Six tips for a permanent, soft cleansing of the liver.
What you need to do to your liver stay healthy?
First of all it is necessary to limit the amount of meat in their diet. (It is desirable at all) We all know that it is difficult to digest and clogs waste the whole body, while the chemical decomposition of the substances that make up the meat stands out uric acid or urate, which collects and subsequently can form kidney stones. Next: we all know the state of the domestic beef farming - along with poor-quality compound feed animals receive "food supplements" in the form of heavy metals, then deposited in the human body, which eats the meat
. Also it is necessary to abandon the semis. In recent years, more and more people resort to this simple and inexpensive way to satisfy your hunger, but few people realize how harmful this food: in the dumplings, ready cutlets and the like "delicacies" contains large amounts of carbohydrates and fats. The risk for liver obvious. Harm semis in the fact that they contain few vitamins and enzymes promote digestion, but they contain dietary fiber, especially cellulose, which disrupts the normal intestinal function and provokes constipation and poisoning the body. Many extra carbohydrates is also found in sweets, which we too often like abuse: sugar, candy, marshmallow, whipped cream, cookies
. Tips:
1. Drink clean water, adding one glass of juice of half a lemon. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release of toxins and water takes these toxins through the excretory system.
2. Eat garlic and onions. This may not please your family and friends, but for the liver it will be the same. Onions and garlic contain such plant nutrients that break down fat deposits from the body, and help eliminate bacteria and fungi from the body.
3. Drink tea made from milk thistle (also called Marin thistle) or add to the water extract of this plant. Milk thistle contains silymarin, which not only protects the liver cells against toxins, but also prevents the destruction of glutathione (an antioxidant that ensures the elimination of toxins from the liver).
4. Eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C - broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, asparagus, cauliflower, lemon, cabbage, spinach, green peas, oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, raspberries, celery, mint, parsley, etc. The more. the better (even better - all in raw form).
5. Eat dandelion leaves in any form (tea, lettuce juice, soup, etc.). Of course, do not pluck them near a city park, but if you're at home or at the cottage on clean meadow, do not collect medicinal leaves - a sin
. 6. Learn to cook Indian food, not only because they are very tasty, but also because one of the key ingredients in Indian cooking is turmeric. Turmeric slows inflammatory processes in the body and protects the liver against damage by free radicals.