male opinion. The daily suffering of women in the name of beauty is addressed to them. What Men Like About Women? No, not bright and expensive rags. A radiant smile and a sincere laugh is the best outfit for a woman!

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