What dreams of our skin.

The skin is our largest organ. It protects us from the severe frosts and the burning rays of the sun, from the ecology of our cities, it is not conducive to the healthy appearance of the skin. Of course, many of us take care of your skin, buy all kinds of creams, lotions, serums and other cosmetics. We are closely watching what vitamins are contained in all these tools. How to rich in vitamins were not all these means, no matter how wonderful properties not possessed, our skin is, first of all, needs to be natural, natural vitamins that get into our bodies with our food.
How wrinkles?
If bioveschestva in the skin and connective tissues are not regularly updated, the cells grow old, get sick and die. In this case, the subcutaneous tissue protein accumulates "garbage" and the exhaust cholesterol to form seals which are increasingly expand and solidify. That's already the first wrinkles. To get rid of them or prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to abandon everything that facilitates the work of free radicals, for example, from the intense solar radiation. smooth skin on the raw food diet
California Dermatologists demonstrate his tanned, but unfortunately, wrinkled patients by their own white, smooth, elastic skin on the inner side of the arm. "That's right, - they say - should look and your face." These areas of the skin free radicals attack less often due to lack of sunlight.
Drink a glass of pineapple juice FINE
Seals under the skin can be removed by a protease - an enzyme that breaks down proteins. Effective action is rendered in such cases, bromelain, which is abundant in pineapples (but not in pineapple nectar, purchased in the store). Bromelain also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, removes fibrin plug in the veins that prevent blood circulation and thus helps with varicose veins and ulcers. It is best to twice a day between meals, drink a glass of high quality pineapple juice.
Many people over 40 years there has been insufficient acidity of gastric juice and pancreas is not working properly, so that the protein is poorly absorbed. Bromelain helps here, bringing in a lot of valuable amino acids proline and klitsin in connective tissue.
If the body receives insufficient amount of bioactive substances accumulated in subcutaneous tissue protein "garbage" and the exhaust cholesterol, forming seals that lead to the appearance of skin folds and wrinkles.
How to make the skin supple and elastic?
This requires a lot of vitamin C and the trace element zinc. These substances stimulate the non-stop production of collagen, and vitamin C in addition also takes care of the blood vessels in the skin, thereby facilitating delivery to other nutrients. Zinc is found in raw cereal grains, bran, seeds, and brewer's yeast. In a healthy body contains as a reserve 1, 8 grams of zinc. In people with sagging, of aged skin, these provisions often make up only 0, 7 grams, which leads to accelerated formation of wrinkles. Our advice: during the day to nibble sunflower or pumpkin seeds. To supply the body with vitamins need to make sure to always have fresh fruit in season on the menu. Do not trust blindly inscriptions on labels such as "rich in vitamin C", "provides the daily requirement for vitamin C," etc.
Many products that we buy in the store, vitamin C once attended. But in bottles and cans, these molecules bearing life and joy, has long languished. But even worse is that many people feel as if they are using these juices and fruit salads provide its need for vitamins and refuse from fresh fruit. No wonder that their skin becomes more dry and loose. Reliable protection against this will give you a food rich in vitamin A - dark green leafy vegetables and carrots.