As a teenager, he was an ordinary Fat, And Then Threw 76kg and has become a model!

There are two types of fat people. The first did not care, that overeating and overweight will bring them to their deaths, while the latter want to change, and throw all the forces in the transformation of his body. It is clear that the real winners in life and role models - they are people of the second category. Austin Shifflet just such.

Friends of 22-year-old Austin called him "fat" for the extra weight. B>

Uncontrollable passion for harmful foods and high-calorie drinks has led to the fact that the weight of Austin jumped to a terrible mark 174 kg.

As soon as his weight increased, intensified persecution. Tired of the abuse, Austin decided to give up junk food and sat on the Atkins diet - famous worldwide low-carbohydrate diet program

. Diet worked wonders, and in the first week Austin lost almost five kilograms. Encouraged by the progress Austin has continued to follow a diet and for the three months lost more than 35 pounds. At the same time he did not step foot in a gym.

Plucking confidence and lost a significant part of the weight, Austin finally decided to go to the gym, but chose the night class, so as not to fall for those that despise the eye. And the fruits of his labors!

Now Austin can be taken as a model. Weight loss has forever changed his life.

Now he gets favors from the girls who used to ignore the fact of its existence. And the people who mocked him in the past, began to turn to him for advice, and it is, by his own admission - the best reward



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